Odin Report # 27 (2003-09-19)

This report was submitted by MAJ Pickled Yoda

Untitled Document ======!!!!!!!!!======

*Special because everyday in my job is now closer to my last.

Odin WSR #27. Straight from the crazed mind of Pickled Onion, er... Yoda, its provided solely for your viewing pleasure.
To quote Blackadder, Series Two, Episode Two
<Edmund Blackadder, upon being appointed Lord High Executioner> Right, Good morning team. My name is Edmund Blackadder, and I'm the new minister in charge of religious genocide.

Sorry its late folks, been reformatting madly.

OPS is like....the coolest ever. He ran through all of our medal requests in a very short time....wow!
FO Priyum Patel has moved on to higher places, namely serving at the HCI.
MAJ Hunter, Vortex CMDR, steps down, possibly the shortest term ever.
Keiran gets his spot, and then Apophis will have mine shortly. WSR #28 will be my last. Ah... the memories.
FCHG race against Tartarus continues, approximate score
Odin - 75 (pending some BSFs)
Tartarus -

Also, fly XvT F 11 for the Odin vs ASF Flags FCHG race. Or else. I mean it. :P

I came away from this lot of medals looking very happy indeed :D
ISM to the Yodster - FLASH Animation for Joey's Battle
IS-GR to the Yodster - XWA Film Comp
IS-GR to the Yodster - ASF Screenshot
ISM to Zytsef - August MSE
ISM to Hunterwolf - August MSE
IS-GR to the Yodster - ASF Trivia 10, 1st
IS-BR to the Yodster - Third place Anti-Trivia
CoL to the Yodster - for being cool
BS to the Yodster - the last three months of activity
IS-SW to Apophis - SSL third place squadron
IS-SW to the Yodster - SSSL third place squadron

wow....thats a lot of medals, and i got 8 of them!!!


Yoda - Well surprises galore, I actually flew some stuff. Hurray! XWA TC 34, 35, CAB 5, IW 8
Zytsef - Fixed computer, trying to recruit.
Apophis - XvT F 11, TC 15, 47 , 57, 58, 65, 67, 71
Hunterwolf - various frees according to reports, none submitted to me. Get them in to me!
JoeyC - Still Cracking more jokes than something that cracks rather a lot of jokes. Insane levels of online prescene. Insane levels of non-flying. Its the Joey we all know and love*.

*Not necessarily in a kinky way.

Yoda's Silly Spot

A Reading from the Book of Yoda, Chapter 27.

Odin Squadron gets WC's Own for August, wahey!!!! That makes an amazing five from eight this year and seven from the last ten months. This is really a credit to the squadron, the consistency most of all. Great work to you fellas for keeping it up as well as the legends of the squadron for starting it off, especially Kelh and Kael, for rescuing Odin from the death hounds (which was now over a year ago). Under Kelh's leadership we became a force to be reckoned with, and then I hopefully was able to continue in much the same manner :P

I am proud of Odin Squadron...you guys are the best.

Right, im done. No doubt there will be some profound thoughts in my last WSR. Last for now at least.

FLY for our competitions.

Fiction Section

This is Joey's Z-95 Trainer Fiction

-----Comm transmissions from The Front, 0936 hours, Firra Debris Field-----

<Onion> Report in
<Kuma> Online
<Zyt> Online
<HWolf> Online
<Joey> Out to Lunch
<Onion ...Joey...
<Joey> What?
<Onion> You use MSN too much
*Joey cringes...'Tis true
<Sarin> *blast of unrequired static* Odin, several Z-95's have been spotted nearby. Valkyrie Squadron is on the intercept, but just drop by and take some pictures would you? Sarin out. *static*
<Kuma> Whee, ain't this fun
<Odin> Yes, we get to shoot photos while Valkyrie gets to shoot Rebels
*Joey sighs
<HWolf> So, are we gonna go?
<Onion ...

-----Comm transmissions from The Front, 1020 hours, Firra Debris Field-----

<Onion> Stick together Odin
<Joey> Didn't you tell us to clean our ships before we left?
*Onion scratches his head....'Yes...what's your point?'
<Joey> Well how can we stick together if our ships are clean?
*Onion twitches and lists the pros and cons of friendly fire
<Kuma> Reading Valkyrie Squadron ahead...it appears that they have been disabled...wait! Picking up several incoming Z-95's on an intercept course with active weapons.
<Joey> W00!
<Onion> Split up by Flights and engage - Joey, you're on your own
<Joey> That's what my lawyer said too
<Onion> Why do you think he said that?
<Joey> Cause I didn't pay him and I set fire to his house...thrice...
<Onion> There you go. All fighters engage!

