Odin Report # 12 (2002-04-19)

This report was submitted by CM Brat Stone

Odin Squadron WSR 04/19/2002





  Odin Squadron Report · April 19th · 2002





Welcome Pilots and CO's to the ODIN WSR..




CMDR CM Brat Stone Reporting for Odin Squadron






New Flight 3 Leader

I have chosen a new Flight leader for Flight 3. This Pilot is an example officer with great knowledge and skill. He has added value to the Squadron, Wing, and Ship. I proudly announce one of my best and trusted pilots, LT Z'Harm Kelh Gasu'lk as the new Flight Leader for Flight 3.


Squadron Status

Over the past few weeks the squadron overall activity has dropped a great deal. I understand that RL plays a big part and I am not mad at any of you that have told me that you can’t be active. However, I really want every one in the squadron that is able to really help the Team out here. I need ideas from you. That’s right, Ideas! I want to know why you joined and what keeps you here. What can Myself and your leaders do to make things more fun, Interesting, and keeps you in front of that PC for hours into the night till you wife, or parents, or roommate beg you to shut down the PC before you burn out the power supply. (No Pun there LT Kelh) Is it fiction, story boards, chatting, active message boards, graphics, Playing a SP or MP game, Gaming on the Zone, heck just chatting on the zone, and whatever else tickles you pink about the TIE CORPS. Its Feedback time. I expect every member of Odin to reply back to my WSR e-mail and tell me what they think. I want to hear from you. I want the raw feels and emotions, if you hate my guts and you want to target me in a slow moving tug with no radio or shields, I want to know about it. If you want me to wear a Pink Flight suit on Thursdays, I want to know about it. IF you want to wear a Pink Flight suit 7 days a week……. I hate to say this, but I want to know about it. (Maybe there is help for you, if you want it) If there was ever a time to let it all hang out, now is that time. The only thing I ask is that if you have a problem, you give me a solution or 2 for that problem. (Now that I have said all that may its time to move on.)


Odin Squadron CMDR Medical Leave

Here in the very near future, I, your CMDR will need to take Medical Leave. I am going to have surgery between now and Mid to late June. When I do have the surgery, I will e-mail every one day before the surgery date and inform you of my leave. The Squadron XO, CPT Kodiak, Will be the A-CMDR and LT Kelh will serve as his XO. I will be here to process PLT files and Kodiak and Kelh will contact with me during my leave. Now while I am sure everyone is asking, “Oh my god, you are not going to die or anything are you?” While I am not in the best of over all health, the surgery is nothing that is greatly life threatening. However the operation will take some time to recover from. While I am out, listen to CPT Kodiak and LT Kelh as if it were me. They will be in charge and I will support their choices in any matter that comes up.


Aggressor Strike Force: Supremacy Competition IV

Well, the ISD Grey Wolf is licking her wounds in this comp as the other 2 ships in the battle group are really beating us up and down the score board.


Some unofficial scores thus far..


ISD Grey Wolf 7280

ISD Vanguard 8800

ISD Intrepid 12,000


Now this is not over yet, but if everyone does not pick up the trash here and get on the offensive, it will be. It is time to pull an upset. Send me some Art Work, Fiction, PLT file, Some MP or IWATS, Recruit, it all counts in some way.


GW COM is back

RA Azazel is back and running again with the Wolf Pack.  


Other News can be found in the WC, COM reports and on www.tiecorps.org/news.




  Odin Flight Shop

CM Brat Stone - #7665

Completed the following Battles:






Activity MSNIM communications

E-mail communications


2) LT Z'Harm Kelh Gasu'lk - #8263

Reported in – Thank you!

Completed the following Battles:

XWA-TC #19

XWA-TC #21

XWA-TC #22

IWATS Course: TIE Fighter Tactics

Score: 95%

Updates to the Odin Squadron Home page!

Create Combat Ribbons as part of a new add on to the uniform. GREAT JOB!

Activity MSNIM communications


4) LT Tyrael Elfhelm - #8671

NO REPORT – I don’t have a report for you!

Contact me ASAP, Please CC: CPT Kodiak


1) CPT Kodiak Kereban - #6516

Reported in – Thank you!

Created and sent Flight Report – Thank you!

Flew - TCTIE 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179


Contact - Message Board, IRC, MSNIM, E-mail

Contact - E-mail, MB, MSNIM, V.Brief IRC


2) CPT Saar - #4394

No Report to FL or myself

Wrote Fiction – In the Commander’s Dig section of the report.

Contact - E-mail

CPT ATX - #373

Reported in – Thank you!

Awarded Imperial Security Medal

Finalising Cutscene

Nice week!

