Samekh Report # 7 (2002-09-07)

This report was submitted by CM Andrew

This is LCM Darth Angelus reporting for Samekh squadron in the absence of CMDR Andrew.



Angelus leant against the door way to the hanger bay as CM Andrew boarded his personal fighter, the requisition had finally come through for its replacement and they had even had time to fit the fluffy dice he had asked for (though they hadn't seemed to find enough space for his drinks holder he had noted). The roar of the Ion Drive filled the room as the craft made its way out of the hanger. Angelus waited until the bay doors had finally swung shut... "OK guys... hes gone" he cried with a big grin... from the corners of the bay the rest of Samekh squadron arrived with several large cases of beer... "Airlock21?" Raptor asked... "Damn straight!" the rest replied...


Squadron Issues

Right apparently there has been a bit of a dearth of activity this week... I know, I dearthed too, so lets see if we can't get something going in Drews absence.

Free Mission of the Week
XvT-FREE #104 - Operation: Long Shield
(Thats right, its my mission... but no one has put a review of it yet and I'm feeling left out!)

Send me the plt files and make sure you CC drew and between us I'm sure we can get it all sorted ;)
Remeber its just one mission, and its not even all that hard.


FCHG Standings:

Paladin [PLDN] (300 points)
[324] CM Andrew
Dragoon [DRAG] (100 points)

[136] CM Sancho
Hussar [HUSS] (50 points)

[62] CPT Death Angel
[55] LCM Darth Angelus
Grenadier [GREN] (10 points)

[12] LCM Metallic Raptor




Pilot of the Month: Every month, the most active pilot will receive an additional ISM above and beyond their MSE medal.
Fiction comp: the submitter of the best piece of fiction every month will receive an ISM for their efforts.



1) TIE-TC Battle #200 - ASCENSION
2) XvT-TC Battle #45 - Dark Disciple 1
3) XWA-TC Battle #30 - Imperial Storm II: Dark Horizon

Deadline is October 1st

SickMan's Countdown to Christmas

1) Ok, we have a new member to Wing V, Krya, write a story or draw a picture of her, best wins a IS-SR, 2nd IS-BR
2) The On going Story that Started by me yesterday on the Wing V messageboard, best posting wins a IS-SR, 2nd best wins a IS-BR
3) IDEA'S, write to sicky with an idea you want to implement in the Wing, something like a comp you have devised, something that YOU want in the Wing, 1st prize is a IS-SR and 2nd a IS-BR, and also those 2 idea's will be implmented to Wing V life:)

Deadline for these 3 comps are December 25th, i may add more comps as we go along..........and when Sicky thinks up some more hehe


Activity Requirements
FM - 1-2 free missions a week or 1 battle every other week.
FL - 1-2 battles a week.
Note - Fiction or graphics each take the place of one battle.


This is a bit modified. Start with TIE-TC 1 XvT-TC 1, or XWA-TC 1. Some people don't like TIE that much, like me anymore. So pick any platform, and start flying the battles from 1 on up. This gives you a bit more option. Any questions, comments, or suggestions should be dealt through me.


Duty roster

Nickname: The Samekh Forward Power.
Motto: Out of the Darkness We Strike!
1) CM Andrew (
2) CM Sancho (
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: The Cthulhu Mythos
Motto: From the unknown wastelands, we come...
1) CPT Death Angel (
2) LCM Metallic Raptor (
3) TBA
4) LT Queek Dengar (

Nickname: The Aftershock of Death
Motto: Living the Emperor's Dream
1) LCM Darth Angelus (
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) TBA



Squadron Citations (1):
TIE-TC Battle 1 - Capture of Zaarin

(Personal note from Ang...
1 Citation?? Come on this sucks, we're only a bit away on the following battles
TC-TIE 2,3,4,5
TC-XvT 1-13 (especially #3)
Don't forget to check:


Cocktail of the Week (Only for those legally able to drink)

(MET) Blackjack
25ml Midori
12.5ml Pernod
12.5ml Blue Bols/Blue Curaco

Fill to the brim with coke and stir


Respectfully submitted
FL/LCM Darth Angelus/Samekh 3-1/Wing V/SSSD Sovereign
PCx2/ISMx2/MoI/MoT-1gh/LoC/CoB/LoA/OV-3E [HUSS]
.:Pilot of the Month Samekh Squadron - August:.

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