Tau Report # 19 (2003-09-29)

This report was submitted by MAJ Adren Silvori

Report number : 19 (datalog 9/28/2003)
Captain Abel Malik reporting for Major Adrren Silvori,


Welcome Tau pilots to yet another briefing. I'm not too thrilled with the activity of most of you this week (LT. Glauron & LT Lance Menu ignore this part). I had to submit part III of the Tau vs Prae comp to the Prae CMDR with our mere three entries resulting in Tau loosing 1000 points off of the squadron average. What's even wierder is we won the XWA section of the comp with these three submissions too;p. Fate had delt us an odd hand indeed;p. Next up for the Tau vs Prae comp is the multiplayer matches in #Ehcoc which i believe takes place until October 3rd.


Music comp winner
10:34 - SA Astatine [jpboyce@indigo.net.au]
VA Khaen is the winner of that music competition. The piece in question was "Gothic Power" and doesn't feature in the LOTR soundtrack at all.

NL 95 & 96
10:10 - SA Astatine [jpboyce@indigo.net.au]

Newsletters 95 and 96 are now available. Online:

NL 95
NL 96

The Science office has released some new XvT patches: TIE Raptor, Planetary Fighter, and the TIE Experimental Mk.I thru Mk.5. FA Mindbender has done an excellent job so far and i look forward to what he has planed to release in the future.

Tactical Office Person of the Week: (from the EHTAC's report)
This week we have recommendation from TCC:XWA COL Master
I nominate Abel Malik for PotW for the third week running, 41 Beta Points this week is a feat which is nothing short of amazing.
Excellent work Malik, keep it up.

WING X Commander Chosen
01:45 - FA Cyric [jroscoe@comcast.net]
Congratulations to COL Master #6252 for being chosen as the new Wing Commander of Wing X. He has been chosen as the best applicant and wish him the best of luck!
*I've worked with COL Master for about six months now in the XWA division of the Tactical office, i'm sure he'll do a fine job.

Wing X WC open for applications
17:30 - FA Cyric [jroscoe@comcast.net]
Following LC Frey Gallandro's resignation as Wing X Wing Commander, the position is now open to applications. Those wishing to apply must be able to meet the following requirements... A tour as Squadron Commander for no less than FOUR consecutive months and the minimum rank of Captain Familiarity with all TIE Corps and EH protocols, policies etc Familiarity with the workings of TIE A quick email response time and decent IRC presence No serious HCI convictions within the last 12 month All other requirements detailed in the Training Manual All applications should be sent to Admiral Krax and Rear Admiral Sephiroth with the subject "Wing X WC" as soon as possible.


none, which is always a good thing;p.


none this week, keep your eyes open for skilled multi-player & single-player pilots to fill our ranks as always.

Keep you eyes open for new pilots people, IF they're good enough, talk to them and talk to CMDR Silvori when he returns from leave.


SQUADRON ORDERS: Go to Ehcoc and fly the Prae members in mp matches for part IV of the Tau vs Prae comp.

SQUADRON CITATIONS: with the battle compendium down at the moment due to Project Shield only being 80% complete (read the Tactical Officers report for further details), I'm suspending this section for the week.

Remember our CMDR wants at least one LoC or battle/mission per week for minimum activity. Neither of us likes to see "reported in" or mIRC activity alone.



Major Arden Silvori:
on leave until October first.

Captain Gistengrunge:
e-mail contact over the new Tau e-group. Gistengrunge is working on some Tau fiction i believe. Flew XWA-DB3, XWA-TC26, XWA-TC27 & XWA-TC33.

LT Glauron:
flew FXWA88 for the Tau vs Prae comp.
earned a LoC from [XWA] Empire's Legacy on 9/24/03

Captain Malik:
flew FXWA88 for the Tau vs Prae comp, flew XWA-TC14-18, and worked on a new Tau banner proto-type.
Also, updated the new Tau e-group (note the GM is on the e-group as well so behave!);p.
submitted IW crests for project revive to COL Master.

Major Brad Tack:
IRC activity only.

Captain Angel "Love" Saris:
IRC activity only, attempted to complete FXWA88 for the Tau vs Prae comp. Thanks for trying at least Saris ; )

Major Delak Krennel:
IRC activity only, mainly trying to leave Arden a message. I hear Delak's become addicted to star wars crack er.. i mean Star Wars Galaxies;p.

LC Daniel Goad:
no contact (i could be wrong here though, I havn't spent much time on IRC this week)...

LT Stormrider:
IRC activity only (as far as i know).....

LT Lance Menu:
flew FXWA88 for the Tau vs Prae comp, XvT-DB1, XvT-TC6, XvT-TC-7, XvT-TC13, and XvT-TC14.
Menu gained the squadron one more citation by flying XvT-DB1.

If i missed anything i apologize, but nobody except for LT Glauron, LT. Menu & CPT Saris has contacted me this week.



