Rage Report # 3 (2003-10-31)

This report was submitted by CM Chris Cox

Rage Squadron Report


Well, a good activity week for some of us. I want to see the rest of you do something, anything, cause some of you have never spoken a word to me and I wanna know why. We have lost our SOTM title most likely because on 4 (!!!) people actually did anything for it and that is shocking that 5 of you can't do anything in one month, let's do better next month. All news from your sector can be found at http://www.emperorshammer.net/news.asp


CM Chris Cox: wrote report, irc, and mail presence. Writing the Rage weekly fiction thing, XWAIW#1,2,3,4,6 XWATC#4,21, XvTDB#8, XvTIW#1,2,3,4,6,7,8 XvTTC#15,27, completed XAM IWATS course, 3 mp wins, 1 mp loss. a good week in my opinion!

LT Lawnmower Bob: NOTHING, do something please.

CM Alain Dindareanu: Nothing. DO SOMETHING!

LT Meanman: M/2 IWATS (missed it last week, sorry!) 1 mp loss, 2 mp wins, XvTTC#16,3,7 XvTDB#10

CM Agace: nothing, do something for me please.

LT Dark Paladin: NOTHING, do something for me!

CM Wisal Pol-Jo: irc presence and broken joystick, get a new one soon if poss! working on a couple of hundred billion fics :P

LCM Beignet: nothing, do something!

LT McWay: Nothing, do something please!


None this week folks!


Rage Flight 2 Nickname comp: Just think up a new nickname and send it to me, the best one wins another shiny IS-BR.

BGCOMs Judgement: last day today and we're up by 2 points, I think we will win!

XVIII Top Ace: looks liek we've lost it, but we must do better next month. Thanks to all who did do something.

TIE Fighter : Rage’s Return

"OK guys, act cool cause we want to get through customs alive and as inconspicuously as possible. OK, let’s go." Chris picked up his bag and made his way down the access ramp and headed over to the customs check-in. He got out his ID and handed it over to the man.

"So, Mr…Brant, what is your business here on Thyferra?" Chris grinned.

"I’m here for some R+R. Nothing to bad, just nice relaxation and the nice thought that ill be away from work."
"OK, just don’t go crazy, have a nice time." Chris smiled and walked through. The rest of his group managed to easily slip their way through customs. They went to the hotel they had booked into, The Hotel Royal, and went to their rooms.

"Everyone, we meet at the door tonight at 1830 hours for our recon run, we want to make it so that they don’t know whats hit em!" Chris spoke into his personal comlink and set it beside his bed. He turned on the TV and put on one of the Holodramas. He sat back, relaxed, and waited for 1830 hours to come.

Last Note

Any ideas for fics or battles just send em to me, and if you want I can make em, starting next week will be the first part of my ongoing fiction. I'm a bit dismayed that there was so much inactivity this week, I expect better from you lot!

Have fun and shoot straight!

CMDR/CM Chris Cox/Rage/Wing XVIII/SSD Avenger
PCx4/ISMx3/MoI/MoT-1rh-2gh/IS-1BW-3BR-6SW-3SR-2GW/LoC-CSx3-Rx1/DFC-Rx1/CoB/LoAx3/OV [LGNR] {IWATS-AIM-ICQ-M/1/2-RT-SM/3-TT-XTM/1/2-XTT}

AED/DJK Chris Cox/Auctoritas/Alvaak

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