Diamondback Report # 34 (2002-11-17)

This report was submitted by MAJ Azazel

Diamondback Weekly Report nr 34


Still no database online so it limits our activity opportunities , anyway we have nice squadron mb you can use it as much as you want and , great work for LCM Zhaim who wrote fiction i will put it here in section fiction for your pleasure if u didnt receive it by egroup


-Database still ofline , this weekend should be back !

-WC/GN Wil Striker is on small onleave because of mobo damage , A-WC CMDR Tissaya Argat

- CMDR Tissaya Argat has made wing XIV picture archive , can bee seen at :   http://www.ehnet.stnet.pl/tissaya/archive/greetings.htm

-Today are Crix Cox birthday , H-Bday to him!!!



Intrepid On It's Own
Chapter ??-Diamondback's Patrol
by Zhaim Jifarr

Due to some people in flights I and II being on leave, MAJ Azazel
had decided that Flight III should take the first turn in the patrol
rotation, while he worked on how to divide the rest of the duty
roster. That's my flight. Boy did I feel lucky. There's nothing like
working in the simulators for an hour or two and then, just as you're
starting to peel off your sweaty duty uniform, you have to put on one
of those uncomfortably tight flight-suits. And, as if those things
aren't constricting enough, then you have to put on your claustrophic
helmet and squeeze into the smallest cockpits in the known universe.
"Diamondback flight, let me know when you're ready to launch," said
the Flight Controller over the comm.
"Roger, Control," replied CPT Drako. "You heard the man, Flight
III. Check your gauges one more time and report status."
"Roger, Drako. Two is ready," said MAJ Michael.
"Three here. I'm ready," said CPT Marcin.
There was a pause. "Zhaim, report in," ordered Drako.
"I'm sorry, Captain. I'm still having trouble with my laser
recharge gauge. It's working now, but is still quirky," I said.
"So are you saying you're ready?" asked Michael.
"Yes, sir. Sorry. I'm ready to launch."
"Have the techs look at that thing again as soon as we get back,
Zhaim. And let me know if they give you any trouble. They like to
ignore junior officers, but i guarantee they won't ignore me," said
"Roger that, sir," I said enthusiastically. I'd been getting the
run-around from the techs since I'd come on board The Intrepid. I
thought it was high-time for it to end. But first we had this boring
patrol to perform.
"Diamondback Flight III ready for launch, Control."
"You are cleared for launch, Diamondbacks. Hope you have a boring
patrol out there," replied Flight Control.
"Thanks, flight," said Drako. "Fire 'em up guys. Do this by the
book. And form up on me as soon as we clear the flight deck."
"Roger," said Michael.
"You got it," said Marcin.
"That's a big 10-4, chief," I said.
I checked my status lights again and engaged the repulsors and
stirred the flightstick a little to make sure it was responsive. Then
I watched as first one and then the other two members of my flight
slowly floated forward into space. I was right behind them.
"Throttle up and form on me," came Drako's next order.
Then from the Flight Controller, "Okay, Diamondback III. It's all
on you. Stay frosty and keep your eyes peeled. This hasn't exactly
been the friendliest quadrant recently. And things have quiet for too
long. Good luck. Report in if you pick up anything on your scopes."
"Roger, Intrepid. We have you covered," replied Drako. "Alright
guys, stay alert."
Michael said, "Sure. Another boring patrol."
"I'm sooo excited," I said and voiced a fake yawn.
"Cut the sarcasm, and watch out for anything," ordered CPT Drako.
"Right, we don't want to be the flight that let Intrepid down,"
pointed out Marcin.
Feeling properly chastised, I ran another system check and
concentrated on maintaining correct position and spacing in the
formation. This was the exciting fighter pilot life I had dreamed
about. I couldn't believe it. I hated patrol duty. It's the only
thing more boring than customs inspection duty.

