Vortex Report # 6 (2002-04-29)

This report was submitted by CM Ygor Mantis

Vortex - Weekly Squadron Report

April 29th, 2002

"Sorry for the late report !"


Squadron News

1. Welcome SL TK-8733. Two TKs aboard now...beware ! ;)

2. ASF:SC IV is still running and we need your contribution. So get flying and get me so IWATS course...

3. LCM Deathknight will soon be joining our squadron. Welcome him accordingly.


TC / ASF / Wing XIII News

1. Sadly, Phoenix and Crusader Squadron CMDR open. Send your apps to LC Wes Janson and RA Azazel with the following:
1) Plans for the Squadron (competitions, etc)
2) Why you think you should get the job.
3) What extra skills you have to bring to the job (IE - HTML, PHP, ASP, GFX, etc).
4) Remember - Fleet wide order, no one who hasn't taken SM/2 is inelgible for the position!!! Don't apply without it!

Hev, if you read this, hide cuz I'm gonna kill you for leaving the Grey Wolf. :P

2. Grey Wolf is getting killed in the ASF:SC IV, however I must say that I am please with Vortex's results so far. We ain't the last, but we ain't the first. I would definitely like second place (Knowing that Avenger has gone crazy over ASF:SCs, it would be kinda impossible to achieve first place.)

3. ISB's Future & CA:SO - Submitted by: FA Stalker5 [Stalker5@rothwell-clieves.freeserve.co.uk]
After the recent departure of my CA, now GMF Keldorn... I have taken the step of looking actively for a new one. ISB have been notified already and been asked to submit any plans they want... The job description will be to run ISB smoothly and effectively, whilst contributing to general juditial findings. The position shall be similar in power to the former SEC. Here's a quick run-down of what I'll expect from my new Director of Imperial Security (DIS).

- Clean Disiplinary Record
- Mature attitude
- Good Knowledge of the majority of the EH subgroups
- Minimum of 1 years membership in the EH
- Minimum rank of CM (MAJ for current non-ISB members)
- Minimum of an hours online time every day, more at weekends
- Ability to be flexible
- Proven record of management and activity
- Plan for the development of ISB
- Experience in Intelligence/Security (such as INTEL would be advantageous but not required)

Deadline for applications is 6th May 2002, EST 00:00

4. Cheating policy update - Submitted by: FA Striker [striker@tiecorps.org]
Some changes about mission skipping. From now, skipping missions is strictly forbidden, various abuses led me to this decision.

Skipping Missions

You are not allowed to skip a mission in a battle whatever the reason is. All missions of a battle must be completed. You are not to use the ingame 'skipping mission' option of X-Wing Alliance. If you encounter a battle that has a fatal bug in it that prevents you from playing the rest of the battle, you cannot edit your pilot file to skip the mission. If you encounter a fatal bug, fill out a Bug Report on the Battle Center to explain why you could not finish a mission, and save a backup of your pilot file so you can finish the battle after it has been repaired. Skipping missions may lead to have the batle removed from your combat profile.


Squadron Status

Squadron at 9 Members

Squadron at 9 Citations


Medals and IWATS Courses



Squadron Activity

CM Ygor Mantis: Busy week...

CM TK-6686: Flew on the Zone. (1 Victory, congrats mate ;))

LCM Coremy Jertese: AWOL

CPT Deamon: Flew XvT-TC 11, 12, 13, 18, 24, 25, 26, 27. XvT-FCHG 1. XvT-DB 5, 6. Excellent work again Captain !

CM Gilad Pellaeon: Reported in.

The rest...well, kitchen duty !


Current Squadron Orders

CM Ygor Mantis:   BoP-TC #5-10.

SL Dash Ralkin : XvT- TC #8, 9, 10. Write your INPR as soon as possible for your Lieutenant promotion. If you have any problems, contact me.

CM TK-6686: XvT-TC #11, 21, 29. Fly MP engagements.

LCM Alistair Darksaber: Last Warning, report.

CM Gilad Pelleaeon: XvT- TC #11, 12, 13.

LT James Benson: Last Warning, report.

