Nun Report # 1 (2003-08-08)

This report was submitted by CPT Jaster Sadista

Nun Squadron Report #1

Welcome to the first Nun Squadron report under the command of CPT Jaster Sadista. This is sure to be a collectors issue (yeah right). Onward with the news!

Squadron News:

First and foremost, as I’m sure you know by now, Nun has a new CMDR: yours truly. I’ve already sent out an e-mail to you all introducing myself, so I won’t go through it again.

I am not the only new pilot in Nun; everyone welcome LCM Darth Angelus! He was in Nun before and now he’s decided to come back. Welcome!

I changed the Flight I motto from “Act like a man of thought - Think like a man of action” to “Only the Good Die Young.” Speaking of changing mottos, I don’t really like ours and I want to change it. If anyone has any ideas, please feel free to let me know, as I don’t want to have to come up with one myself.

The Nun website has accidentally been eliminated. I’m trying to create a new one, but it’s not coming along to well :^/ I’ll keep you all updated.

Squadron Status:

I know in my last e-mail I said I wanted to start a FCHG run or something like it. Well, scratch that. According to the TO, “runs” are no longer allowed. I don’t know why, but oh well. But fear not loyal Nuners! There is a Wing V comp going on: the Wing Commander’s Challenge. It’s simple; all you have to do is challenge COL Es’mith to fly a FREE mission on any platform and the person with the highest score gets an IS-BW. Get flying!

I have still not heard from the following members: SL Lyon Krilbrook, CM Dakar Romson, CPT Death Angel, LCM Jason Kotare. If I don’t hear from you guys within the week, I’ll be doing an AWOL check next week.

The FL positions are still open. I plan on starting a comp of sorts to fill them, but I want to hear from more members first. When I come up with a definitive plan I will let you all know. And thanks to LCM Angelus for the suggestion! I hope to have both positions filled by the end of the month.


CPT Jaster Sadista (1-1) ( - #4200
8/4: Flew XWA-FREE #23
8/4: Flew XWA-IW #3
8/4: Flew XWA-TC #10
8/4: Flew XWA-TC #12
8/4: Flew XWA-TC #14
posted on and was given MOD status to Nun MB (
changed Flight I motto from "Act like a man of thought - Think like a man of action" to "Only the Good Die Young"
8/6: Flew XWA-FREE #98 for Wing Commander's Challenge comp

LCM Efherman (1-2) ( - #8994
e-mail activity

LCM Darth Angelus ( - #757
mIRC activity
e-mail activity

SL Lyon Krilbrook (2-2) ( - #10159

CM Dakar Romson (2-3) ( - #6282

CPT Death Angel (3-2) ( - #141

LCM Jason Kotare (3-3) ( - #1978

That’s all for this week. Get active! Fly some missions, write some fiction, RECRUIT! Do whatever you want, so long as you’re active.

Until next week I remain:

CMDR/CPT Jaster Sadista/Nun/Wing V/SSSD Sovereign
PCx2/ISMx3/LoC-CS/CoL/CoB/OV-3E [PLDN] {IWATS-IIC/1/2-M/1/2-SM/2}


COMMANDER: CPT Jaster Sadista ( - #4200
NICKNAME: Sovereign's Wrath
MOTTO: Good Strategy leads to glorious Victory, devoid Bravery ends with useless Death.

Nickname: Dogs of War
Motto: Only the Good Die Young
1) CPT Jaster Sadista ( - #4200
2) LCM Efherman ( - #8994
3) LCM Darth Angelus ( - #757
4) TBA

Nickname: The Red Wings
Motto: Excitate vos e somno, liberi fatali. Somnus est non
1) TBA
2) SL Lyon Krilbrook ( - #10159
3) CM Dakar Romson ( - #6282
4) TBA

Nickname: Immortals
Motto: We don't die. Ever.
1) TBA
2) CPT Death Angel ( - #141
3) LCM Jason Kotare ( - #1978
4) TBA

---------------------------------------------------------------------Total: 7

Squadron Citations (2):
XWA-TC Battle 1 - Avenger Encounter
XWA-TC Battle 2 - First Contact

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