Tornado Report # 21 (2002-06-24)

This report was submitted by CPT Master

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~Tornado Squadron Weekly Report - 24th June 2002~

~CMDR's Rant~

Sorry for this being quite late, my e-mail was being a pain and im not well.

~Squadron News~

Tornado: Tour of Supremacy - The Return!
Next Target - Colossus Squadron League
Start Date - NOW!!!!

The first Round is over, we have won. Course it would have been a challenge if Alpha actully submitted some scores but hey doesnt really matter.
Here are Tornado's Scores:
Master - 58,128
Tomaas Montte - 57,149
Rollins - 22,979
Three submissions out of a possible five. That is not good.
Both Cyrus and Flech were excused.
I have expressed my displeasure to the two pilots who did not complete it, and i hope they will complete the next FREE, I suggest you all read the Squadron Standing Orders, its states if you fail to complete TWO Priority comps like the CSL is you get a warning, three and i can offically take action, so be warned.

Our next opponents in the CSL is Spear Squadron, do not expect them not to complete it like Alpha did, they drew with Pi in the first round so this will be no cake walk, However we are Tornado, we have defeated several Squads and we are feared, so lets prove it.
The mission is TIE-FREE #104, and yes i know we flew this for our comp with Panther however as that was over a month ago it has to be flown again. You have until Fri Nite/Sat Morning Midnight (EST) to send your pilot files to me, i would like them before that if possible however since Saturday is my birthday.

Excusals are due to me by Tuesday at the latest.

CSL Website is here:
It shows fixtures and current results so bookmark it.

Squadron Standing Orders
I have been toying with the idea of changing these slightly, so i am making an addition.
From now on you must do at least one of these a week.

Fly a FREE Mission/Battle (Any Platform) *This inculdes Beta Testing for TAC office*
Write a Fiction.
Create a Graphic.
Take an IWATS Course.

Other Activity will be decided on as it occurs such as Website work, Flash work, Mission Creation etc.

if you are currently doing something that takes longer than the week then i require proof you are doing it e-mail me proving it and ill take that into account.
Excusals must be of good reason.

Run-On Fiction
Its still going, its seemed to have died, get out there and post

This Run-on is running until the end of June where it will offically stop and ill write the rest, so if you want a say of what goes on, then i suggest you go post as soon as possible.

Theres also a battle being made, so the more you right the more input you get in that. Mission 1 is 75% complete but is on hold due to the FCHG Mission Creation Comp on as im working on that.

Its been updated.
Remember you need Winzip to unzip the file and MS Excell 2000 to view it properly.

~Squadron Orders~

TIE-FREE Battle #104 - Aurora Online
( )
Fly it for the second round of the CSL, we are currently on top of our divsion, lets win the whole thing.

They are due to me by Fri Nite/Sat Morning Midnight (EST)
The Highest Scorer will get a IS-BW, and Yay me for winning one in the first round (i Think)

~Post in the Run-on

~Fly for Citations

~IWATS - See what life is like After IWATS (SM/3 now online)

~Wing/BG News~

Comp for Drake's Ego
Yeah thats right, there is a BG Comp going on where you have to fly TIE-TC 200 by June 30 where you can win some medals as long as you post a review.
Now this comp takes a back seat to the CSL, you are to fly The FREE mission FIRST! I am not ordering you to fly this, just fly the FREE, fly TIE-TC 200 if you want its your choice. Drake you have any problems with that then mail me.

Dujhod is the new Thunder Commander & CM Ponda Jarret is the new Typhoon Commander. Congrats to them.

Wing X Victories
Both Tempest and Inferno won 4-0 in the first round of the CSL, YAY Wing X

CoFo is the new COM, congrats to him, unforataly he moved into his office before i could move my business that doesnt exsit out, however we have decided that i can run it from there, so if you want to have a good night and are sick of taking those female techs who look about as attractive as one of Kessler's shaved Wookies then come see me, and remeber you didnt see nothing besides the COM in his office.

