Iota Report # 7 (2001-10-13)

This report was submitted by CPT Samuel Shadd III

CMDR/CM Daniel Stephens reporting in for Iota

Tie Corps News:

For more information go to

Ship News:
* We are in ECR phase 3 it contains making Graphics
so get your programs warmed up and get to making them.
*Still waiting on phase 2 results.

Squadron News:
*I hope you are doing your graphics. I dont know
offhand when they are thru but I can imagine its soon.
*If you have the time between RL and ECR then fly a
little bit. And come up with some squad comps for when
ECR is over.
*LT Bizzare was promoted to LCM.

Activity Reports:

CM Daniel Stephens:
*Coming up with some ideas concerning promotions
LT Trideo Arkson:
*Done ECR phase 3 GFX.
*TCTIE 173
*Doing a RATS Extermination like comp against LT
LCM Bizzare:
*Promoted to Leutinant Commander. Good Job.
CM Anthony Starr:
CM Aidan Pryde:
*Worked on the ECR phase 2 mission.
*Worked on the Iota website
LC Drake:
*Worked on some of the missions used in ECR
*Joined Iota
LCM Mike LeRoy:
*nothing, one more week and your AWOLed!!
Final Thoughts:
Well a good week I guees though I know we can do
better. I guess its becouse of this anthrax scare. And
while Im on that subject. I personally dont think that
this is going to go very far and though I am not a
doctor I want to give you a warning. If you discover
that you have some of the symptoms of this sickness,
then please I beg you to please consult a doctor about
this. I dont want to lose a FL or FM, but most of all
I dont want to lose a friend, which I consider all of
you to be.

Respectfully Submitted:
CMDR/CM Daniel Stephens

"Remember the Titans"

CMDR/CM Daniel Stephens/Iota/Wing VIII/ISD Colossus
Tallgeese III] PIN#5448
GRD Daniel Stephens (Obelisk)/Dorimad Sol of Scholae Palatinae, DC/(BN)
Sargeant of Banshee Brigade

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