Teth Report # 0 (2002-06-03)

This report was submitted by LC Mini Minkus

Yes Ladies and Gentlemen, I really am *that* bored. >:P *waits for people to recover from the shock of me actually doing a report* Anyway, yes, it is indeed a Teth Squadron Report. I won't actually insult anyones intelligence, and claim it to be a weekly report, just think of it more as, well, a bi-annual report or something. >:P Anyway, just sit back and enjoy kiddies, save this e-mail, coz you don't know when another like it may come along >:P On with the news! >:P

1. Teth entered into the Colossus Squadron League!

Due to extreme boredom on my part, and the vast amounts of freetime I have (Yay, Studenthood! >:P) I've entered us into the Colossus Squadron League... run, unsuprisingly, by the Colossus. >:P It's a wonderful chance to smack some Squadrons silly, since all the good old TIE Squadrons these days are well, useless. >:P The competition is due to start on June 16th, and has some pretty snazzy rules. Go check out http://www.isdcolossus.com/wc/csl for more information, and the full listing of Squadrons we're going to smack to buggery, are.... Iota, Pi, Mu, Nu, Eta, Omicron, Delta, Sadhe, Nemesis, Talon, Kraken, Tornado, Inferno, Tempest, Typhoon, Spear, Hammer, Yod and one other, which could be Lamed. >:P We should win this (*Waves golf clubs around in a threatening manner. >:P), and unlike the last SL we were in, it doesn't appear to be run by a complete idiot, so may get finished. >:P

2. Wing X a big bunch of pansies!

Yes, I know this is hardly news. >:P However, I a little while Wing X's WC made snide remakrs about the Wing, so, with all my usual tact and diplomacy, offered her a competition. >:P However, she wouldn't accept a challenge from me on behalf of the wing, claiming Reaper had to do it (*Smacks Reaper* Get moving old man! >:P) so I offered her Teth v wing X instead. She refused. >:P Wuss. >:P Anyway, It got me thinking, and I do rather fancy the idea of smacking some wing silly. So, any suggestions? I'm open to nominations, from, well... anyone, really. >:P

3. Imperial Storm - Violence and destruction for all the family! >:P

Well, since most of you have probably been too busy getting drunk or stoned... or... uhh.... working? >:P To notice that TIE Pilots can now play in Imperial Storm 3. However, there's a nice chance to blow up the SSD Avenger this Friday at 5PM out time, in #project_faithful. Just in case your interested. >:P It's another thing the BGs wussed out of. >:P

4. Flying is Good! >:P

Just a general notice to encourage you to fly, you lazy bums. >:P Hell, if I can manage it, so can you. >:P And to give LT Max his props for flying what I asked him too. >:P we're now up to 92 Citations. We've been *near* 100 Citations for about 2 years now, and although it means bugger all, it would be nice if would could pass it. >:P So, if anyone's got enough free time, and is in anyway inclined. Go. Fly. Make me Happy. >:P Go On. >:P You know you want to. >:P

5. Go England! Maybe.>:P

A rather pointless, and space filling message to wish the English lads goodluck in the World Cup. On current from we're going to need it. >:P Oh, and a general warning to everyone, it might be wise to stay away from me on Friday afternoon/evening. Since chances are we'll have been thumped by Argentina and I'll be grouchy. >:P

Anyway. That's it for this sorry excuse of report. >:P Hopefully, you'll have learnt nothing, and wasted a few minutes of your life reading it. I know I did by writing it. >:P

CMDR/LC Mini Minkus/Teth/Wing IV/SSSD Sovereign
GS/BSx5/PCx15/ISMx17/MoI/MoT-1gh-1bh/IS-2BW-2BR-1SW-1GW/LoC-CSx10/CoL/CoB/OV-2E [GLDR] {IWATS-M/1-SM/2}

">:P" Count = 33

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