~Fleet News~

~From the Vault~

Hidden Features On The Episode I DVD

10. Scene of Yoda plunging torwards Anakin yelling "Pure Evil!"

9. A rare look at Steve Sansweet's collection of 'Donkey Kong' memorabilia by hairlesswookie

8. The Phantom Edit with audio commentary from Lucas

7. Behind the scenes: Mark Hamill teaching Jake Lloyd how to whine

6. Technical readouts of the Death Star.

5. Anakin building his podracer from scratch in real time

4. Instructions on how to rewire a tv remote to turn traffic lights green.

3. A list of pick-up lines Anakin tried before "Are you an Angel?"

2. Outtakes with Grover as Yoda, Snuffulupagus as Boss Nass, and Big Bird as Jar-Jar.

1. Episode THREE trailer

~The Usual Suspects~

CPT Master
6/10 Flew TIE-FREE #106 - The Courtship of Callista (58,128)
6/? Active on IRC
6/? Posted on Msg Boards
6/? Worked on XWA Tac Lib

LCM Sint Seelasi
Nothing *slaps*

LCM Tomaas Montte
6/22 Flew TIE-FREE #106 - The Courtship of Callista (57,149)
6/22 Wrote Flight Two Report

LCM Rollins
6/17 Wrote Mission Hints for FREE-106
6/18 Awarded an IS-BW
6/19 Flew TIE-TC Battle #6 - Destruction (107,927)
6/19 Flew TIE-TC Battle #7 - Betrayal (68,151)
6/19 Flew TIE-FREE #106 - The Courtship of Callista (22,979)
6/19 Flew TIE-TC Battle #8 - Strike Against the Pirates (88,182)
6/19 Flew TIE-TC Battle #9 - Tracking the Defectors (47,673)
6/20 Awarded ISM
6/21 Wrote Flight Three Report

CM William Flechette
Nothing *Slaps Flechy* BAD!

LT Quinn Median
6/? Working behind scenes on fiction and other work.
6/? Active on IRC
6/? Active on Msg Boards

Lt Cyrus
6/20 Flew TIE-TC Battle #127 - Making a New SSD (106,731)

~Challenge Most Wanted~

BANNER: tornado.jpg
MOTTO: Before Glory, Loyalty...Before Pride, Honor...Before Self, the Empire.

Nickname: The Missile Magnets
Motto: Fighter Pilots make movies... Bomber Pilots make History
1) CPT Master (
2) LCM Sint Seelasi (
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: Nil Satis Nici Optimum
Motto: We have fought 1000 wars and we'll fight 1000 more for we fight the good fight
1) LCM Tomaas Montte (
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) CM William Flechette (

FLIGHT III - TIE DEFENDER Nickname: The High Priests of Love
Motto: We're the Love Commandos and this is a Raid!
1) LCM Rollins (
2) LT Quinn Median (
3) TBA
4) LT Cyrus (

~Dark Lord of the Week~

The highly prestigious title of Dark Lord of the Week is only given to the person who has most advanced the success of the Squadron, amused the CMDR, or slipped me the most £5 notes in a brown paper bag. This week's winner is:

Me for getting the highest score in the first round of the CSL!

~Ewok of the Week~

Yub Yub!
Every story has a hero, every journey has a first step, every Fleet has a pilot who's about as much use as an ashtray on a speeder bike. This weeks's Prize Ewok is none other than:


For his cool quote(s)

~Quote of the Week~

(LCMMonttle) Send them a picture of a woman. "See this? This is a girl.
Get up. Turn off the computer. Remember your real name. Go find one of these.
Do not turn the computer on again or play with your imaginary space fleet till you find a a girl.
You'll thank us for this later. Good Luck."

~Do that after you fly #104 :P

(`Kerrigan) what you done wrong this week master? :P
(`Master) nothing that im aware of
(`Master) weeks not over yet though

~No Comment :P

(DJKMontte) Montte's rule on Breasts :If they are there, they are real.

~We really need to get him a gf :P

(LCMMontte) Some Obbie high up said something about coming after me with a Lightsaber and I was like "Really? Yeah you may be more powerful in the Force and able to beat me in a duel but I live on a Star Destroyer pal. Ever hear of orbital bombardment? Oh and if you stormtrooper's are so tough then why did a bunch of stuffed animals kick your arse on Endor?"

~Damn Stormies, think they are all that

(Reavahway) He assraped you with a blow up doll...? what a strange twist of fate.

~I dont really want to comment :P

~Site of the Week~

For all your Star Wars needs.

Respectfully Submitted,
CPT "Slavelet" Master - Tornado Squadron
CMDR-TCS/CPT Master/Tornado/Wing X/ISD Challenge BS/PCx3/ISMx10/MoT-1rh-1gh/IS-4BW-1SR-1PR/LoC-ISx14/DFC/CoL/CoB/LoAx3/OV [LGNR] {IWATS-AIM-CBX-FLA-GFX-ICQ-M/1/2-RT-SM/2-TM-TT-XAM-XTM-XTT}

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