Contact - E-mail

CPT ATX you are one of the COOLEST designers in the Corps. Could you give me something to give to LC Janson that can go towards the Aggressor Strike Force: Supremacy Competition IV?


4) LT Nikademus - #8657

Reported in – Thank you!

ON Leave till further noitice



LT Dirk Dredd - #8213

Reported in – Thank you

Completed the following Battles:

XVT-Free 13

Military leave this upcoming weekend

E-mail communications


4) LT Kael Malahk - #8652

Reported in – Thank you!

No Leave - Last Week




  Combat Ratings


Executor [EXCR] (750 points)

Paladin [PLDN] (300 points)

Dragoon [DRAG] (100 points)

Fusilier [FUSL] (75 points)

Hussar [HUSS] (50 points)

Lancer [LANC] (25 points)

Grenadier [GREN] (10 points)




  FCHG Listings 

Officer 4th (30 points)

Marksman 1st (25 points)

Trainee (1 point)


Pilot of the Week CPT Kodiak Kereban, Congrats ONCE Again CPT! I wonder if you will have a challenger next week? I sure hope so!





Vanguard Shield
Platform: X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter, X-Wing Alliance
Duration: 12:00 - 3:00 PM EST
Location: Undernet IRC channel #EHCOC
Awards: LoC for every win, DFC for overall winner in each

Tempest Storm
Platform: X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter, X-Wing Alliance
Duration: 7:00 - 10:00 PM EST
Location: Undernet IRC channel #EHCOC
Awards: LoC for every win, DFC for overall winner in each

Greenwich Wolf Competition
Platform: X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter, X-Wing Alliance
Duration: 1530 to 1730 PM EST
Location: Undernet IRC channel #EHCOC
Awards: LoC for every win. PC for overall winner, ISM for second


ASF Competition
Platform: X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter, X-Wing Alliance
Duration: 7:00 - 10:30 PM EST
Location: Undernet IRC channel #EHCOC
Awards: LoC for every win, DFC for overall winner in each

Night of the Lost Souls
Platform: X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter, X-Wing Alliance
Duration: 15:00 - 18:00 PM EST
Location: Undernet IRC channel #EHCOC
Awards: LoC for every win, DFC for overall winner in each

Platform: X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter, X-Wing Alliance
Duration: 5:00 - 8:00 AM EST
Location: Undernet IRC channel #EHCOC
Awards: LoC for every win, DFC for overall winner in each

Euro Competition
Platform: X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter, X-Wing Alliance
Duration: 10:00 - 11:30 AM EST
Location: Undernet IRC channel #EHCOC
Awards: LoC for every win, DFC for overall winner in each




 Commanders Dig




Other Comments:

Our Main Focus!

This time it is feedback. I want everyone’s feed back as I talked about in the News section of the report. 2nd Focus is the ASF:SV Comp. Lets Do Something! Throw me a Bone!


Fiction Corner: Submitted by CPT Saar

Chapter One – The Return. 

The two remaining engines drown out the noise of his heart pounding. Dense smoke swirls through the cockpit in gray acrid puffs, coating his helmet and gauges with an oily film that smears when he wipes them with his gloved hand. The two X-Wings were still on his tail. He broke off, frantically dodging the lasers nipping at his heels. He couldn't get any readings, probably sensor jamming, which meant he was in a lot of trouble.


He was separated from his squadron after what was supposed to be a training run. He was executive officer in a training squadron in the TieCorps after he had decided to call it quits in active duty. It had been 6 months since he went into the Reserves and Saar hated it, in fact he had just gave his papers in to ask to be returned to active duty. He was happy, until a few moments ago. They were ambushed after a small hyperspace jump away from the rest of the convoy. X-Wings and A-Wing interceptors – his trainees had proved well, as all TieCorps pilots do. They had nailed a few before the Alphabet fighters were on top of them. Most of the squadron had limped away to lightspeed but Captain Saar and Major Dookar Dovonavich were stuck with damaged hyperdrives and now were fighting for their lives.


“Dook, you doing alright?” He looked around frantically for his friend. He spotted him being chased by two A-Wings.


“Can’t chat, Saar – busy.”


“Roger. Let’s see if we can even up the odds. Alpha Twist on three. THREE!”


Saar inverted and dove his craft as Dookar did the same. They were now going head on with the Rebel craft casing them separately. At the last possible moment Dookar went high and Saar went low. An X-Wing and A-Wing clashed in a brilliant fireball. The other two craft broke off and swung back around.


“Yeehaa, two down.”


“Don’t get excited, Cap’n. They are coming around for another attack run.”