I, LCM Zhaim Jifarr, had been a pilot since before I was of legal
age to get my license. I'm from Corellia, where my mom was a
university professor and my dad was a detective in CorSec. Their
vacation-liner disappeared on their way back from a second honeymoon
vacation trip to Coruscant when I was eleven years old.
My Uncle Jace finished raising me after that. He was a freighter
captain with a large transport company based on Corellia. I spent
most of my teenage years working just about every crew position on
just about every sized freight hauler in the galaxy.
I had resigned myself to working that boring end of the pilotting
spectrum and was ready to propose to my long-time girlfriend, a free-
lance computer specialist on Corellia, when she decided to take a job
offer to work for the NR on Coruscant.
I had to break it off. I feel the New Republic is nothing but a
poor substitute for the Old Republic's corruption and am sickened by
Corellians who would allow my home planet to become subjugated to
such a poor form of galactic government. I was primed for recruitment
when, three weeks later, I found myself waiting for a reload on
Aurora Prime. I stopped by the TIE Corps' recruitment pavilion at a
jobs fair I'd happened to come across while wandering around the
system's beautiful capitol city. And the rest, as they say, is
After a few weeks of training, (I was told I "flew" through The
Academy Flight Certification and Core Course in near-record time) I
got lucky enough to receive my requested assignment to Diamondback
Squadron. Now it was several months later and the new had started to
wear off of the whole experience, even though I had already managed
to get promoted to Lieutenant Commander and had several
responsibilities entrusted to me.
Only a month ago, I had been granted entry into the Brotherhood of
Dark Jedi and was now part of that mysterious organization's Sith
Order in addition to my TC duties. I had been recruited into The
Brotherhood by my wingman, Azazel, only a week before he'd had to
leave active service in The Brotherhood in order to take over the
CMDR slot in Diamondback. I was still pretty new at some much pf
this, but took my darkside force training seriously. I was beginning
to develope certain senses that I'd always assumed were just lucky
hunches or subconscious use of experience.
But patrol missions were still as boring as watching a Bantha race.

Twenty minutes later, I was still ruminating on how I could find a
way to spice things up around here just a little, when I suddenly
sensed danger through The Force. "Captain Drako, this is Zhaim. I
think something's about to happen," I called over the comm channel.
"What is it, Zhaim?" Drako asked.
"I'm not sure, but..."
I was suddenly cut off by Intrepid's Flight Controller. "Head's up,
Diamondback Flight! Scanners show multiple starfighter-sized ships
coming out of hyperspace."
"Check your lasers, shields, and counter-measures pilots," came
Drako's order. "Throttles to max. Zhaim, cover Michael. Marcin,
you're with me."
A chorus of, "Roger", followed. And then several blue blips
appearred on my display as if by magic.
"Pirates!" yelled the Flight Controller. "Diamondback flight, move
to intercept."
A heavily accented voice I'd never heard before suddenly croaked
from the comm speakers, "Give in Imperial, and no one get hurt."
There was not even the slightest pause before I heard The Commodore
of The Intrepid, VA Brakka, fire back his reply. "Not a chance,
pirate scum. Say your prayers."
"Diamondback Lead, you are cleared to attack," said the Flight
"You heard him guys," called Drako. "Light 'em up!"
I couldn't help myself. After months of simulator runs, training
excercises, and boring nothing-happening patrol missions, I was
psyched up. Finally some real live action! I keyed my microphone and
yelled, "WooHoo!!"
The pirates were attacking with a dozen antiquated R-41
starchasers, and had started their attack farther away from Intrepis
than any skilled tactician normally would have done. But I'm still
much too junior of an officer to be required to dwell on such points.
My job was simply to blast these dimwits into oblivion. The CMDRs and
Flags could worry about that stuff.
I filed that information away, set my lasers to maximum recharge,
and shunted some excess energy to my shields. After checking on what
targets my wingmates had already locked onto, I brought the next
nearest one to me up on my targeting display and switched weapons
over to advanced missiles. They were flying almost straight at us,
and were just coming into range. A second later, my targeting box
went red and a second after that went full red.
"I have a lock on number four," I called and fired. "Fire in the
hole." I twitched the flight stick a hair to the right, and depressed
the "hat" button, targeting another ship. He was closing fast, and I
didn't have time for a full lock. I let my instincts take over and
fired "from the hip".
Apparently my colleagues had done similarly, because as soon as I
was clear of the exploding debris field caused by the explosion of
that second target, I looked down at my display and only counted 3
blue blips remaining. Someone had obviously managed to get off a
third good shot, and my money was on Michael. He hadn't been CMDR of
the suadron when I first joined it simply because of his paperwork
Turning to go after the remaining pirate ships. I suddenly had a
premonition, but was afraid it was too late. Drako was just blasting
the last pirate starfighter to bits with a pair of quad-linked laser
shots, when a call came over the comm channel from The Intrepid.
"What's going on out there, Drako?" GN Wil Striker
yelled. "Something just hit The Intrepid near the flight deck, but
there's nothing on the scanners."
"I'm not sure, sir," Drako admitted. "We didn't see anything but
the pirate losers we just blasted into spacedust and none of them
were even armed with any kind projectiles, much less had a chance to
fire any."
"Well good work taking them out so quickly, but stay alert,"
Striker ordered. "Something's not right here and unfortunately the
flight deck is now jammed. We can't get anyone out there to assist
"Roger, Wil," Drako replied. "We've got you covered."
"I know you guys were listenly, Flight III," Drako said to the rest
of us. "We're on our own. Not only is Intrepid on her own, but now
we're all alone out here defending her. So stay sharp."
"I should have known better than to start complaining about being
bored," I silently lamented to myself. "It's always a bad idea,
because things have a way of suddenly getting too exciting right
after that."

