Tornado Report # 32 (2002-09-10)

This report was submitted by MAJ Master

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~Tornado Squadron Weekly Report #31~ - 10th September 2002~

***~CMDR's Rant~***

Sorry for the lateness of my report, my ISP has been giving me grief with my e-mail, as well as getting on the computer.

*** ~Squadron News~***
*Tornado: Tour of Supremacy - The Return!*
Next Target - TBA
Start Date - TBA
Current Count - 7 - 2

On Hold while the ECR is running, at least for the moment since i want 100% participation for that.

*Exercise Cantina Run - "History of the Battlegroups"*
Thats right boys and girls, if you havnt heard already the next ECR has arrived. If you dont know the winning ship gets to become the flagship of the Battlegroup. And while the Challenge is un-doubtably the best ship we havnt been the Flagship in many years, since i think Kessler was COM (I could be wrong) and i think its about time the Immortal lost it!

The Challenge will become the Flagship reigning fire one its oposers, Death will come on swift wings to all those who stand in our way.

Mai is expecting at least 50% wing activity, this to me is unacceptable so the ECR is now designated a Priority Comp, Particiaption is expected, so lets win this sucka not only for Tornado Squadron, but for the Challenge.

The First Round is Graphics, i expect all submissions to ME by the 16th of Sept. As i will send them to Mai and CoFo on the 17th. Feel Free to CC Mai and CoFo when u send them to me but ill send them all in one e-mail anyway.

As Mai said, i dotn care if u draw something in paint but i want something.
If you dont know, do a Battlegroups or Ship or Wing Banner, and try to inculde a new Motto for the Battlegroups if u do that one.

The Other Two upcomming Rounds are a Fiction Round and Flying Round.

*Squadron Standing Orders.*
~Master walks into his office and sits behind his desk. For a moment he closes his eyes and focuses on the future throughout the force. A moment later his eyes snap open and he reaches for a datapad to his right, tapping a few keys the datapad comes to life with Tornado's activity for the week. After quickly browseing it, Master leans over the built in e-mail datapad and begins typeing several e-mails to several pilots.*
(A crappy peice of fiction but that happens)

While it appears my last report got through to most of you, several of you either dont read my reports, dont care, or scroll down to the 'Quote of the Week' Segment.

So to prove im serious, those who didnt do squat this week, will be getting e-mails with a warning. I suggest you all read the Standing Orders below.

Fly a FREE Mission/Battle (Any Platform)
Write a Fiction.
Create a Graphic.
Take an IWATS Course.

Other Activity will be decided on as it occurs such as Website work, Flash work, Mission Creation etc, BUT i must be told and proof must be given! And your FL must be CC'd.

*Roster Changes*
Few Roster changes this week.

It is my sad duty to report that LCM Rollins has requested to stand down from the FL3 posistion.

Rollins has served as FL for several months and he is one of the finest i have ever served with, fortatly after thinking it over he has only decided to become a FM insted of going to the reserves which i am glad about.

So i must pick a replacement FL, upon thinking it over quite a bit, i have decided to promote Major Hev Randrowan to the posistion of FL3 (Once the paperwork goes through of course).

So Congrats to him.

And we are still at a full squad, YAY! :)

I'll fully update it tommorow.

***~Squadron Orders~***
~Make a Graphic for the ECR~
~Do something in the Squadron Standing Orders~
~Fly for Citations~
~IWATS - See what life is like After IWATS~

***~Wing/BG News~***
Challenge League 2: Coming soon to a Wing near you... (which Tornado will easily win)

***~Fleet News~***

***~From the Vault~***
Hidden deep somewhere in the Challenge is a giant room hidden from everyones eyes, inside are detailed files on the EH Command staff (and other staff) and what can be used as discriminating evidence, as well as lots of infomation and Kessler's private pic's of several cadets (YUCK). Only few know of the Vaults existance even fewer have the combination to get in, Master is lucky enough to know it, so for you heres a small snipit of info:

***~The Usual Suspects~***

MAJ Master
9/3 Suggested new Battle idea to work with jointly with Boliv
9/3 Flew TIE-TC Battle #20 - Escort Carrier Missions (170,906)
9/3 Flew TIE-TC Battle #21 - Break the Sky (108,099)
9/4 Awarded Silver Star for service to TAC Office
9/6 Flew TIE-TC Battle #63 - Beyond the Minos Cluster (117,083)
9/6 Flew TIE-TC Battle #66 - Minos Cluster, Battle One (159,317)
9/6 Flew TIE-TC Battle #68 - Minos Cluster, Battle Two (46,825)
9/9 Awarded MoT-bh
9/? Highly active on IRC.
9/? Highly active on message boards.
9/? Work for the TAC office.

