Sword Report # 26 (2003-10-06)

This report was submitted by CPT Sarn Erec

CPT Sarn Erec reporting in for Sword Squadron on 10/06/2003

And another report from your beloved CMDR :P, actually there are some things coming up that might interest you :-), so read this report! And yeah, I sent in the MSE and this time I hope that the medals will reach the guys who should get them.

----Fleet News----

!!! Important !!!

Tactical Directive #2 - EHBL
13:34 - FA Marcin Szydlowski [tac@emperorshammer.org] :
Starting November 1st, 2003, every Emperor's Hammer pilot is ordered to use Emperor's Hammer Battle Launcher. Any High Scores achieved without EHBL will be rejected. Until November you have time to report any bugs and EHBL problems to SCO and TAC, so we will fix them quickly.


-XOA is still open to applications, if you're interested check the news site

-Some new battles have been released

-This is for those of you who are running XP and TIE95 (like me :P) and are having problems with the EHBL (like me :P). This is a TIE95 Fix for the EHBL for Windows XP: http://www.minos.net/~lenvik/tie952kxp.htm

-Imperial Storm IV: The BGs' Revenge is running, the BGs had their first enemy contact yesterday, stay ready to fly for IS soon. (check this site for details: http://waroffice.minos.net)

-The Newsletters 97 & 98 & 99 are now available, check these links: http://theholo.net/nls/eh/97/ , http://theholo.net/nls/eh/98/ , http://theholo.net/nls/eh/99/

-A new FO site has been created (expect another one soon :P), here's the link: http://flightoffice.minos.net

-As ususal check this site for more details: http://www.emperorshammer.net/news.asp

----Wing News----

-RA Phantom is still on leave, MAJ Cray might be, too.

-Expect a Wing vs. Wing Comp coming up, soon, I am talking something out and organizing it with another Wing and just got the OK from AD Krax, get your joysticks out and expect some action soon :P

----Squadron News----

-Sword Top Gun Comp #3 starts today, expect a seperate mail after this report.

-I would like to say that Recruiting should be a focus again, try to get people into the Squad (no direct recruiting to CTs and active pilots allowed!!!), this will be rewarded well and will show that you have initiative.

-IS is still running, as you might know this is a Fleet-wide Competition and we might get into action soon, there will be some other stuff coming up soon, too so be ready to raise your activity a lot, we will have a lot of competitions soon.

-Also check our site for news, I post frequently there:

-Here's our MB, check it, too: http://theholo.net/mb/viewforum.php?f=127


IS-BR to CM Dukimar for winning Sword Picture Comp #6


- Sword Top Gun Comp #3 starts today (right after this report :P), expect a seperate mail later.

- Imperial Storm IV: The BGs' Revenge is running, the BGs destroyed a CRV yesterday but no major battles yet, expect that to change soon.

----Squadron Orders----

Communicate, talk to each other
Fly, take IWATS, be active,
Go to the bar :P
And...post on our Message Board!! http://theholo.net/mb/viewforum.php?f=127

----Activity Report----

CPT Sarn
-Did CMDR stuff
-High IRC activity
-Flew TIE-TC#50, TIE-TC#52 (still need to be BSF'ed...Cray?)
Comment: I'm getting back to action, too :P

LCM Nom Ramadon
-Reported in.
Comment: Still has a broken toe, hope to see him back in action, soon.

COL Ricaud
-No contact
Comment: Ric - Can you drop me a mail please and tell me what's going on? Thanks :-)

LT Lanidet Tobri:
-Reported in.
Comment: Has severe PC problems, might get a new PC next week.

CM Jade Falcon
-Reported in
Comment: Did transfer to the RSVs, good luck Jade and thanks for your Service :-)

CPT Saadam
-Reported in
-Returned from his leave
-Flew TIE-TC#207 (possible Highscore)
-Flew TIE-Free#188, TIE-Free#189
Comment: Nice work Saadam, keep it up :-)

CM Dukimar
-Was awarded an IS-BR for winning Sword Picture Comp #6
Comment: Was on leave for this week, returns later today.

LT Brynda Demilor
-no contact
Comment: Brynda, what's up? I need to get in contact with you soon, please report in to me!

SL Sean
-Reported in
Comment: Sean, I would like to see you doing something, Come on, it's not that hard to do an INPR, fly a MP match or a Free mission once in a month.


OK, 6 out of 8 people reported in to me this week which is ok (Good would be 8 out of 8). 3 people were on leave, so activity wasn't that big this week (better though than last week). But at least I know what's going on and I hope that everyone will get his/her problems settled soon. We will need high activity soon as there are plenty of big competitions coming up and I want to see Sword Squadron looking good. We can do it, we have excellent pilots and I want that we show it to everybody out there. Thanks :-)


COMMANDER: CPT Sarn Erec (sarn_erec@web.de)
NICKNAME: Swords of the Empire
BANNER: sword.jpg
MOTTO: Imperial blades forged in the heat of battle.
HOMEPAGE: http://swordsquadron.minos.net/
MESSAGE BOARD: http://theholo.net/mb/viewforum.php?f=127

Nickname: Razor's Edge
Motto: "With unity comes victory"
1) CPT Sarn Erec (sarn_erec@web.de)
2) LCM Nom Ramadon (ncs332@yahoo.com)
3) COL Ricaud (kettchricaud@aol.com)
4) TBA

Nickname: Ardent Steel
Motto: Nunc Morere
1) LT Lanidet Tobri (lanidet@yahoo.com)
2) TBA
3) CPT Saadam (saadam@poczta.wp.pl)
4) TBA

Nickname: Tip of the Swords
Motto: "Nil Satis Nici Optimum"
1) CM Dukimar (brybry23@hotmail.com)
2) LT Brynda Demilor (BDemilor@gmx.net)
3) SL Sean (guy892@hotmail.com)
4) TBA

Total: 8

That's it for today,
With best regards,

CMDR/CPT Sarn Erec/Sword/Wing IX/ISD Relentless

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