FM/LCM Zhaim Jifarr/Diamondback 3-4/Wing XIV/ISD-II Intrepid


Great work Zhaim i liked it!



I am not updating this section cos there is no point with db down !


[1-1] #1232 Maj Azazel




[1-2] #4590 CM Tvan'Oris




[1-3] #5281 CM Chris




[1-4] #8501 LCM Hubert






[2-1] #5483 CM Derek Dan




[2-2] #4728 CPT Adam Szydlowski




[2-3] #8292 LCM Ace


- none


[2-4] #2614 CM Arti






[3-1] #4179 CPT Drako




[3-2] #5164 MAJ Michael




[3-3] #5533 CPT Marcin Kaczynski




[3-4] LCM Zhaim Jiffar


- none




-there wont be any top ace till db is back :(









-Because eh.net is down i cant see all statistics , sorry it could be little old :

((Squad Summary: 13326 (+309)

Squad Average: 1110 (+26) Yay!!
Best Week (Total/Average): 309/25


CM Tvan'Oris (2088) +5
CPT Michael (2035) ยน0

MAJ Azazel (2031) +91



CM Derek Dan (1788) +119


CPT Wiesio (1383) -0


CPT Drako (767) +14


LCM Ace (700) -0
CPT Marcin Kaczynski (682) -0
LCM Chris (674) -0
CM Arti (654) 00


LT Zhaim Jifarr (380) +72


LCM Hubert (199) -0



Squad Summary: 311 (-0)
Squad Average: 26 (-0)
Best Week (Total/Average): 0/0

Veteran 2nd[90]:
MAj Michael (96) -0


Veteran 1st[80]

Maj Azazel (86)

Officer 1st[60]:
CM Wiesio (63) -0

Officer 4th[30]:
CM Tvan'Oris (36) -0

Marksman 3rd[15]:
CM Derek Dan (18) +1

CPT Drako(9) -0
LT Zhaim Jifarr(7) -0
LCM Chris(5) -0

LT Hubert(4) -0
CPT Marcin Kaczynski(1) -0

CM Arti




Starting Date 4/1/2002
Ending Date 12/1/2003
Parties Involved:
Diamondback Squadron
Missions/Battles Used
All available in EH database.
Miscellaneous Details
As Citations Officer of Diamondback Squadron, every week I assign battle to fly, for every DB pilot. This helps squadron to get more citations. Usually I assign 3 battles per week. For completing every assigned battle, pilot get 5 points. For completing any other battle, pilot gets 2 points. For FCHG promotion, pilot get 10 points.
After end of each month, I check points and award IS-BW to the pilot with the highest number of points. Then I reset counters. If there is a tie, both pilots get IS-BW
Competition URL  http://www27.brinkster.com/marcins/storm/index.asp 
Contact Name  :VA Marcin Szydlowski
Contact Email pbmike@go2.pl
Other Information :
Competition site is under construction. Should be available soon.