CPT Deamon: XvT-TC #14, 15, 16. Fly MP if you can. ;)

As always, submit your pilot files to CM Mantis. To speed up the process, include in the mail which battle you have flown and if you've got high scores.


FCHG Listing

Gladiator [GLDR] (1000 points)

[1048] CPT Deamon (+41)


Legionnaire [LGNR] (500 points)

[505] CM TK-6686


Paladin [PLDN] (300 points)

[320] CM Gilad Pelleaeon (+5)


Gallant [GALL] (200 points)

[226] CM Ygor Mantis


Hussar [HUSS] (50 points)

[65] LCM Coremy Jertese


Lancer [LANC] (25 points)

[32] LCM Alistair Darksaber

1 point for every mission flown
1 point for every Legion of Combat earned
1 point for every Iron Star - Copper Ribbon earned
2 points for every mission high score
2 points x # of missions in the battle for every battle high score
3 points for every Iron Star - Bronze Ribbon earned
5 points for every Iron Star - Gold Ribbon earned
10 points for every Iron Star - Platinum Ribbon earned


Combat Rating

Marksman 2nd (20 points)

[23] CPT Deamon
[22] CM TK-6686


Certified (5 points)

[8] CM Ygor Mantis
[7] CM Gilad Pelleaeon

1 point for every Legion of Combat earned
5 points for every Distinguished Flying Cross earned


Vortex Roster

COMMANDER: CM Ygor Mantis (mantis@videotron.ca)
NICKNAME: The Winds of Destruction
BANNER: vortex.jpg
MOTTO: "Silent Leges Inter Arma"
HOMEPAGE: http://www25.brinkster.com/mantis2100/vortex/vortex.html
MESSAGE BOARD: http://www.tiecorps.org/mb/view.asp?b=27

Nickname: Silent Death
Motto: Silent Armed Assassins
1) CM Ygor Mantis (mantis@videotron.ca)
2) TBA
3) SL Dash Ralkin (sterling@onearrow.net)
4) TBA

Nickname: Lucifer's Hammer
Motto: "In Nomine Imperium"
1) CM TK-6686 (trenton13@hotmail.com)
2) SL TK-8733 (jano3111@wanadoo.fr)
3) LCM Alistair Darksaber (ertai13@hotmail.com)
4) LCM Coremy Jertese (UCLAbruzin@aol.com)

Nickname: Death Watch
Motto: "Live with honour, kill by stealth"
1) CM Gilad Pelleaeon (Thrawn@kc.rr.com)
2) TBA
3) LT James Benson (rcande0@pop.uky.edu)
4) CPT Deamon (e3grossusmc@yahoo.com)

Total: 9



Online Flying Comps


[XvT / XWA / JK] Vanguard Shield Comp
Start: 12:00:00 PM EST [GMT -05:00]
End: 3:00:00 PM EST [GMT -05:00]
Held weekly in #EHCOC.
Vanguard Shield Comp Permenant Host: 6518 CM Autoris Maximus<snpr285@aol.com>
Vanguard Shield Comp Alternate Host: 3203 VA Marcin Szydlowski <pbmike@go2.pl>


[XvT / XWA / JK] Tempest Storm
Start: 7:00:00 PM EST [GMT -05:00]
End: 10:00:00 PM EST [GMT -05:00]
Held weekly in #EHCOC.
Tempest Storm Permenant Host: 4541 MAJ Locke <locke@isdchallenge.org>
Tempest Storm Alternate Host: 6537 CPT Blair Vallyn <andyl13@yahoo.com>


[XvT / XWA / JK] Frozen Doom
Start: 10:00:00 PM EST [GMT -05:00]
End: 12:30:00 AM EST [GMT -05:00]
Held weekly in #EHCOC.
Frozen Doom Permenant Host: 7146 LCM Caltin Doros <cpsweeney@hotmail.com>
Frozen Doom Alternate Host: 6537 CPT Blair Vallyn <andyl13@yahoo.com>
[XvT / XWA / JK] TIE Corps Battlegroup Training Night
Start: 5:00:00 PM EST [GMT -05:00]
End: 7:00:00 PM EST [GMT -05:00]
Held weekly in #EHCOC.
TC BG Training Night Permenant Host: 5412 VA Mell<Mell@isdcolossus.com>
TC BG Training Night Alt. Host 1: 1190 COL Mairin Astoris <somnia_vacua@yahoo.com>
TC BG Training Night Alternate Host 2: 4818 LC Darksaber <darksaber_mpk@hotmail.com>


