Tau Report # 0 (2003-10-11)

This report was submitted by GN Kaerner

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Tau Squadron 2003 banner
Tau Squadron Update
October 11, 2003

Alot of news this week obviously. After MAJ Darkmage resigned as Tau CMDR, GM Rapier asked me if I had any interest in coming back to Tau and the EH. Which I had, after making sure some old veterans would come back with me. I even got the old rank of General back.

CPT Malik and LTs Stormrider and Menu has left Tau to join Praetorian Squadron. They did not see a future for themself in the MP oriented Tau. I wish them the very best of luck in Prae.

COLs Reinthaler and Donitz, LCM BigDaddy, LTs DS and Desperado (aka. Kotengu) have rejoined Tau Squadron from the reserves. CPTs Tek and Verr have rejoined the squadron, both coming from other EH squadrons.

It's time to sharpen up those MP skills again. I'd like to get some MP competitions against other squads going, but first we need practice.. and that's done in either #ehcoc, against ourself, or in the zone.

The 'new' squad homepage will be at http://tau.squadron.org. Apparently Rein isn't satisfied with it (I think it kicks ass), so he's going to make a new page. More on that later. All pilots without a bio (check out the duty roster section) should make one following the same format as the others and send it to Reinthaler.

Squad strength is 11 members. Check the squadron roster here. While you're there, take notice of the new Tau banner made by Reinthaler.

Naturally, not much flying this week. Lets make sure everyone picks up atleast one LoC for next week. Gj on Glauron though getting something in.
Glauron: 1 LoC
Total: 1 LoC

Quote(s) of the week:
None (!) I seriously doubt everyone in the squadron has suddenly decided to quit drinking.
Maybe the weekend will generate some good, drunken, quotes.

General Kaerner
Dark Side Adept
CO Tau Squadron