Vanguard Shield
Time: 12:00 - 15:00 EST ( 18:00 - 21:00 GMT )
Place: IRC Channel #ehcoc ( Undernet IRC Network )
Rules: LoC for every victory, DFC for overall winner of every division

Tempest Storm
Time: 19:00 - 22:00 EST ( 0:00 - 3:00 GMT )
Place: IRC Channel #ehcoc ( Undernet IRC Network )
Rules: LoC for every victory, DFC for overall winner of every division

Tie Corps BattleGroups Training
Time: 17:00 - 19:00 EST ( 21:00 - 23:00 GMT )
Place: IRC Channel #ehcoc ( Undernet IRC Network )
Rules: LoC for every victory, DFC for overall winner of every division

Frozen Doom
Time: 22:00 - 0:30 EST ( 15:00 - 17:30 GMT )
Place: IRC Channel #ehcoc ( Undernet IRC Network )
Rules: LoC for every victory, DFC for overall winner of every division

Greenwich Wolf Competition
Time: 15:30 - 17:30 EST ( 20:30 - 22:30 GMT )
Place: IRC Channel #ehcoc ( Undernet IRC Network )
Rules: LoC for every victory, DFC for overall winner of every division

ASF Competition
Time: 19:00 - 22:30 EST ( 00:00 - 03:30 GMT )
Place: IRC Channel #ehcoc ( Undernet IRC Network )
Rules: LoC for every victory, DFC for overall winner of every division

Night of Lost Souls
Time: 15.00 - 17.00 EST ( 20.00 - 22.00 GMT )
Place: IRC Channel #ehcoc ( Undernet IRC Network )
Rules: LoC for every victory, DFC for overall winner of every division

Time: 5.00 - 8.00 AM EST ( 0.00 - 3.00 GMT )
Place: IRC Channel #ehcoc ( Undernet IRC Network )
Rules: LoC for every victory, DFC for overall winner of every division

Sovereign Nighthawk Competition
Time: 3:00 PM EST - 6:00 PM EST ( 20:00 - 23:00 )
Place: IRC Channel #ehcoc ( Undernet IRC Network )
Rules: LoC for every victory, DFC for overall winner of every division

Time: 9:00 - 12:30 AM EST ( 14:00 - 17:00 GMT )
Place: IRC Channel #ehcoc ( Undernet IRC Network )
Rules: LoC for every victory, DFC for overall winner of every division

Saturday Night Training
Time: 20:00 - 23:00 PM EST ( 1.00 - 4.00 GMT)
Place: IRC Channel #ehcoc ( Undernet IRC Network )
Rules: LoC for every victory, DFC for overall winner of every division





-Due to thing that database is down there wont be cit officer report , but u can see assigments on page :  http://www27.brinkster.com/marcins/storm/assignments.htm


Squadron Citations: 247
Position in Wing: 1st
Postion in BattleGroup: 1st
Position in Fleet: 1st

