Phantom Report # 127 (2003-10-17)

This report was submitted by LC Triji Boliv

Phantom Squadron Report # 4

17 October 2003

That’s right, guys. This is report number 4, and you know what that means! Next week…report number 5 baby, yeah! Oh and I’ve been commanding the squadron a month now. Pheer. : P

Squad News

Phantom v. Panther comp on now!
Running until the 25th! There’s a bit of a twist to the comp though, so please pay attention. :P We’re actually flying XWA-Free 12, TIE-Free 222, XvT-Free 138, and XW-Free 5. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO FLY ALL 4!!! You only HAVE to fly one. Due to the fact that Panther’s pilots do not all have XWA, we’re doing a percentage rating. I’ll send a separate email detailing scoring methods and such, but you guys just go fly. :P

Tygra took the TM course…
And that can only mean one thing. We’re all going to have to suffer though his battles like good squad mates. I know, I know, I don’t want to either, but it’s our job to be there to morally support our fellow pilot…no matter how crappy his missions may be. And that includes my horridly shoddy mission, TIE-FREE 193..go fly, consider it an order.

And I’m kidding, Tygra, I’m sure your missions don’t suck as bad as mine… : P atleast they’d better not

New WC!
After Bubba’s promotion to RelCOM, Locke’s been taking apps and our new WC is none other than _________! (To be answered Sunday)!! Congrats!!

HA! You all thought I’d really put the new WC’s name in. …actually I don’t know the answer…

Jarek is ALIVE!!!!!!
I know, I was shocked as hell too, but he actually did email me earlier this week…I’ve not heard from him again since, but I’m assuming he’s getting back into the swing of things. Really hope you’re still around, Jarek, we need pilots to fly and stuff. : )

Wing News

Flags offer new Comps
Biggest one going on right now is the Immortal Guard comp! Details at:

Also I’ve heard from the never ending rumor mill here aboard the Immortal (rather like being at work, really…) that the details for our 3 way wing comp have been sorted out and is slated to begin soon. So be ready! I know it’s a bit of a workload for you guys but I really would love to keep this 100% participation thing going.

Fleet News

Lots of 'Interesting' things happened this week...
...And I'm not taking the time to print them all here. If you really care, go to: and you will get what you would normally get here.

Standing Squadron Orders

1) Fly for the Phantom/Panther comp

2) Recruit! We always need fresh meat...

3) Go fly my TIE-Free if you’ve not already. And none of you have :P

1-1 CMDR Boliv
10/11 Flew XWA-Free 106
10/11 Flew XWA-Free 108
10/11 Flew XWA-Free 109
10/12 Flew TIE-TC 102
10/13 Flew TIE-TC 104
10/13 Flew TIE-TC 105
10/13 Flew TIE-TC 106
10/14 Flew TIE-TC 108
10/14 Flew TIE-TC 109
10/15 Flew XWA-TC 30
10/15 Flew XWA-TC 33
10/15 Flew XWA-IW 4
10/15 Awarded Mosh’s IS-BW to him (Demon v. Phantom Comp)
(btw..that was an even 50 FCHG points this week, incase anyone wants to be jealous :P)

1-2 FM La’an
10/11 Reported in! YAY!

2-1 FL Shadowclaw
10/12 Flew XWA-Free 1
10/12 Flew XWA-Free 2
10/13 Flew XWA-Free 4
10/13 Flew XWA-Free 12
10/13 Flew XWA-CAB 2
10/15 Flew XWA-Free 5
10/16 Completed IWATS-TM (80%)

2-2 FM Ryan

2-3 FM Krayt
(this is actually from last week, but I just realized it never got added to that report, sorry Krayt)
10/8 Joined Phantom
10/9 Flew XWA-Free 79

3-1 FL Nuno

Notes: Nuno, Ryan, Krayt try to get something to me for next week. Same for you, Jarek. ;) since you’re back I’d love to see some activity from ya.
Phantom Roster
COMMANDER: LC Triji Boliv (
NICKNAME: Murder Incorporated
MOTTO: Who do you want to kill today?

Nickname: Shadowkillers
Motto: What's killing you?
1) LC Triji Boliv (
2) LCM Jarek La'an (
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: The Eclipsers
Motto: Swift As Lightning We Strike Unseen!
1) LCM Tygra Shadowclaw (
2) LCM Ryan (
3) CPT Krayt (
4) TBA

Nickname: Promisers Of Death
Motto: Now You See, Now You Die!
1) MAJ Nuno (
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) TBA

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