-----Comm transmissions from The Front, 1035 hours, Firra Debris Field-----

<Joey> Are we there yet?
<HWolf> Well, are we shooting anything?
<Joey> You know I gave that habit up a long time ago, what a question to ask
<Onion> Hush Joey, just arm your damn weapons and wait, we'll be leaving the field in a few minutes.
<Kuma> What's our plan of attack once we get within range?
<Onion> Well we're hoping that the Valkyrie's managed to damage or destroy a few of them. If so, it should a breeze. If not, we'll just have to be better than them. Their Ion Pulse Warheads will be fun though, so make -
<Joey> Yeah yeah, we've heard all this before "Make sure you don't fly straight" , "Always cut to 1/3 throttle" , 'Take your damn feet off the self-destruct console" , it's all old stuff!
*Joey cracks his knuckles
*Onion readies his flare canister, flies in front of Joey and releases one
*Joey manages to dodge the mini-missile
*Onion loads a large cow into his launcher and fires
<Joey> *gulp*

-----Comm transmissions from The Front, 1045 hours, Firra Gas Cloud-----

*Joey sobs
<Onion> Awww, what's wrong bubsy?
<Joey> You dented my K/I
<Onion> Well serves you right for interrupting me in the middle of my pep-talk
<Joey> That doesn't give you the right to launch a bovine at me!
<Onion> Sure it does, just read the Charter
*Joey unfurls a scroll...."If thou reprobate pilot interrupts thou pep-talk it grants thee the right to launch farm animals at thou reprobate".....*pouts*
<Onion> Told you so
<Joey> When was that damn thing written anyway? When Sarin was in diapers?
<Sarin> *blast of unrequired static* Sorry, comm breakup, could you please repeat that again? *static*
<Joey> ...
<Kuma> I believe he said "When was that damn thing written anyway? When Sarin was in diapers?"
*Joey twitches and arms his lasers

-----Comm transmissions from The Front, 1055 hours, Firra Gas Cloud-----

<Sarin> ...and let that be a warning to you!!!!!!!!*static*
*Joey gulps
<Onion> Wow, I've never heard him go off like that before....it's not like Joey knew he actually wore diapers...sheesh...
<Kuma> Sire, the Z-95's have gone to lightspeed.
*Onion sighs
<Onion> That's ok then, we'll just resume our patrol and return to the Grey Wolf
<Joey> Oh yay.
<Onion> You got a problem with that CAPTAIN?
<Joey> I err...owe someone some credits.....and I don't have them today...
<Onion> How many times have I told you, every time you get it lengthened, it costs money!
<Joey> But my lightsaber is too short still! The one you lent me isn't useful in the slightest!
<Onion> It's not the size that counts, it's how you use it
<Joey> Listen here you inflamed glob of -
<Sarin> *blast of undesirable static* Shut up both of you and listen, get back to the Wolf, I have a new assignment for the squadron *static*
<Joey> ...
<Onion> ...

Comm Transmissions from The Left-Right, #dgn_lichtor_v

<Joey> Lets gooo!
<Onion> Yep, the auto-drainer is ready to get us some good ol' home brew
<`Drake> Alright, sub-light engines ready to go
<`ZL> I'm prepped to draw fire
<Joey> Good, I sure as hell ain't doin it
<`Drake> Don't worry Joey, you can sit on your arse doing nothing at all
<Joey> Good, I won't have my precious calories being used up.
<Onion> 30 seconds until contact......15.......10.......5.......go!!!

<Onion> Be prepared!! The Emperor's Hammer Beer Brigade is stealing your beer!
<Zoltar> ?
*Joey hooks the hose up to the channel beer dump
<`ZL> Hurry!!!
<Onion> Draining.....draining....DONE!
<`Drake> Lets go!!!
*Zoltar sets mode +b Onion
*Zoltar sets mode +b Joey
<Joey> Eeep, back to the ship!
*Onion was kicked by Zoltar ( Like hell you're stealing my beer >)
<Joey> You can't get all of us! We pwned your b33r! Ph33r us!!!!
*`ZL has left #dgn_lictor_v
*`Drake has left #dgn_lichtor_v
*Joey has left #dgn_lichtor_v


not bad if i do say so myself.

FCHG Rankings

Yoda - [1531]
Apophis - [607]
Joey - [197]
HUnterwolf - [36]
Zytsef - [4]

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