TIE-TC Battle 1 - Capture of Zaarin
TIE-TC Battle 2 - Strike at Calamari
TIE-TC Battle 3 - New Dimensions
TIE-TC Battle 4 - Recapture Zaarins Technology
TIE-TC Battle 5 - Pirate Uprising
TIE-TC Battle 6 - Destruction
TIE-TC Battle 7 - Betrayal
TIE-TC Battle 8 - Strike Against the Pirates
TIE-TC Battle 9 - Tracking the Defectors
TIE-TC Battle 10 - Battle for the DeathStar
TIE-TC Battle 11 - Renegade Battle
TIE-TC Battle 12 - Jedi Hunt
TIE-TC Battle 13 - Finding the Lakul
TIE-TC Battle 14 - Vader Takes Command
TIE-TC Battle 15 - Special Operations
TIE-TC Battle 16 - Dacian Downfall
TIE-TC Battle 17 - Zaarins Missile Boats
TIE-TC Battle 18 - Interception
TIE-TC Battle 19 - The Tethys Honeymoon
TIE-TC Battle 20 - Escort Carrier Missions
TIE-TC Battle 21 - Break the Sky
TIE-TC Battle 22 - Aftermath
TIE-TC Battle 23 - Daedalus
TIE-TC Battle 24 - Save the Emperors DNA
TIE-TC Battle 25 - Spoils of War
TIE-TC Battle 26 - The Dark Troopers
TIE-TC Battle 27 - (X)-Wings of Glory
TIE-TC Battle 28 - Conquest
TIE-TC Battle 29 - Communications Wars
TIE-TC Battle 30 - Save the Emperors Archives
TIE-TC Battle 31 - Hidden Agenda
TIE-TC Battle 32 - Assassinate the Fleet Commander?
TIE-TC Battle 33 - Strike at Incom
TIE-TC Battle 34 - Encounter at Charybdis
TIE-TC Battle 35 - Unexpected Encounter
TIE-TC Battle 36 - Weekend Retreat
TIE-TC Battle 37 - CM Howies Battle
TIE-TC Battle 38 - Deepspace Syndicate
TIE-TC Battle 39 - Up and at Em!
TIE-TC Battle 40 - Deception
TIE-TC Battle 41 - Rebel Demise
TIE-TC Battle 42 - Jealousy
TIE-TC Battle 44 - Military Complex Operation
TIE-TC Battle 45 - Traitors
TIE-TC Battle 46 - Back to the Basics
TIE-TC Battle 47 - Get That Rat!
TIE-TC Battle 48 - "Ski Hoth" - Star Wars Mercenaries
TIE-TC Battle 49 - Construct the Sovereign
TIE-TC Battle 50 - Ackbars Trick
TIE-TC Battle 51 - The Space Supremacy
TIE-TC Battle 52 - Freedom Task Force
TIE-TC Battle 53 - Capture of the Rebel Spy
TIE-TC Battle 54 - Excaliber
TIE-TC Battle 55 - Double Threat
TIE-TC Battle 57 - Raptor
TIE-TC Battle 58 - The Outcast
TIE-TC Battle 59 - Encounter at Dar'Telis
TIE-TC Battle 60 - Operation Harpoon
TIE-TC Battle 61 - Grand Admiral's Birthday
TIE-TC Battle 62 - Taco Wars
TIE-TC Battle 63 - Beyond the Minos Cluster
TIE-TC Battle 64 - Pruscian Betrayal, Part I
TIE-TC Battle 65 - Pruscian Betrayal, Part II
TIE-TC Battle 66 - Minos Cluster, Battle One
TIE-TC Battle 67 - The Siege of Maltar
TIE-TC Battle 68 - Minos Cluster, Battle Two
TIE-TC Battle 69 - Point Patrol
TIE-TC Battle 71 - Praetorian Glory
TIE-TC Battle 72 - Accident in the Carrida System
TIE-TC Battle 73 - Cobra Squadron
TIE-TC Battle 74 - Protect the Inquisitor
TIE-TC Battle 75 - Stop the Mon Mothma
TIE-TC Battle 76 - Mirror Universe
TIE-TC Battle 77 - Verpine Encounter, Part One
TIE-TC Battle 78 - Verpine Encounter, Part Two
TIE-TC Battle 79 - Drop The Hammer
TIE-TC Battle 80 - Reassignment
TIE-TC Battle 81 - A New Enemy
TIE-TC Battle 82 - Shadow's Revenge
TIE-TC Battle 83 - Battle For Truth and Honor
TIE-TC Battle 84 - Capture of Rebel Technology
TIE-TC Battle 85 - Forces of History
TIE-TC Battle 86 - The Sheerot Rebellion
TIE-TC Battle 87 - Withdrawal From Endor
TIE-TC Battle 88 - Bothan Tricks