LCM Sint Seelasi
On Leave (I think)

LT Servius Maximus
On Leave (returning Sept 25th)

LT Kuja
9/? IRC Presence

CM Tomaas Montte
9/3 XWA-DB Battle #1 - The Forgotten Planet (10,084)
9/8 Flew XWA-DB Battle #3 - The Hidden Menace (5,516)
9/? Active on IRC & Msg Boards

MAJ Hev Randrowan
9/8 Flew TIE-TC Battle #64 - Pruscian Betrayal, Part I (84,914)
9/? Active on IRC & Message Boards

SL Corran Horn
9/3 Flew TIE-TC Battle #31 - Hidden Agenda (105,181)
9/3 Flew TIE-TC Battle #29 - Communications Wars (117,333)
9/3 Flew TIE-TC Battle #34 - Encounter at Charybdis (345,483)
9/3 Flew TIE-TC Battle #41 - Rebel Demise (99,337)
9/3 Flew TIE-TC Battle #46 - Back to the Basics (7,009)
9/3 Flew TIE-TC Battle #47 - Get That Rat! (43,289)
9/7 Awarded LoC ([XvT] TIE Corps Battlegroup Training Night)
9/7 Awarded LoC ([XvT] Night of the Lost Souls)
9/7 Flew TIE-TC Battle #38 - Deepspace Syndicate (119,716) *Two High Scores*
9/7 Awarded DFC ([XvT] EuroComp)
9/8 Flew TIE-TC Battle #52 - Freedom Task Force (160,290)
9/8 Flew TIE-TC Battle #54 - Excaliber (56,217)
9/8 Flew TIE-TC Battle #57 - Raptor (89,361)
9/8 Flew TIE-TC Battle #56 - Combined Attack (59,065)
9/10 Flew TIE-TC Battle #59 - Encounter at Dar'Telis (284,869)
9/10 Flew TIE-TC Battle #60 - Operation Harpoon (136,254)
9/10 Flew TIE-TC Battle #61 - Grand Admiral's Birthday (445,910)
9/? Reached FCHG Rank of Executor
9/? IRC Presence

COL Darklord
9/4 Flew XvT-TC Battle #26 - INT Shire (71,387)
9/8 Flew XWA-TC Battle #12 - Imperium Deception (9,200)
9/5 Awarded an PC
9/10 Flew XWA-TC Battle #17 - Secrets and Lies: The Exile (8,852)
9/? High IRC Presence

LCM Rollins
9/8 Flew TIE-FREE #1 - Ja24 #1 (11,058)
9/? Active on IRC & Msg Boards

LCM Quinn Median
9/? Active on IRC

LT Haztix Vel
9/? IRC Presence

LCM Cyrus
9/? Active on IRC

*** ~Challenge Most Wanted~***

BANNER: tornado.gif
MOTTO: Before Glory, Loyalty...Before Pride, Honor...Before Self, the Empire.

Nickname: Master's Minions
Motto: Fighter Pilots make movies... Bomber Pilots make History
1) MAJ Master (
2) LCM Sint Seelasi (
3) LT Servius Maximus (
4) LT Kuja (

Nickname: Nil Satis Nici Optimum
Motto: We have fought 1000 wars and we'll fight 1000 more for we fight the good fight
1) CM Tomaas Montte (
2) LCM Rollins ( (Once Approved)
3) SL Corran Horn (
4) COL Darklord (

Nickname: The High Priests of Love
Motto: We're the Love Commandos and this is a Raid!
1) MAJ Hev Randrowan ( (Once Approved)
2) LCM Quinn Median (
3) LT Haztix Vel (
4) LCM Cyrus (

Citations: 24 (Up from last week)
FCHG Average: 375 (Up from Last Week)
Combat Rating Average: 29 (Up from Last Week)

***~Dark Lord of the Week~***
The highly prestigious title of Dark Lord of the Week is only given to the person who has most advanced the success of the Squadron, amused the CMDR, or slipped me the most £5 notes in a brown paper bag. This week's winner is:

CoHo, for his amazing activity.
Also Good job to Flight Two this week, you all get a cookie.

***~Ewok of the Week~***
Yub Yub!

Every story has a hero, every journey has a first step, every Fleet has a pilot who's about as much use as an ashtray on a speeder bike. This weeks's Prize Ewok is none other than:

The rest of us :P

***~Quote of the Week~***

I havnt the time to go through my logs this week, so ill have more for ya next time :)

***~Site of the Week~***

Respectfully Submitted,
CMDR-TCS/MAJ Master/Tornado/Wing X/ISD Challenge

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