Mantis Report # 1 (2002-06-13)

This report was submitted by CM Drake Jensen


CMDR Drake Jensen reporting in for Mantis Squadron on 06.13.02

Commander's Corner:

-Well this is my frist report so I will try to be brief. I assumed command from MAJ Zoron on tuesday and look forward to serving with all of you. I hope to bring Mantis back to the forefront of the Vanguard. But I need the help of all of you to do it. I have started two new comps and will be starting another comp at the first of July.

Squadron News:

-I have submitted two In-Squad Competitions this week, so get ready to participate!!! You can look them up here: or
-MAJ Zoron is my XO. Please cc him on all squadron related things except pilot files.
-I would like to implement some squadron officers to help make us more active. If you are intrested in being the TAC or COO officer for Mantis email me and we will talk about it.

Wing/Ship News:
- Drax Relinger was promoted to Captain, YEAH!!!!
- The WC has started a competition for squadron histories so any of you that are good with fiction(Brosky and Dufar) may want to give it a shot.
- VA Leeson also has a competition to create the support crew for the Vanguard. Details can be found here:
-Don't forget the Saturday night trivia comp hosted in mIRC channel #isdvanguard at 22:00 EDT
-There is also the sunday night Aces High comp in mIRC channel #vanguard_comp at 19:00 EDT

Battlegroup News:
-See the ASF website for news

Squadron Activity:
CM Drake Jensen: IRC,AIM,MP Comp(1 LoC), promoted to CM,assumed command of Mantis
LT Dufar Jabar: IRC,Flew XwA-TC 5,12,21,finished his life story,completed IWATS XTT,SM/2,RT
awarded PC
MAJ Kenath Zoron: IRC,AIM,Flew XWA MP on Tuesday night and spanked the new CMDR :P
promoted to major,awarded the Bronze Star
COL Garik Hizad: On Semi-Leave awaiting his return to the university in August
LT Glar: Promoted to LT,CONGRATS!!! No Contact, please get in touch with me or Zoron
LT Zephiro Deryll: ICQ,told Zoron he will be back at it soon
LCM Serge Broskopf: IRC Contact
SL Bipspic: AIM,should be up and running soon

XO's Thoughts:
Well everyone, as of yesterday sometime, LCM Drake Jensen was promoted to the rank of Commander and Squadron Commander to replace me. I welcome him in, and for the new guys, this is a top-notch pilot who will fill my boots more than well enough. As this is his first week, and the fact that I received all the activity messages up till now, I've put together a "semi" normal report, mostly the Activity and FCHG/CR listings are what I've done and Drake'll have everything else somewhere in his report. (I have incorporated Zoron's report into this one)

Squadron Roster:

Nickname: Intimidators
Motto: Those who see us will tremble in fear
1) CM Drake Jensen (
2) LT Dufar Jabar (
3) TBA
4) TBA
Nickname: Nightbeasts
Motto: We make today the last of your life.
1) MAJ Kenath Zoron (
2) COL Garik Hizad (
3) LT Klar (
4) LT Zerphirio Deryll (
Nickname: Corellian Sand Panthers
Motto: The unlucky few who see us see nothing more...
1) LCM Serge Broskopf (
2) SL Bipspic (
3) TBA
4) TBA

FCHG Rankings:

Executor [EXCR] (750 points)
[823] MAJ Kenath Zoron
Legionnaire [LGNR] (500 points)
[537] CM Drake Jensen
Paladin [PLDN] (300 points)
[346] COL Garik Hizad
Dragoon [DRAG] (100 points)
[142] LCM Serge Broskopf
Lancer [LANC] (25 points)
[35] LT Dufar Jabar

Combat Ratings:

Veteran 3rd (80 points)
[85] MAJ Kenath Zoron
Officer 4th (30 points)
[30] LCM Serge Broskopf
Marksman 4th (10 points)
[11] CM Drake Jensen
Certified (5 points)
[7] COL Garik Hizad


CMDR/CM Drake Jensen/Mantis/Wing XV/ISD Vanguard

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