TIE-TC Battle 89 - Tiger and Wolf
TIE-TC Battle 90 - Instructor Rating
TIE-TC Battle 91 - Supply Incident
TIE-TC Battle 92 - Deep Recon Into Tyrranian Space
TIE-TC Battle 93 - Creation of Infiltrator Wing
TIE-TC Battle 94 - The Ultimate Shield
TIE-TC Battle 95 - Dimok Evacuation
TIE-TC Battle 96 - Deep Strike
TIE-TC Battle 97 - Hammer's Week
TIE-TC Battle 98 - The HCI
TIE-TC Battle 99 - Cleanse the Rim
TIE-TC Battle 100 - The Battle for Manhood
TIE-TC Battle 101 - The Chase at Lyccos
TIE-TC Battle 102 - Attack on Petros Medal Works
TIE-TC Battle 103 - Minos Cluster Invasion
TIE-TC Battle 104 - Spam Wars
TIE-TC Battle 105 - Treachery Aboard the Challenge
TIE-TC Battle 106 - Battle in Corellia
TIE-TC Battle 107 - Farewell to Old Friends
TIE-TC Battle 108 - Unexplored Territory
TIE-TC Battle 109 - Eclipse the Sun
TIE-TC Battle 110 - Advanced Mag Pulse Technology
TIE-TC Battle 112 - Super TIEs
TIE-TC Battle 113 - Raid on Casserine
TIE-TC Battle 115 - Project Emperor's Revenge
TIE-TC Battle 116 - GA Ronin vs. Rogues
TIE-TC Battle 117 - Resh Battle
TIE-TC Battle 118 - Omicron's Initiation
TIE-TC Battle 119 - The Razinki Operation
TIE-TC Battle 120 - Thunderer the Victory Star Destroyer
TIE-TC Battle 121 - Battle of Principles
TIE-TC Battle 122 - Rebels and Pirates
TIE-TC Battle 123 - Strengthen the Emperor's Hammer
TIE-TC Battle 124 - Rebel Tenacity
TIE-TC Battle 125 - Operation 'Silent Scream'
TIE-TC Battle 126 - Strategic Termination
TIE-TC Battle 127 - Making a New SSD
TIE-TC Battle 128 - Operation Yridia Alpha
TIE-TC Battle 131 - TIE Fighter Covert Missions
TIE-TC Battle 132 - Battle of the Bins
TIE-TC Battle 133 - Punishment Tour
TIE-TC Battle 137 - Pirate Arms War
TIE-TC Battle 138 - Battle of the TIE Interceptor
TIE-TC Battle 139 - Mugaari Insurgence
TIE-TC Battle 140 - A New Ally
TIE-TC Battle 144 - Rebel Factory
TIE-TC Battle 145 - Save the SSD Avenger
TIE-TC Battle 152 - Relentless Training
TIE-TC Battle 153 - Koph Supremacy Project
TIE-TC Battle 154 - Spies!
TIE-TC Battle 155 - The Supplies War
TIE-TC Battle 156 - EH Wrestling Extravaganza
TIE-TC Battle 157 - Operation Zupa
TIE-TC Battle 163 - Project: Athena
TIE-TC Battle 165 - The Hunt for Zsinj
TIE-TC Battle 187 - Katana Remnants
TIE-TC Battle 188 - Battle for Endor
TIE-TC Battle 198 - Prelude to Andevia
TIE-IW Battle 1 - Welcome
TIE-IW Battle 4 - Strike at Incom
TIE-IW Battle 8 - Shadow Squadron
TIE-IW Battle 9 - Ares Charge
TIE-IW Battle 10 - Hunt for Fleet #18
TIE-IW Battle 11 - Fending off Rebels
TIE-IW Battle 13 - Minos Raiders
TIE-IW Battle 20 - Karana Takeover Campaign: Karana Overlords
TIE-IW Battle 24 - Rion's Shadow Campaign: Seeds of Corruption
TIE-IW Battle 26 - Rion's Shadow Campaign: Ambassadors
TIE-DB Battle 1 - Midnight Requisition
TIE-DB Battle 2 - The Krath Haj
TIE-DB Battle 3 - The Light Jedi
TIE-DB Battle 4 - Baptism of Fire
TIE-DB Battle 5 - Destruction
TIE-DB Battle 6 - Darkest Blood
TIE-DB Battle 7 - Quest of the Elite
TIE-DB Battle 8 - The Capture of Yridia II
TIE-DB Battle 9 - Dark Brotherhood Battle 9
TIE-DB Battle 10 - Relics of the Ancient Jedi
TIE-DB Battle 11 - Black Dragon Rising
TIE-DB Battle 12 - Operation Darkstar
TIE-DB Battle 13 - Circlet of Domination
