Talon Report # 4 (2002-07-30)

This report was submitted by CPT Frey Gallandro



Greetings everyone,

Lets just move on to the News


I just suspended SL Ames from active duies in the Squadron and banned him from the Talon MessageBoard, he posted stuff that insulted all members of Talon Squadron. Things are forwarded the the ATF CS, the FO and the SO, so that they can take care of it.

So far,

Now to other news.

Even not good for us, but good for CPT Predator.

Preddy just took over the command of Ravager Squadron, I wish him good luck and I`m sure that he will do a god job :)

Yes Pred, you are a traitor to Talon ! ;) j/k

Hehe, all in all was this an impressive week from you. And I will reorganize the roster of the Squadron. I will consider activity and also email response time, Message Board activity and so on. So expect some little changes, because the FL Position of Flight 3 is still open :)

Our famous COM moved the Shiphomepage and the ATF Homepage to a new site, check it out at:

http://www.darkforce.org/atf/ for the ATF Site

http://www.darkforce.org/atf/cjhome.asp for the COM`s Judgement site


The same orders like in the last week, you are ordered to have FUN !!! ;)

And if you find see some pilots in the bar, throw them a bottle of beer on the head hide them in your shuttle and put them into t FlightSuite for Talon Squadron :) – means recruitment !

Also, we have 3 Comps on, they are made for you, so I expect you to join it, if you want and can :)


And here they are, finally approved:

Competition #1:

Flying Competition
Comp-ID: #1943
Battle used: XvT-TC #33
Infos: We don`t let the one with the highest points win, the one with the lowest points (without using unlimited waves ;) ) wins
Medal awarded: IS-BW

Competition #2:

Graphic Competition
Comp-ID: #1944
Create a new Talon Banner, a Banner that reflects the name and the 3 diferent types of ships we use and our assignment as “Special Operations”
Medal awarded: IS-BR

Competition #3:

Fiction Competition
Comp-ID: #1945
Write whatever comes in your mind and make a nice story of it, but it should include Talon and the Subjugator :)
Medal awarded: IS-BR

Other Competitions:
Of course the Wingwide Competitions ! and COM`s Judgement !



CPT Predator moved out -> Ravager 1-1


ISM to CM Maiko Spince for creating the Squad Homepage

PC to LCM Dash Rendar for reaching 150 FCHG Points


CPT Fey Gallandro

Completed: XWA TC 16, 20, 29, 30
Flew 2 Matches in EuroComp and won 1 of them :)
SL Ames

Insulting post on the Squad Messageboard, absolutely wrong activity…

LCM Rob Patton

Completed: XWA Free 3,4,5,6,7,8, and XvT TC 21

LT Matt Hone

Completed: XvT TC 10

LCM Thomas Nitecki

No activity

CM Maiko Spince

Completed: TIE TC Free 1
Flew 11 Matches in XvT WoW and 2 Matches for COM`s

LCM Dash Rendar

Completed: XWA TC 13,23,27

CM Agace

No activity

Squadron Roster

TALON SQUADRON OF WING XX : Special Operations
COMMANDER: CPT Frey Gallandro (jan.thriene@web.de)
NICKNAME: Night Stalkers
BANNER: talon.gif
MOTTO: Death Awaits in the Darkness.
HOMEPAGE: http://www.angelfire.com/mb2/talon/talonstart.html
MESSAGE BOARD: http://www.emperorshammer.net/mb/view.asp?b=63

Nickname: Silent Shadows
Motto: Kill One, Terrify a Thousand.
1) CPT Frey Gallandro (jan.thriene@web.de)
2) SL Ames (Cokeslurpee711@aol.com)
3) LCM Rob Patton (robstephaniepatton@cox-internet.com)
4) LT Matt Hone (matthone@hotmail.com)

Nickname: Spectral Hunters
Motto: Strike, and Vanish.
1) LCM Thomas Nitecki (tnnn@poczta.fm)
2) CM Maiko Spince (toby@bensonsmith.fsnet.co.uk)
3) TBA
4) LCM Dash Rendar (browdj@btopenworld.com)

Nickname: Cloaked Daggers
Motto: By Way of Deception, Thou Shalt do War.
1) TBA
2) TBA
3) CM Agace (EH_Ace@yahoogroups.com)
4) TBA

Squadron Citations (6):
XvT-TC Battle 1 - The Verpine Encounter
XvT-TC Battle 3 - Preparing for Battle
XvT-TC Battle 4 - Encounter with the Black Sun
XvT-TC Battle 5 - Phoenix Saga
XvT-TC Battle 6 - Wolf Pack Aggression
XvT-TC Battle 10 - Abduction of VA Priyum

Commanders Corner

I`m next Friday and Saturday on leave, we are going camping :). So please be a bit patient when you submit your Pilotfiles.

So far for this week,


CMDR/CPT Frey Gallandro/Talon/Wing XX/ISD Subjugator

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