Falcon Report # 62 (2002-04-29)

This report was submitted by CM Nicolaas Vlieghe

Greetings all,

Here we are again with my first Squadron report :p

Falcon news:

LT Talon Draygo (former Falcon 3-3) transferred to Vampire squadron as of his own request.

Fleet news:

Imperial Storm 3 has started last Monday. No battles have occurred yet, but the BGs (yep, that’s us), have encountered the Sov and the ATF. The fight against the ATF is taking place tonight I think. Our encounter with the Sovereign is postponed till Wednesday. If you want to participate in flying XWA MP, mail Darksaber (darksaber@ehnet.org).

Squadron status:

  • First of all, there is the WC’s own competition. Fly XWA-FREE #63 and mail it to me. All banners are welcome too!
  • As for the Squadron vs Squadron comp, I’m waiting for the poll results before starting one up. Choose between a comp against on of the Immortals Squadrons, or a Squadron of another ship.
    There still is the Immortal’s banner competition. Make a new banner for the ISDII Immortal and submit it to COM Darksaber!


Some things I forgot to mention in yesterday’s mail…

First of all, use the Message board! It’s there for a purpose, so go there occasionally and post some stupid topic, reply to another topic, etc! Secondly, I forgot to add my contact information… If you mail me during weekdays (email address should be on top of this mail) you’ll probably get a reply within 6-12 hours. During weekends my online time is limited which brings it to an average answering time of 24 hours. I’m also to be found on IRC (mostly during weekdays that is) on #isd_immortal.

Activity Reports

CM Nicolaas Vlieghe: I completed XWA-CAB #1 and BoP-TC #1. Still waiting for final approval though.
COL Adrenaline: Completed XWA-TC #14 & 15, and XWA-FREE #63.
MAJ Nix: No news yet. Check in with me please.
COL Dras Hempor: No news yet. Check in with me please.
CPT Gord Darkonian: Promised he’d try to fly XWA-FREE #63
COL Kessian Armus: No news yet. Check in with me please.
CPT Michael Gutt: Promised to fly XWA-FREE #63
LCM Kurt Williams: No news yet. Check in with me please.
CPT Mikkel Filla: No news yet. Check in with me please.
LT Talon Draygo: Transferred to Vampire Squadron
LCM Atican: No news yet. Check in with me please.

Squadron Roster:

COMMANDER: CM Nicolaas Vlieghe (Nicolaas.Vlieghe@student.kuleuven.ac.be)
NICKNAME: Birds of Prey
BANNER: falcon.jpg
MOTTO: If it absolutely has to be destroyed overnight, call Falcon.
HOMEPAGE: http://home.t-online.de/home/falconsquad/
MESSAGE BOARD: http://www.tiecorps.org/mb/view.asp?b=31&v=0&s=0

Nickname: The Quartet of Deliverance
Motto: Now is the death of doers of wrong.
1) CM Nicolaas Vlieghe (Nicolaas.Vlieghe@student.kuleuven.ac.be)
2) COL Adrenaline (adrenaline@tiecorps.org)
3) MAJ Nix (nix1@webroot.net)
4) COL Dras Hempor (moffjeddy@dccnet.com)

Nickname: Havoc's Reign
Motto: Feel the Power!
Homepage: http://members.tripod.com/eh_warrior/index.htm
1) TBA
2) CPT Gord Darkonian (darkwingvader@hotmail.com)
3) COL Kessian Armus (armus@ehnet.org)
4) CPT Michael Gutt (darthgutt@hotmail.com)

Nickname: Hand of Darkness
Motto: History will be kind to us; for we intend to write it.
Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/paully33/home.html?994342179615
1) LCM Kurt Williams (kurt_12@hotmail.com)
2) CPT Mikkel Filla (filla@gmx.net)
3) TBA
4) LCM Atican (claudius_caesar@hotmail.com)

CMDR/CM Nicolaas Vlieghe/Falcon/Wing XI/ISD Immortal
PCx3 / ISM / IS-1SR / LoCx2 / CoB
PIN #8708 [KNGT]

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