Tempest Report # 14 (2003-08-09)

This report was submitted by COL Locke Setzer

Tempest Squadron Report


Squadron Orders

-Participate in the ISD Challenge vs CRS Fear competition! Currently we are in Part I, which includes the following phases

Phase 1: Fly FREE-TIE #182(included), FREE-XWA #76, and/or FREE-XvT #25 for the single player part of this comp. As with all Shipwide events, the SP TIE mission is mandatory for all Tempest pilots. Logan and Amadeo are excused due to being on leave and having a broken joystick respectively

Phase 2: Multiplayer matches! To be held anywhere a fight will be taken!

Phase 3: Each WC of the two participating ships will make up a list of 35 triva questions. The WC's will trade lists, and we'll have to answer the Fear's questions and they'll have to answer ours. How does our WC get good SW trivia questions? Easy! We send him some ;) I'm putting together a few killer questions, so feel free to send a few off the wall questions as well ;)

Special note about this competition... instead of awarding points to a Wing as whole, this competition awards points to a squadron. That means the comp winners will be ranked by squad, meaning we have a perfect oppertunity to show how awesome Tempest really is! So please try to do the best you can to participate in as many aspects of this comp as you can. Remember, participation is the *key* to this comp, so even if your score's bad or you lose a match, it dosen't matter, long as you try :)

This part ends August 16th, so I expected at the least the TIE files before that :)

-Our competition with Kappa Squadron will start next week, so I hope you're all gearing up to remind everyone out there how much of a quality squad we are :)

-RA Sephiroth recently asked all of us CMDRs to make sure our game platforms listed on our profiles were up to date. This is to help give him and Frey a better idea of how much we can actually participate in XvT and XWA parts of comps, so I'd really appreciate if you all could change your profiles to reflect what platforms you *can* fly on sometime this week :)

-Run-on's still stagnant, so I think Master and I are gonna write up an ending to it soon and let it rest... until the next one ;)

-Recruit! We're the biggest squad and the wing, and while we could be nice and give pilots to other squads... why would we want to do that? Be greedy and get us some more pilots for our own! :)

Squadron News

-Woo! Again, a bit of a quiet week, but we had a few events of notice in here :) First, I want to welcome CPT Chris McCollum to the Tactical Office. He's joined my X-Wing staff to become one of the first two Tactical Surveyors(aka Crash Dummies) for X-Wing ever :) So a big welcome to him. btw, as always if anyone's intrested in joining the TAC office as a X-Wing tester or something else, email me and I'll see if I can't hook you up :)

-In the spirit of mission design this week, big congrats to CPT Rover who's working with a quality plot on a new battle involving all the Tempestations, which I'll be giving him a small hand with :)

-LCM Prost Varsis was awarded a CoB this week for his number of FCHG points... which he should have gotten ages ago, but congratulations nevertheless :)

-And as always, here's this weeks fabulous citation list :)

-COL Locke Setzer-

-CPT Chris McCollum-

-CPT Rover-
TIE-TC 138
TIE-TC 153

-CM Dirk Logan-
TIE-TC 106
TIE-TC 131
TIE-TC 132
TIE-TC 150
TIE-TC 154

-CPT Amadeo-
TIE-TC 100
TIE-TC 155
TIE-TC 159
TIE-TC 167
TIE-TC 171

-COL Master-
TIE-TC 117
TIE-TC 128
TIE-TC 141

-LCM Prost Varsis-
TIE-TC 156
TIE-TC 178
TIE-TC 180
TIE-TC 181
TIE-TC 187

Wing News

-Congrats to CM Infamus, who also joined the TAC office as a X-Wing tester this week, and was in fact awarded Tactical Office Pilot of the Week, even tho it was his first week on the job :)

-CPT Elwood the Brave returned for good this week, so a big welcome back to the long-delayed Typhoon CMDR :)

-WC's on semi-leave till tommorrow, so we have to all anxiously await our new medals from the last comp until then ;P

-CPT Stuart is also on leave until Sunday. In his place CPT Alexi Stukov has been A-CMDRing

Fleet News

-In a bit of unexpected news, OPS Officer Admiral Khaine resigned this week. Whether or not his precense will be missed or rejoiced over depends completely on how stingy the next OPS officer is ;)

-A rather cool XWA addition recently came out of the SCO office that turns the concourse into a Imperial setting. It's actually rather cool, and I recommend it to all XWA pilots :) Feel free to head over to this download site and give it a try :)

-Congrats to the new WC of lucky Wing XIII, MAJ Gilad Pelleaeon!

