Psi Report # 6 (2003-11-02)

This report was submitted by CM Ras Kronar

- [ CMDR/CM Ras Kronar reporting in for Psi Squadron on Nov. 2nd, 2003 ] -

-Random Fact of the Week: People with a college degree in Chinese know about 6-7,000 of the symbols in the Chinese "alphabet". Can you imagine the size of the Chinese keyboards!?!?!

Top'o'da'morning to ya! (adds that to his very own list of grammatically approved sentences)

There are some new comps underway so make sure to keep an eye out for them further down.

LCM Josi transferred to the Reserves. She'd burnt out on flying and I couldn't persuade her to stay. :(

But... as it went last week... when one inactive pilot leaves we get an active one! We've already welcomed LT Shayn D'Lorien to the squad but I'll just do it again: Welcome! I'm very happy with how the squadron is shaping up. We've got a good blend of veterans and "new" pilots which makes for the best kind of squad around. Great work by everyone and I'm very happy with our activity the past week, both in comps and in "other" stuff.

Now to make a few remarks about my activity record keeping. For pilot files I only note down the date of their completion in reports as the date that I get the BSF back from the TAC Office. I strive to BSF files immediately so most of the cases that doesn't mean anything to you. However in some cases this will mean that it will be delayed from when you submitted it to me... perhaps because of a HS which takes longer to proces, my not being online one day and so on... So if you don't see the BSF noted in the following report that means that it hasn't been BSF'd yet, or hasn't come back from the TAC, and that it will probably follow in the next one. For graphics and other stuff I note it down the date I receive it.

Now as for MB and IRC activity. Mail activity I can check cause it will be in my mailbox. IRC and MB I can't check since I'm not on IRC 24-7 and I don't read every MB post... That kind of activity you'll have to tell me about if you want it noted in the reports. However even should you not tell me, I'll still have a pretty good idea of your activity on IRC and MBs (since I am online a lot of hours every week) and it WILL be noted in the Monthly Squadron Evaluations even though it doesn't feature in the weekly reports. If you want to inform me of this kind of activity that I wouldn't normally know about (this includes submissions to newsletters and other stuff too) then mail me! Preferably before sunday when I send my weekly reports out. Any questions?

I think I've rambled off what I wanted to for now...

So until next week, this is CM Ras Kronar saying: Everything only comes up aces if you cheat.


- FM/LCM Josi transfers to the reserves.

- SL Shayn D'Lorien joins Psi Squadron as Psi 3-2. Welcome!

- SL Shayn D'Lorien is promoted to LT for filling out his INPR. Congratulations... and he's buying the drinks!

- COL Jon Doyle is awarded a Legion of Combat (LoC) for a MP win. Grats!

- [ OTHER NEWS ] -

- The Golden Tug Awards have gone into their voting stage. Go vote for your favourite battle/mission/stuff released the last year on the Mission Creation Message Board (

- TIE Fighter ship patch has been released! This is THE most important patch for TIE95 so go download it from the Science Office under patches (

- Former IWCOM NiksaVel resigned. Applications for IWCOM are now being accepted. Visit the TC site for details.

- The COMM needs an Assistant (A). Check out the TC site for details.

- The old Zip compendium can be found at



1) Imperial Storm IV - The BG's Revenge

As you should know a battle between the Sov and the TC BG was fought saturday. It was a glorious victory for the Sov!
We destroyed an ISD, an INT, six GUN Squadrons, and some Z-95s.
We lost an INT and six squadrons of T-Wings and T/Is.
SP submissions from the Sov was numbered at 25 and only 6 for the BGs which means that we'll be able to "buy" back either an INT or a squadron of fighters. Excellent work by the Sov pilots.
We're one hex away from Aurora so we can take a minor victory in the wargame or try and gain a full victory by destroying 1/3 of the enemy forces. The Sov tactical staff are considering their next step.

Special thanks to GN Stele and LC Mickk Emrys who flew the MP skirmish for our side!
Keep your eyes peeled to your inbox for information on when, where, and what to fly!
Check out the main ISIV site at

2) Wing II Mission Voting Competition

The first round is over and the results are in:
Mickk: 35081
___Kronar: 34981
Carl: 33305
Stele: 33014
Tempest: 30837
Chris: 29041
Ninj: 28675
Viper: 27925
___Zeth: 26724
Dweezil: 5700
Next round I'd like to see a little more participation from Psi. ;)
Round 2 will commence when Stele's ready. Look for the mail.

3) Wing II vs Immortal vs Greywolf (Competition ends today!)

Frome the desk of GN Stele:

Pilots of Wing II aboard the glorious SSSD Sovereign.
The competition begins today! Now is our chance to prove our worth throughout the fleet. Right now is the chance for us to eliminate and silence the mouths that speak ill of us aas well as having some fun =P
We're up against the Immortal and Greywolf in a three way challenge.


The competition will consist of flying for all three platforms.


Graphics/Art Portion

The subject of the imagery will be a cooperative attack upon Rebels by ships of these three wings. (SSSD Sovereign, ISD Immortal, ISD Greywolf)

The Rules

Singplayer flying
15 points to the Top Scorer (and
10 to 2nd place
5 to 3rd place
1 for participation

15 points to the Top Scorer
10 to 2nd place
5 to 3rd place
2 for participation

Remember, there are three platforms. The more of the above missions you can fly, the more points we will get. I personally have XWA and TIE and will be sure to fly those two missions. Be sure to submit any graphics or art. It can be anything as long as it is the Sovereign, Immortal, and Greywolf attacking some Rebels. Submit anything, and I mean anything (heck go to microsoft paint now and make anything). Even if you think it's bad. Remember, this will help us out with points!

