Mantis Report # 14 (2002-09-12)

This report was submitted by CPT Drake Jensen


CPT Drake Jensen reporting in for Mantis Squadron on 09.12.02

Commander's Corner:

-Welcome to another addition of the Mantis weekly report.Let me start by saying God bless America and the families of the victims of the 9-11 attacks. With that said, on with the report. It is with a sad heart that I have submitted LCM Dufar Jabar's request to be moved to the reserves. You will be missed and hurry back. While we are losing a good pilot in Dufar, we are gaining a a good pilot in LT Penfold. Everyone welcome him to the squadron. We have taken it easy since the end of Top Dog. Now it is time to kick it back into gear and secure our place in the annuls of TC history. AY! DO MANI!!!

XO's Thoughts:
No report this week.

TAC Report:
No report this week.

Recruitment Officer Report:
No report this week.

Squadron News:

-Congrats go out to Snij on earning his promotion to LCM! Good work man. You deserve it. Drinks on me one more time.
-There were several medals awarded this week. Snij and I pulled down a PC a piece and Krayt, Brosky, and Hizad each got an ISM. Good work guys, you know who is buying in the cantina.
-I am currently waiting approval of two compatitions. The first is a comp to do 10 battles first, and the second is a challenge from another squad. We will be flying battle XvT TC 46 for the pilot htgh score against Storm Squadron on the SSD Avenger. The comp with Storm has not been approved yet but it ends next week. Please get me those pilot files as soon as possible.
-On a sad note, LCM Dufar Jabar has informed me that due to school restraints he will be requesting a transfer to the reserves. You will be sorely missed my friend. There will always be a spot for you in Mantis as long as I have a say in it. Good luck in all of your future endevors and drop by and kick it with us when you can.
-I will be making some roster changes in the next week. As soon as Duffy is placed in the reserves and a new FL is named.
-LT Krayt is our new TAC officer. He will be emailing you all with battle request as soon as Dufar is moved to the reserves and he has the time to go over everyone's completed battles. This is not an order but a request. Even I will be subject to this so I would like you all to try to comply. Remember that this is for the good of the squadron.
-Since the number of pilots on the Van has dropped drasticly, I would appreciate it if you would all work on recruiting. I will be asking Zerphirio to give us a list of three cadets each week that I would like everyone to email. I know that if I was a cadet and every member of a squadron emailed me in the same week, I would be impressed and want to check into that squad. We need to recruit for the entire ship not just for Mantis. Let's continue the tradition of Mantis leading the way and see if we can get some recruits!
-CM Serge Broskopf is my XO. Please cc him on all squadron related things except pilot files.
-LT Zerphirio Deryll is our recruitment officer. Please help him any way that you can.
-We are down to 19 citations. This is due to the lose of Dufar. I know you will all help in bringing this number back up to an acceptable level again.
-Pilot of the week is LT Krayt. Congrats man!!! Your bar tab is on me this week.

Wing/Ship News:

-We have won the last round of Top Dog. Congrats guys! Take it easy this week and be ready to go at it full force next week.
-Brosky has gotten approvel for his competition. Here is the link for details.
-CPT Nightmare has joined the Van as CO of Wasp. Good luck in your efforts in rebuilding Wasp. I look forward in serving with you.

Battlegroup News:

-See the ASF website for news

Squadron Activity:
CPT Drake Jensen: IRC,AIM,MP comp,awarded the PC,flew XvT TC 46
LT Zephiro Deryll: ICQ, IRC,AIM,submitted fiction, working on recruiting between school and sports
LCM Dufar Jabar: Transfered to the reserves. You will be missed my friend.
COL Garik Hizad: IRC,AIM.awarded the ISM
LT Penfold: Joined Mantis
CM Serge Broskopf: IRC,awarded the ISM,flew XwA IW 24
LCM A. G. Snijglau: IRC,asarded the ISM,promoted to LCM
LT Krayt: IRC,AIM,MP comp(1 LoC pending),awarded the ISM,flew XwA TC 13,XvT TC 46

Can It Be?

Can it be that only a year ago we watched in horror as the towers fell?

Can it be a year since those planes carried our mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles,
grandparents, and children away?

Can it be so short a time since the passengers of that ill-fated flight showed us the meaning of
unconditional love by giving the ultimate sacrifice so others would not perish?

Can it be a year since those firefighters showed the greatest courage I have ever seen by rushing
into those crumbling buildings to save those people that they had never met?

Can it be a year since America’s heart cried out not for revenge or retribution, but for justice?

Can it be that we will never get what we truly want from that sad September day, our loved ones
back and those planes landing safely?

Can it be?

Ben Black

Squadron Roster:

COMMANDER: CPT Drake Jensen (
NICKNAME: Mad Meg's Servants
BANNER: mantis.jpg
MOTTO: Death's shadow is our home.
Nickname: Intimidators
Motto: From now on, fear will be your only friend!
1) CPT Drake Jensen (
2) LT Zerphirio Deryll (
3) TBA
4) TBA
Nickname: Inquisitors
Motto: Behold your judgement!
1) TBA
2) COL Garik Hizad (
3) LT Penfold (
4) TBA
Nickname: Executioners
Motto: We don't care what you did, die you will!
1) CM Serge Broskopf (
2) LCM A. G. Snijglau (
3) LT Krayt (
4) TBA

FCHG Listing:

1 point for every mission flown
1 point for every Legion of Combat earned
1 point for every Iron Star with Bronze Wings earned
2 points for every mission high score
2 points x # of missions in the battle for every battle high score
3 points for every Iron Star with Silver Wings earned
5 points for every Iron Star with Gold Wings earned
10 points for every Iron Star with Platinum Wings earned
Executor [EXCR] (750 points)
[763] CPT Drake Jensen
Paladin [PLDN] (300 points)
[366] COL Garik Hizad
Gallant [GALL] (200 points)
[226] CM Serge Broskopf
Cavalier [CAVL] (150 points)
[181] LT Penfold
Dragoon [DRAG] (100 points)
[121] LCM A. G. Snijglau
Fusilier [FUSL] (75 points)
[93] LT Krayt
Grenadier [GREN] (10 points)
[19] LT Zerphirio Deryll

Combat Rankings:

Officer 4th (30 points)
[32] CM Serge Broskopf
Marksman 3rd (15 points)
[17] LCM A. G. Snijglau
[16] CPT Drake Jensen
Certified (5 points)
[7] COL Garik Hizad
Trainee (1 point)
[2] LT Krayt


CMDR/CPT Drake Jensen/Mantis/Wing XV/ISD Vanguard
PIN #8076

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