Squadron Activity

-COL Locke Setzer-
-8/3 Recruited CPT Chris McCollum and CM Infamus to the TAC Office as X-Wing testers!
-8/3 Completed TIE-DB #6, Darkest Blood (110,081)
-8/4 Completed FREE-TIE #229, Occupation on Inigew (23,846)
-8/4 Made submission to LO's Emperor's Hammer Memorial Flag comp!
-8/4 Mailed CPT Mauser a copy of TIE95!
-8/5 Made submission to the new COMM Banner competition
-8/5 Completed TIE-DB #7, Quest of the Elite (114,786)
-8/6 Completed TIE-DB #8, The Capture of Yridia II (57,573)
-8/6 Completed TIE-DB #3, The Light Jedi (50,071)
-8/7 Completed TIE-DB #10, Relics of the Ancient Jedi (89,457)
-8/7 Completed and Corrected XW-IW #3, Renegade Imperials (178,628)
-8/8 Submitted new FREE-XW mission to the TAC Office!
-8/9 Completed and Corrected XW-IW #4, Savior (77,282)
-8/9 Completed and Corrected XW-IW #5, Eagle Tour of Duty (80,625)

-CPT Chris McCollum-
-8/3 Joined the TAC staff as a X-Wing Tester!
-8/4 Made submission to LO's Emperor's Hammer Memorial Flag comp!
-8/5 Assisted CMDR in a graphics production
-8/6 Awarded IS-GR for 2nd place in LO comp!
-8/9 Made submission to the new COMM Banner competition

-CPT Rover-
-8/3 Completed TIE-TC #63, Beyond the Minos Cluster (361,548)
-8/4 Submitted battle storyline for me based on Save Dirk Logan's Marriage!
-8/8 Completed TIE-TC #22, Aftermath (229,116)
-8/8 Submitted large correction sheet of errors in TIE-TC #22!

-CM Dirk Logan-
*On Leave

-CPT Amadeo-

-COL Master-
-8/7 Completed TIE-TC #27, (X)-Wings of Glory (10,428)
-8/7 Completed TIE-TC #46, Back to Basics (4,040)
-8/9 Completed TIE-TC #37, CM Howies Battle (-2,165)

-LCM Prost Varsis-
-8/6 Awarded Commedation of Bravery!

Squadron Roster

COMMANDER: COL Locke Setzer (KevinSetzer@aol.com)
NICKNAME: Riders on the Storm
BANNER: tempest.jpg
MOTTO: "May the winds blow till they have waken'd death!" - Othello
HOMEPAGE: http://tempestsquadron.isdchallenge.net
MESSAGE BOARD: http://ehnet.org/mb/viewforum.php?f=69

Nickname: Cupid's Arrows
Motto: "Mortuus ex Vento" -- "Death from the Wind"
1) COL Locke Setzer (KevinSetzer@aol.com)
2) CPT Chris McCollum (ministryisadeity@aol.com)
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: "Katayoku no Tenshi" - The One Winged Angels
Motto: We are the Plague of the Galaxy!
1) CPT Rover (eh_rover@lglobus.ru)
2) CM Dirk Logan (scott@sparksracing.com)
3) CPT Amadeo (chris@roostersaregreat.freeserve.co.uk)
4) TBA

Nickname: The Imperial Monsoon
Motto: "We'll blow you off your feet."
1) COL Master (slavelet@iinet.net.au)
2) TBA
3) LCM Prost Varsis (thecrazynomad@yahoo.com)
4) TBA

Respectfully Submitted,

CMDR-TCT-TCS/COL Locke Setzer/Tempest/Wing X/ISD Challenge

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