“I see them.” He dove and came back up in a intercept vector. The flight stick responded smoothly, yet, a little sluggish. His flight controls must be damaged. He flicked his thumb over to missiles and waited for tone. The indicator went red. “I got tone.” He put pressure on the trigger once and the blue streak of a torpedo went flying into the back side of his X-Wing. It exploded and the pilot and ship became one in the cold ruthless vacuum they called space.


“Dook, that’s two. One more to go.” He looked around for his friend and couldn’t find him, he was alone in space. No Rebs, no friendlies. “Dook, respond!” The fear sank in. “DOOK!”


Saar slowed his craft down and spotted two craft floating in close proximity. A high speed collision. He swung in close; the A-Wing was mangled, the pilot floating just outside the splinter cockpit. Dookar craft was in better shape but he wasn’t. The Major did not have a torso left, as he floated there bobbing upside down.


Saar gritted his teeth and flicked his blasters over to a quad burst. He fired once, unceremoniously giving his friend a final good bye.


His threat indicator went red, a straight tone. Incoming fighters. He looked as his radar. Two squadrons of A-Wings had just entered the system. Time to rack up some kills. He had a good career in the Corps.  With a few changes in speed and engine vector,  he gripped the flight stick and pulled hard to starboard side, making the perfect intercept vector. As the A-wings closed in for the kill.


Saar got two quick shots off, barrowing into the cockpit the fighters loop died and just floated on. He had nailed the pilot. He was about to loop around to getting a better attack vector when his craft was rocked by laser fire. The gauges exploded, heat hit his face and he felt the pressure of being sucked outside of his craft. He was too dizzy to get his bearings but he saw an A-Wing heading straight for him. He pulled his pistol out and fired twice, the first shot bounced off the outer armor but the second one blew the craft up in flying shrapnel that flew passed Saar almost igniting his flight suit. He looked at his pistol. Since went did the Empire start investing in starfighter damage pistols? A TIE fighter swooped passed. He jumped as he was right in the middle of a raging battle now.


It was over in a matter of minutes, the TIE pilots were good and the Rebs were mint-like fresh.  A TIE slowed and hovered a few meters in front of him, the pilot waved. Saar waved back.


“Captain, good to see you again. We heard you ran into some troubles while training out in the boonies. Are you hurt?”


“Maybe my pride to be rescued by a lesser pilot, Kereban.”


“Lesser pilot my as-“


“Cut the chatter 2-1. Captain Saar this is Commander Stone. Rescue shuttle from the Grey Wolf is on its way. Welcome back and hold tight.”


“Yessir.” Saar gave a sigh of relief. Either the paper work was unusually fast, or someone higher up the command rank wanted Saar back to duty. He thought about who has he waited to be picked up.   







 Citation Corner


   Squadron Citations: 9

XWA-TC Battle 1 - Avenger Encounter

XWA-TC Battle 2 - First Contact

XWA-TC Battle 3 - The Darkon Mystery

XWA-TC Battle 5 - Show of Force

XWA-TC Battle 6 - Enemy Defector

XWA-TC Battle 7 - Assault on Chimera

XWA-TC Battle 8 - Hammer to Anvil

XWA-TC Battle 9 - Defection of Kusanagi

XWA-TC Battle 11 - Heroes of the Immortal

 To earn a Squadron Citation, a squadron must have six or more members and have at least 50% of those members play a single battle.

Thanks to LT Kelh for keeping the Web site up to date so I could get this data from there since the TC site is down!




  Odin Roster


CM Brat Stone (Brat.Stone@tiefighter.org) - #7665
NICKNAME: Rolling Thunder
MOTTO: We are the Blade Thats Cuts down our Enemies

Nickname: Hidden Fury
Motto: No Warning, No Resistance
CM Brat Stone (Brat.Stone@tiefighter.org) - #7665
2) TBA

3) TBA
LT Tyrael Elfhelm (gibby_53@hotmail.com) - #8671

Nickname: Black Aces
Motto: His modis ad victoriam
CPT Kodiak Kereban (Kodiak_kereban@hotmail.com) - #6516
CPT Saar (Ehsaar@hotmail.com) - #4394
CPT ATX (atx2931205@aol.com) - #373
LT Nikademus (super_evil@hotmail.com) - #8657

Nickname: Odin's Fists of Fury
Motto: Live for Odin, Fight in War, Die in Honor
LT Z'Harm Kelh Gasu'lk (the_cubanate@hotmail.com) - #8263
LT Dirk Dredd (bryanarcher@hotmail.com) - #8213
3) TBA
LT Kael Malahk (forceflow88@hotmail.com) - #8652


Respectfully Submitted,


Commander Brat Stone


(Brat.Stone@tiefighter.org) - "BRAT"

CMDR/CM Brat Stone/Odin/Wing XIII/ISD Grey Wolf



          " Above the REST! "


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