Iota Report # 13 (2001-11-23)

This report was submitted by CPT Samuel Shadd III

CMDR/CPT Daniel Stephens reporting in for Iota

Tie Corps News:

For more information go to

Ship News:
*Well as of today we all Salute our new BGCOM.....VA
Mell! Congrats Mell!!!
*The Colossus is in first place in ECR.
*AV to be our COM. (Pending FO approval.)

Squadron News:
*Anthony Starr has left us for the RSV, and I have a
feeling that Drake is about to too, so we need to
recrut, recrute, recrute.
*Iotas mission for ECR got 3rd place. Congrats to
Drake for helping us with it.

Activity Reports:

CPT Daniel Stephens:
*FTIE 99 for HGK
LCM Trideo Arkson:
CM Aidan Pryde:
*Wrote onto the Iota runon.
CM Nashaa Kambuel:
*Seen on IRC
LC Drake:
*: Awarded IS-BR for runner up in ship comp.
*Awarded LoAx5
*Awarded IS-BW for runner up in comp
LT Samuel Shadd III:
*PC awarded for helping in database entries
*TCTIE 169
CM Anthony Starr:
*Went to RSV

Final Thoughts: Doing good, though I want to see more
.tfrs going thru my mail box...And what I mean by alot
is about 20 a week. :P Nah but if you can do that, Ill
see what I can add on to what you get for flying that
many missions from the WC!!! And please if you like
being in Iota...recrut, and thats it, ciao!!!

Respectfully Submitted:
CMDR/CPT Daniel Stephens

"Remember the Titans"

CMDR/CPT Daniel Stephens/Iota/Wing VIII/ISD Colossus
[T/D Tallgeese III] PIN#5448
GRD Daniel Stephens (Obelisk)/Dorimad Sol of Scholae Palatinae, DC/(BN)
Sargeant of Banshee Brigade

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