Combat Calendar : http://www.emperorshammer.net/combat/calendar.asp
Battle listing's : http://www.emperorshammer.net/battles/battletypes.asp
IWATS Courses : http://www.imperialacademy.org/to/courses.html
Battle Stats : http://www.battlestats.com/
Tau homepage : http://tau.tiecorps.net


Elite Squadron - Open by invitation only
COMMANDER: MAJ Adren Silvori (ehdmaul@yahoo.co.uk)
NICKNAME: Dark Avengers
MOTTO: L'Outil de Douleur (The Tool Of Pain)
HOMEPAGE: http://tau.tiecorps.net

Nickname: Demon Knights
Motto: Darkness kills our enemies
1) MAJ Adren Silvori (ehdmaul@yahoo.co.uk)
2) CPT Gistenjunge (gistenjunge@gmx.net)
3) TBA
4) LT Glauron (cdhabro@hotmail.com)

Nickname: Death Bringers
Motto: We strike into the heart of the enemy
1) CPT Abel Malik (ezwill@famvid.com)
2) MAJ Brad Tack (bradtack@ehnet.org)
3) CPT Angel Love Saris (angelsaris@hotmail.com)
4) TBA

Nickname: Black Death
Motto: We bring our enemies the Eternal Darkness
1) MAJ Delak Krennel (delkre@delakkrennel.com)
2) LC Daniel Goad (dazexeter@yahoo.com)
3) LT Mason Stormrider (imp_rogue009@yahoo.com)
4) LT Lance Menu (spaceballone@cox.net)



Squadron Citations (46):
XvT-TC Battle 1 - The Verpine Encounter
XvT-TC Battle 2 - Capture of a Murderer
XvT-TC Battle 3 - Preparing for Battle
XvT-TC Battle 4 - Encounter with the Black Sun
XvT-TC Battle 5 - Phoenix Saga
XvT-TC Battle 6 - Wolf Pack Aggression
XvT-TC Battle 7 - The Resupply
XvT-TC Battle 8 - The Loshen Resistance
XvT-TC Battle 9 - The Black Sun Incident
XvT-TC Battle 10 - Abduction of VA Priyum
XvT-TC Battle 11 - Krayt Squadron Training
XvT-TC Battle 12 - Odin's Redemption
XvT-TC Battle 13 - Graduates, Graduate!
XvT-TC Battle 19 - Project B: "the Tie Bomber project"
XvT-TC Battle 22 - Rebel Cargo
XvT-TC Battle 24 - Princess Tatoka's Meeting
XvT-DB Battle 1 - Jedi Academy
XvT-DB Battle 7 - Betrayal and Loyalty
XWA-TC Battle 1 - Avenger Encounter
XWA-TC Battle 2 - First Contact
XWA-TC Battle 3 - The Darkon Mystery
XWA-TC Battle 4 - Privateer
XWA-TC Battle 5 - Show of Force
XWA-TC Battle 6 - Enemy Defector
XWA-TC Battle 7 - Assault on Chimera
XWA-TC Battle 8 - Hammer to Anvil
XWA-TC Battle 9 - Defection of Kusanagi
XWA-TC Battle 10 - The Phare Encounter
XWA-TC Battle 11 - Heroes of the Immortal
XWA-TC Battle 12 - Imperium Deception
XWA-TC Battle 13 - Hammer to Anvil Part II
XWA-TC Battle 14 - The History of the ISD Immortal
XWA-TC Battle 16 - The History of the ISD Relentless
XWA-TC Battle 17 - Secrets and Lies: The Exile
XWA-TC Battle 18 - Immortalized
XWA-TC Battle 19 - Evaluation of the ISD Vanguard
XWA-TC Battle 21 - Ast's Story
XWA-TC Battle 22 - The Career of Adrenaline
XWA-TC Battle 24 - The History of the SSSD Sovereign
XWA-IW Battle 1 - Abyssi Ianua - Gates to Hell
XWA-IW Battle 2 - Rion's Shadow Campaign: Infiltrate Rion
XWA-IW Battle 3 - Rion's Shadow Campaign: Seeds of Corruption
XWA-IW Battle 4 - Rion's Shadow Campaign: Eliminate Friendship
XWA-IW Battle 5 - Rion's Shadow Campaign: Ambassadors
XWA-FCHG Battle 2 - The Forgotten Legacy
XWA-FCHG Battle 3 - Ronin's Deception

FL-TCS/CPT Abel Malik/Tau 2-1/MC Tripidium
[A-9 Interceptor: Severance]
TIE Corps pin#6939
"Empty pockets never held anyone back. Only empty heads & empty hearts can do that."

BTM/SBM Abel Malik/Purgatory/Oriens Obscurum/Arcona
"Don't be all down on the Darkside, know what i mean?"
EHDB pin#167

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