[XvT / XWA / JK] Greenwich Wolf Comp
Start: 6:30:00 PM EST [GMT -05:00]
End: 8:30:00 PM EST [GMT -05:00]
Held weekly in #EHCOC.
Greenwich Wolf Comp Permenant Host: 7665 LCM Brat Stone <Brat.Stone@Tiefighter.org>
Greenwich Wolf Comp Alternate Host: TBA <TBA>
[XvT / XWA / JK] Aggressor Strike Force Competition
Start: 7:00:00 PM EST [GMT -05:00]
End: 10:30:00 PM EST [GMT -05:00]
Held weekly in #EHCOC.
ASF Competition Permenant Host: 4541 MAJ Locke <locke@isdchallenge.org>
ASF Competition Alternate Host: 6537 CPT Blair Vallyn <andyl13@yahoo.com>


[XvT / XWA / JK] Night of the Lost Souls
Start: 3:00:00 PM EST [GMT -05:00]
End: 5:00:00 PM EST [GMT -05:00]
Held weekly in #ISD_Immortal, with matchmaking in #EHCOC.
Permanent Host: 3978 CPT Gidda <ehgidda@libero.it>
Alternate Host: 4818 LC Darksaber <darksaber_mpk@hotmail.com>


[XvT / XWA / JK] AusComp
Start: 5:00:00 AM EST [GMT -05:00]
End: 8:00:00 AM EST [GMT -05:00]
Held weekly in #EHCOC.
AusComp Permenant Host: 4013 MAJ Enahropes Entar <insaneshroom@austarnet.com.au>
AusComp Alternate Host: 5484 5484 MAJ Angel <Angeleen17@yahoo.com>
[XvT / XWA / JK] Sovereign Nighthawk Competition
Start: 3:00:00 PM EST [GMT -05:00]
End: 6:00:00 PM EST [GMT -05:00]
Held weekly in #EHCOC.
Sovereign Nighthawk Competition Permenant Host: 5550 CM Ayudanter de la Clars <Ayudanter@softhome.net>
Sovereign Nighthawk Competition Alternate Host: 1065 CPT Dagger <diamond621@mn.rr.com>


[XvT / XWA / JK] EuroComp
Start: 9:00:00 AM EST [GMT -05:00]
End: 12:00:00 PM EST [GMT -05:00]
Held weekly in #EHCOC.
EuroComp Permenant Host: 3203 VA Marcin Szydlowski <pbmike@go2.pl>
EuroComp Alternate Host: 420 FA Striker <striker@tiecorps.org>
[XvT / XWA / JK] Saturday Night Training
Start: 8:00:00 PM EST [GMT -05:00]
End: 4/13/2002 - 11:00:00 PM EST [GMT -05:00]
Held weekly in #EHCOC.
Saturday Night Training Permenant Host: 2053 MAJ Falcon <Theallz@hotmail.com>
Saturday Night Training Alternate Host: 3771 LC Fenn Logan <ghosthawk4@juno.com>