TIE-DB Battle 14 - Defend the Darkness
TIE-ID Battle 1 - Intel Joins the Fleet
TIE-ID Battle 2 - Secure Endor
TIE-ID Battle 3 - The Bacta War
TIE-ID Battle 4 - Attempt on the SDIR
TIE-BHG Battle 1 - The Hunt Begins
TIE-BHG Battle 2 - Eliminating the Competition
TIE-CAB Battle 1 - Assault On the Hast Shipyards
TIE-CAB Battle 2 - Assault Of Aurora
TIE-CAB Battle 3 - Secure the Phare System
TIE-CAB Battle 4 - Battle for Kronos
TIE-CAB Battle 5 - Destroy Shipyards of the New Republic
XvT-TC Battle 1 - The Verpine Encounter
XvT-TC Battle 2 - Capture of a Murderer
XvT-TC Battle 3 - Preparing for Battle
XvT-TC Battle 4 - Encounter with the Black Sun
XvT-TC Battle 5 - Phoenix Saga
XvT-TC Battle 6 - Wolf Pack Aggression
XvT-TC Battle 7 - The Resupply
XvT-TC Battle 8 - The Loshen Resistance
XvT-TC Battle 9 - The Black Sun Incident
XvT-TC Battle 10 - Abduction of VA Priyum
XvT-TC Battle 11 - Krayt Squadron Training
XvT-TC Battle 12 - Odin's Redemption
XvT-TC Battle 13 - Graduates, Graduate!
XvT-TC Battle 14 - Orion Base Crisis
XvT-TC Battle 16 - Deep strike at K'atalla
XvT-TC Battle 17 - The Burning Season
XvT-TC Battle 19 - Project B: "the Tie Bomber project"
XvT-TC Battle 20 - Mysterious People
XvT-TC Battle 21 - Project X: "the T-65C A2 project"
XvT-TC Battle 23 - The ASF Fishing Trip
XvT-TC Battle 38 - XvT Week of War XLIII
XvT-IW Battle 10 - Hunt for Fleet #18
XvT-IW Battle 12 - The Miranda Passage
XvT-IW Battle 17 - Dar'Telis Expansion: Exterminate the Mechanoids
XvT-IW Battle 23 - Rion's Shadow Campaign: Infiltrate Rion
XvT-IW Battle 25 - Rion's Shadow Campaign: Eliminate Friendship
XvT-DB Battle 1 - Jedi Academy
XvT-DB Battle 2 - Rascar Political Disruption
XvT-DB Battle 3 - House Ludo Kressh: Battle for Frondra
XvT-DB Battle 5 - Hand Over Fist
XvT-DB Battle 6 - Operation: Razor Ice
BoP-TC Battle 1 - Double Cross at Coronada
BoP-TC Battle 2 - Behind Enemy Lines
BoP-TC Battle 3 - Smuggling at Vector 29
BoP-TC Battle 5 - Rebel Defiance
BoP-TC Battle 7 - The Habeen Problem
BoP-IW Battle 14 - New Recruits
BoP-IW Battle 18 - Karana Takeover Campaign: Karana Killzone
BoP-IW Battle 24 - Rion's Shadow Campaign: Seeds of Corruption
BoP-IW Battle 25 - Rion's Shadow Campaign: Eliminate Friendship
XWA-TC Battle 1 - Avenger Encounter
XWA-TC Battle 2 - First Contact
XWA-TC Battle 3 - The Darkon Mystery
XWA-TC Battle 4 - Privateer
XWA-TC Battle 5 - Show of Force
XWA-TC Battle 6 - Enemy Defector
XWA-TC Battle 7 - Assault on Chimera
XWA-TC Battle 8 - Hammer to Anvil
XWA-TC Battle 9 - Defection of Kusanagi
XWA-TC Battle 10 - The Phare Encounter
XWA-TC Battle 11 - Heroes of the Immortal
XWA-TC Battle 13 - Hammer to Anvil Part II
XWA-TC Battle 14 - The History of the ISD Immortal
XWA-TC Battle 15 - Nasty Surprise
XWA-TC Battle 16 - The History of the ISD Relentless
XWA-TC Battle 17 - Secrets and Lies: The Exile
XWA-TC Battle 19 - Evaluation of the ISD Vanguard
XWA-TC Battle 22 - The Career of Adrenaline
XWA-TC Battle 23 - The Unknown Regions - Thrawn's Fist
XWA-IW Battle 22 - Abyssi Ianua - Gates to Hell
XWA-IW Battle 24 - Rion's Shadow Campaign: Seeds of Corruption
XWA-IW Battle 25 - Rion's Shadow Campaign: Eliminate Friendship
XWA-IW Battle 26 - Rion's Shadow Campaign: Ambassadors







Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet:
Grand Admiral Ronin - garonin@aol.com
IRC Channel: #emperor's_hammer

Emperor's Hammer Tie Corps:
Fleet Admiral Priyum Patel - spellfire@btinternet.com
Website: www.emperorshammer.net
IRC Channel: #tiecorps



Agressor Strike Force:
Admiral Cyric - jroscoe@bellatlantic.net
Website: http://asforce.f2s.com/

IRC Channel: #eh_asf




Imperial Star Destroyer Mk.II "Smoking Guns" Intrepid:
Vice Admiral Brakka - brakka@ntlworld.com 
IRC Channel: #wingxiv
HOMEPAGE: http://www.isd-intrepid.org

MESSAGE BOARD: http://www.tiecorps.org/mb/view.asp?b=37&v=2&s=0

14th Imperial Starfigher Wing "Emperor's Bite"
GN Wil Striker - wilstriker@cox-internet.com

88th Imperial Starfighter Squadron "Death Riders" Diamondback:
Maj Azazel - azazel777@wp.pl
Website: TBA
IRC Channel: #ehpl





COMMANDER: MAJ Azazel azazel777@wp.pl  

1) Maj Azazel ( azazel777@wp.pl )
2) CM Tvan'Oris ( tvanoris@box43.pl
3) LCM Chris ( pbelvis@poczta.onet.pl
4) LCM Hubert ( hubzoz@poczta.onet.pl

1) CM Derek Dan ( derekdan@wp.pl
2) CPT Adam Szydlowski ( pbwiesio@poczta.wp.pl
3) LCM Ace ( szklarzewicz@wp.pl
) [Competition Officer]
4) CM Arti (artillus@poczta.onet.pl)

1) CPT Drako ( rswojc@poczta.wp.pl ) [CMDR's XO]
2) MAJ Michael ( chaose@go2.pl)
3) CPT Marcin Kaczynski ( marimp@kki.net.pl )
4) LCMZhaim Jifarr ( jifarr@earthlink.net
) [Squadron's Proofreader]

Total: 12



CMDR-TCS-TCT/MAJ Azazel/Diamondback/Wing XIV/ISD Intrepid
SSx3/PCx7/ISMx5/MoI/IS-9BW-4SW-6GW/LoC-PSx54/DFC-BWx6/MoC-1BoC/CoB/LoAx2/OV-3E [TMPR]
SW Azazel (Sith)/Rogue (SC)/(SE)/DC-KC-O-CS/Cr-1S-4A-1R {SA: CORE}

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