Nemesis Report # 41 (2002-04-29)

This report was submitted by CPT Tyanis Slyth

Nemesis Weekly Squadron Report

Nemesis Squadron Weekly Report

"We kill therefore we are"


CMDR's Report

Hi gang, Guess what? I'm sick. I got the cold, maybe with flu... my head is about to explode right now so I'll be quick. Pretty busy week, good activity. Also, Major Falcon is "retiring" so I wonder if they will disband Ravager or get a new CMDR. If I were them, I would disband the squadron, at least for a while. Well that's it for me, back to bed! Nemesis Sicko

XO's Report

Hi everybody. DPR and COM's Judgement end in 3 days. Submit anything you have for them. Shups and I were at SNT last night, though I could not get into a game : ( Speaking of Shups, he will be sending out those lines for that new DB battle that he is making. Crunch Time ends in 5 days. I have beaten Rob's old battle high score by about 20,000 points. Good luck Rob. XO Challage Same as last week. XvT TC 27. XWA TC 1. Any problems with that. No. Good LCM Tk-7764 "HawkofStorms" All for the Empire, and some for me. Smart-ass quote of the week: "I can't think of anything smart-ass this week" -Slyth


Dark Pride Rising:
Month #2

Medals to be awarded: IS-SR (1st) and IS-BR (2nd)

Monthly Wing XX competition, write a fiction about Wing XX, base your story on current
events happening on the Subjugator. All submission will be considered and included in
the upcoming Wing XX Novel. The two best submissions of each month will be awarded the
medals listed above.

Contact: CM Tyanis Slyth 		
**** Remember to check the Rolemaster's Report for more competitions ****


DPR#2 is about to be over, only one submission :(
Outstanding Status: None

Squadron's log

4/21/2002:CM Tyanis Slyth promoted to CPT
LT Rob Patton flew XvT-Free#28
4/22/2002:COL Shups flew XvT-DB#3(4)
COL Shups flew XvT-DB#2(4)
COL Shups flew XvT-Free#23,24
4/23/2002:LT Rob Patton awarded IS-SR for 2nd place in ATF Trivia
COL Shups flew XvT-DB#5(4)
COL Shups flew XvT-DB#4(4)
4/24/2002:LT Rob Patton promoted to LCM
COL Shups awarded ISM
COL Shups flew XvT-DB#6(5)
4/26/2002:LCM Rob Patton flew XvT-Free#30
COL Shups flew XvT-TC#6(6)
COL Shups flew XvT-TC#5(4)
COL Shups flew XvT-TC#4(4)
COL Shups flew XvT-Free#26
4/27/2002:COL Shups flew XvT-TC#25(5)
LCM Rob Patton flew XvT-Free#29
LCM Tk-7764 flew XvT-TC#22(4)
LCM Tk-7764 flew XvT-TC#24(4) Total missions flown: IWATS: Medals: Squadron Citations (8):
XvT-TC Battle 1 - The Verpine Encounter
XvT-TC Battle 2 - Capture of a Murderer
XvT-TC Battle 3 - Preparing for Battle
XvT-TC Battle 4 - Encounter with the Black Sun
XvT-TC Battle 5 - Phoenix Saga
XvT-TC Battle 6 - Wolf Pack Aggression
XvT-TC Battle 9 - The Black Sun Incident
XWA-TC Battle 6 - Enemy Defector


Nemesis Squadron - Wing XX Recon Unit
Commanding Officer: CPT Tyanis Slyth
XO-FL: LCM TK-7764	
FL II: LCM Alsdyr
Flight I
FL - CPT Tyanis Slyth 
FM - LCM Dash Rendar 
FM -  
FM - 

Flight II
FL - LCM TK-7764 
FM - COL Shups 
FM - LT Apex Cure 
FM - LT Rob Patton 
Flight III
FL - LCM Alsdyr
FM - LCM Ache Nu
FM - LT Ulysses  
FM - 

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