Iota Report # 14 (2001-11-30)

This report was submitted by CPT Samuel Shadd III

CMDR/CPT Daniel Stephens reporting in for Iota

Tie Corps News:

For more information go to

Ship News:
*Mell gets BGCOM, AV gets COM, and Drake gets
WC!!!!!!!!! Congrats to all 3!!
*ECR phase 4 has started. This is our flying phase,
and be warned if you cannot fly this mission then GO
ON LEAVE!!!! And record it on the database, if not and
I get no .tfr from you, you will not get any medals,
or promotions from me!!! So if you fly then remember
do it on hard, no cheats and try to you get your
highest score possible, and someone will come out with
a "walkthru" in a few days. The mission is attached.

Squadron News:
*Please welcome MAJ Kayle Bayron to Iota. He is an
old hand in Iota and was here before your beloved CMDR
was!!! So please welcome him to the squad.
*Get to cracking on ECR for more info read above.
*We have a runon currently going on. It was Drakes
turn to write onto it but he left, so it is up to
Aidan to whom gets to add to it now.
*We have a new website thanks to CM Aidan Pryde.
*We also have a new squadron mascot, more on it later
when we have it finalized!!!! :P
Activity Reports:

CPT Daniel Stephens:
*IWATS RT w/ 88%
*IWATS ASP w/ 80%
*TCTIE 169
*TCTIE 2 w/mission high on 2
*Passed IWATS VBS Course w/77%
*Passed Praetorian Squadron Exam with a 87%.
LCM Trideo Arkson:
* RL work. Promised to get busier.
CM Aidan Pryde:
* Has been working on Iota website. Can be found at
CM Nashaa Kambuel:
* Working on college in RL.
LC Drake:
* Left us to be WC.
LT Samuel Shadd III:
* Helped come up with squadron mastcot!!!!!
CM Anthony Starr:
* Left for the RSV
MAJ Kayle Bayron:
* Joined Iota.
* Helped come up with squadron mascot.

Final Thoughts: Weve been sort of busy but I want more
missions damnit!!!! So get to flying!!!!! Oh and btw I
have a term paper due in RL in about 2 weeks, and it
counts for 2/3rds of my grade and if I dont do it good
then I will fail school!!!!! So you wont see me alot
but I will still be here. SO get to flying!!!! :P

Respectfully Submitted:
CMDR/CPT Daniel Stephens

"Remember the Titans"

CMDR/CPT Daniel Stephens/Iota/Wing VIII/ISD Colossus
{IWATS-AIM-ASP-CBX-ICQ-IIC/1-M/1/2-RT-SM/2-TM-TT-VBS} AoT [AiT] Noble of the
Hall of Grand Knight.
GRD Daniel Stephens (Obelisk)/Dorimad Sol of Scholae Palatinae, DC/(BN)
Sargeant of Banshee Brigade

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