Emperor's Hammer: Contact via IRC on channel #emperor's_hammer 

Website: http://www.emperorshammer.org/

Message Board: http://mb.ehnet.org/

News: http://www.emperorshammer.org/news.htm


Tie Corps: Contact via IRC on channel #tiecorps

Website: www.tiecorps.org

Message Board: www.tiecorps.org/mb

News: http://tiecorps.org/news.asp


Aggressor Strike Force: Contact via IRC on channel #eh_asf

Website: http://leeson.jedijawa.net

Message Board: http://www.tiecorps.org/mb/view.asp?b=21


ISD Grey Wolf: Contact via IRC on channel #wingxiii

Website: http://greywolf.raptor.nu

Message Board: http://www.tiecorps.org/mb/view.asp?b=28&v=1&s=0


Vortex Squadron: Contact via IRC on channel #wingxiii

Website: http://www25.brinkster.com/mantis2100/vortex/vortex.html

Message Board: http://www.tiecorps.org/mb/view.asp?b=27


Flight Leader Corner

<CM Trent> Hello and welcome to another night of Tk Live! As you all know, I'm your host CM Tk-6686 and joining me tonight is the person who is being groomed as my 'heir to the throne' if you will, yes that's right! Put your hands together for SL Tk-8733!!!
Tk, stops to allow the crowd a hearty welcome of cheers, whistling and clapping.
<SL Tk-8733> Thanks Tk, It's great to be here.
<CM Trent> Why yes, yes it is and what a great honour it must be for you to be in my flight of Vortex Squadron.
<SL Tk-8733> Uh...
<CM Trent> Don't worry it was a joke. Something that's not a joke though is the very real possibility of people mixing the two of us up. I've thought about this and since I'm the one and only Tk with the rank of CM, you can call me Tk, Tk-Trent or Tk Snr. and you can be Tk Jnr. or whatever you want to be called ;) What do ya think?
<SL Tk-8733> Uh, I'll give it some thought...
<CM Trent> Well then, since lately I've been talking a lot about the SC:IV competition, I thought that I'd let you have a break from that stuff and I would focus on something slightly related to MP flying. What do you think Tk Jnr.?
<SL Tk-8733> Sounds good, I haven't had the chance to do much of that my self yet.
<CM Trent> Excellent, well as you all know, MP Flying is why we all should've joined the ASF. The ASF is a MP battlegroup and therefore we're rewarded more for our MP flying. This can be seen when viewing the scoring system for the SC:IV competition. An MP win is worth 30 pts, and participating in an MP game is worth 5 pts. Now you guys maybe thinking that, oh, I'm not good enough for this kind of stuff, my modem gives me too much lag, WoW's are too hard! If this's the case then I have one thing to say to you. Go to another Battlegroup. I use a 56k modem and I live in Australis, so try getting worse lag then that. And if you look at my I.D. line, I've still managed to win over 20 matches and at least 7 of them are from WoW's. Now I don't profess to be a freak of nature, or a good MP'er by any standards but all I do is follow some simple rules to make my job easier.
<SL Tk-8733> And what are they???
<CM Trent> Well first of all, I tend to play a lot more 1v1 then anything else, simply because it lessens the lag. Second, I try to fly in the crafts that don't lag as much, (T/F, T/B, Y/W, GUN etc.) If I have I choice, I always host first. This means that if I'm behind, I'm more likely to be able to catch up as I don't have to deal with the notorious 'host' lag.
<SL Tk-8733> Wow Tk!!! That really helps, anything else?
<CM Trent> Well, not much except for when you're trying to do tight turns in a dogfight, turn your throttle to 1/3 power and turn your laser recharge rate and shield recharge rate down. That should give you a nice tight turn. Other than that, Practise is the key!!!! Practise! Practise! Practise!
<SL Tk-8733> Great thanks for your help.
<CM Trent> No worries Tk Jnr. just don't get any funny ideas about taking over my spot as THE Tk in Vortex Squadron, until after I'm posthumous. That's what I did with the previous Tk in this squadron, except I just made sure that he became posthumous a little earlier than.... oops did I say that out loud? Oh #&$*!!! Well folks that's it for this weeks episode of TK Live! Next week an interview with guest host, Charbruk the Rancor!!!
FL/CM Tk-6686/Vortex 2-1/Wing XIII/ISD Greywolf


Commander's Thoughts

Well, what can I say. I failed to my duties as Commander this week it seems. I'm terribly sorry about the later WSR. I'm having a rather busy spring.

Anyway, I don't have much to say, except that I'm sorry to see LCM Coremy off. He has been a good friend of mine, but failed to answer my emails for a month. So he is to be AWOLed. That goes to prove nobody is safe. The activity standards I've set are very low and I expect everybody to meet them (including me :P).

Pilot of the Week: No suprise there...congratulation CPT Deamon. ;)

That's it for the week I guess *searches his desk and finds a picture of Hev and darts*...yeah, that's it. Dissmiss.

CMDR-TCT-TCS/CM Ygor Mantis/Vortex/Wing XIII/ISD Grey Wolf

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