The competition ends November 2nd. So be sure to submit all of your pilot files and graphic/arts to me at

Now lets show them what we're made of!
WC/GN Stele Pellaeon/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign

3) SSSD Sovereign Killboard

4) TCCOM'S Own Banner competition

New Tie Corps Commanders Own Banner design. Contestants have one month (November 25th) to submit their banners. FA Cyric will judge the best banners, and pick the top three for awards.
Use "TCCOM OWN BANNER SUBMISSION" in the header of the e-mail or your submission will not be accepted. Send your submission to Cyric ( and Reaper (

5) 2003 Beer Cup

Competition Name/Title: 2003 Beer Cup
Start Date (mm/dd/yy) : 11/1/2003
End Date (mm/dd/yy) : 11/30/2003
Parties Involved : Intrepid, Vanguard and Sovereign
Missions/Battles Used : One each TIE, XWA and XvT battles, to be selected by the three COMs.
Medals to be Awarded : IS-GW, IS-SW and IS-BW to the top three pilots on each side, in each division. It's the Sov vs. the Intrepid and the Vanguard.
Miscellaneous Information: Sov vs. Vanguard and Intrepid in TIE, XvT and XWA single-player battles. Top 30 pilot files on each side count toward the results in each division. Overall score of these top 30 scores per division determines the winner(s). Note: XvT division is Top 15 files. TIE scoring is laserless. Time of the comp: Nov. 1 through Nov. 30.

This competition has gone live! Battles to fly are attached to this mail:
TIE-TC Battle 211
XvT-TC Battle 75
XWA-TC Battle 24
Notes for the XWA Battle: You will need to patch XWA in order to fly this properly. Patches needed are the SSSD Patch which can be downloaded from here: (the Science Office) and the S-Foils Patch which can be downloaded from here: (You need to have XWA patched to version 2.02 in order for it to work)
Submissions go to SovCOM Proton (
Remember to CC me on the mail so that I can BSF them.
Deadline is Nov. 30th

6) Design the XO Site

From SA Astatine:
The current XO site isn't very good and hasn't been updated for a while. By the nature of the office, the XO site should be a nexus for some very important information within the EH. To address this, I'll need a new design, as the current one (at is pretty basic.

The basis of the competition will be to design a "template" for the site, which should include graphics, menu elements, etc. The menu items on the current site can be used as a guide for the template. Everything else is left to your creative whims. Final submissions can either be hosted online, with the URL emailed to me (, or the files themselves can be emailed to me. Submissions close on 30th November. The competition is open to all EH members. First place gets an Iron Star Gold Ribbon (or subgroup equivilant). Second and third, if up to scratch, will get a Iron Star Silver Ribbon and Iron Star Bronze Ribbon respectively. Submissions should be sent to with the subject of "I have l33t w3b skillz".



Current amount of citations: 4

Again we'll get at least one more citation when Stele BSF's my pilot file... *taps foot*
Also Shayn has flown a battle which pending a BSF should give us another one, so therefore that one has been removed from the list of battles to fly.

Fly just one of these battles for Psi to get a citation:

TIE-TC 131
TIE-TC 133


CMDR/CM Ras Kronar
- Submitted graphics for SIG
- Finished TO project on his end.
- CMDR Stuff

- Transferred to the Reserves

FM/COL Jon Doyle
- Advisor for the Sovereign Force in ISIV
- Completed TIE-Free #179 for the SIG Competition
- Awarded a LoC
- Mail and IRC activity
- Went on leave until around next friday
- Was interviewed for this weeks Wing II Radio with Stele :)

FL/LCM Luca Fett
- Mail Activity

FM/LT Willis
- Mail Activity

FL/LCM Zeth Durron
- Submitted Graphics for SIG Competition and the EH Newsletter.
- Completed TIE-Free #179 again for better score
- Completed XWA-CAB #6
- Completed XWA-DB #5
- Mail, IRC, and MB activity

FM/LT Shayn D'Lorien
- Joined Psi Squadron as Psi 3-2
- Received a LT Promotion for filling out his INPR
- Completed IWATS SM/3 with a score of 99%
- Completed TIE-Free #149, 179
- Mail and IRC activity

FM/COL Calzeo Inkwolf
- Completed TIE-Free #149, 179
- Submitted graphics for the SIG Competition
- Mail activity



Nickname: Sandstorm
Motto: Always watch your six with us around
1) CM Ras Kronar (
2) TBA
3) COL Jon Doyle (
4) TBA

Nickname: The Chick Magnets
Motto: Two Flight. More than enough said.
1) LCM Luca Fett (
2) LT Willis (
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: The Emperor's Touch
Motto: If it's a sin to do what we love, then we welcome the punishment
1) LCM Zeth Durron (
2) LT Shayn D'Lorien (
3) TBA
4) COL Calzeo Inkwolf (

Respectfully Submitted,

CMDR/CM Ras Kronar/Psi/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign

Pin #5053

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