Nemesis Report # 2 (2002-10-03)

This report was submitted by CM TK-7764

Nemeis WSR For 9-26 to 10-3-02
Squadron News
Yes, the format of the reports are still lame, but I have not had any time to work on it. Not much is happening in the squad right now. Everyone has sent me an e-mail by now except Ulysses, but Alsdyr said he heard from him so he still needs to contact me, but he is not AWOL yet and still has a few weeks to talk to me, but please try. Also, there is an open flight leader postion, but I will not be taking any applications for it. I know the CS is going to have a hard enough time updating the roster when we go back online as it is so lets give them a break.

CMDR Challege
XvT TC 1.

Wing News
Flames. Flames. Got to hate it. Anyhow, Frey and Rob are leaving. Also, Predator is having CPU problems, so he might be leaving soon.

COM's Judgemet
Monthy comp over the BG. It is over for this month but result have yet to be announced.
Monthy wing XX comp with Fiction, Graphics, and Flying. Alsdyr and I both had submissions for the fiction part, and I won it.
Birthday list comp
E-mail PMan with a top ten list of gifts you would get him for his 17th birthday.
Dead Smitrock
Strange e-mail murder mystery, details should be in your inbox in a seprate e-mail.
CMDRs Duel
I am going to hold this comp until the DB gets back on line and all the open CMDR positions are stablely filled.

Pilot's Activity
The DB is still down, but I'll record what missions were sent into me anyway (if Smitrock does it for his own report then so can I)
LCM Iceman TIE TC 28, 30, 3, tell me if you are on the e-group
CPT Alsdyr wrote fiction for CPST that I did not know about
CM TK-7764 working on "dead Smitrock" riddle, submitted for birthday list comp, won fiction in CPST, sent in this report
LT Arvel recieved contact
LT Sean recieved contact
LCM Ache Nu recieved contact
LT Ulyesses want contact, tell me if you are on the e-group

That is it for this week. Roster at the bottom.
CMDR/CM TK-7764/Nemesis/Wing XX/ISD Subjugator

Nemesis Squadron of Wing XX
Commanding Officer: (CMDR) CM TK-7764


Flight I
1) (CMDR) CM TK-7764
2) (FM) LT Duken
3) TBA
4) TBA

Flight II
1) TBA
2) (FM) LT Sean Boyles
3) (FM) LT Arvel Crynyd
4) (FM) CPT Alsdyr

Flight III
1) (FL) LCM Iceman
2) (FM) LCM Ache Nu
3) (FM) LT Ulysses
4) TBA

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