Sword Report # 36 (2003-12-13)

This report was submitted by MAJ Sarn Erec

MAJ Sarn Erec reporting in for Sword Squadron on 12/13/2003

Sorry for the report being one day late, I had a really busy RL week and couldn't do it earlier.

----Fleet News----

-VA Ziggy is the new SO

-RA Phantom is the new Challenge COM

-COL Mini-Minkus is the new Wing IV WC

-COL Brian is the new Omega (ELite) CMDR

-The EH Library is online at: http://ehlibrary.minos.net/

-As ususal check this site for more details: http://www.emperorshammer.net/news.asp

----Wing News----

-ECR V continues, Please fly all!!! Round 3 Missions are due tonight, send them to me, Ky and Bubba.

-The Wing IX WC's Challenge is on hold until ECR V finishes

----Squadron News----

-MSE Medals have been awarded, yay!

-Also check our site for news, I post frequently there: http://swordsquadron.minos.net/ (is down atm, Minos

seems to have some problems again, I think I need to have a word there with some guys)

-Here's our MB, check it, too: http://theholo.net/mb/viewforum.php?f=127

----FCHG Listing----

Legionnaire [LGNR] (500 points) - [535] MAJ Sarn Erec
Centurion [CNTR] (400 points) - [477] CM Dukimar, [464] MAJ Koriel
Paladin [PLDN] (300 points) - [328] LCM Duken
Cavalier [CAVL] (150 points) - [198] COL Ricaud
Dragoon [DRAG] (100 points) - [101] LCM Lanidet Tobri > Advanced to the FCHG rank of Dragoon!!!
Grenadier [GREN] (10 points) - [24] LCM Seth Rommel, [14] COL Andronicus


-MAJ Sarn Erec was awarded a PC
-LCM Lanidet Tobri was awarded a PC
-LCM Duken was awarded a PC
-CM Dukimar was awarded a PC

Awesome work guys, keep this up :-)


- ECR V is still running, get the missions in before tonight 0:00 EST. And send Fiction and Graphics to me, Ky

and Bubba before December 23rd.

- The Wing IX WCs Challenge is still running (http://www.emperorshammer.net/competitions/details.asp?ID=1044) -

on hold

- The Wing IX Recruiting Bananza #1 is still running


- The Wing IX Monthly Trivia is still running (http://www.emperorshammer.net/competitions/details.asp?ID=1062)

----Squadron Orders----

Communicate, talk to each other
Fly, take IWATS, be active,
Go to the bar :P
And...post on our Message Board!! http://theholo.net/mb/viewforum.php?f=127

----Activity Report----

MAJ Sarn
-Did CMDR stuff
-Flew ECR V TIE Round 2 Mission
-Flew ECR V XWA Round 2 Mission
-Was awarded a PC
-Flew ECR V TIE Round 3 Mission
-Flew ECR V XWA Round 3 Mission
Comment: Yay, I scored the overall HS for XWA for ECR Round 2 :P

LCM Seth Rommel
-Reported in
Comment: Can you fly for ECR Seth? Or at least write Fiction and do Graphics?

COL Ricaud
-Reported in
Comment: Took a leave

COL Andronicus
-No contact
Comment: Please report in Andy.

LCM Lanidet Tobri:
-Was awarded a PC
-Flew TIE-TC#2
-Flew ECR V TIE Round 3 Mission
-Submitted Graphics for ECR V
-Flew TIE-TC#4
-Advanced to the FCHG rank of Dragoon
Comment: Excellent week Lanidet :-)

LCM Duken:
-Reported in
-Was awarded a PC
Comment: Will you do some Fiction and Graphic for ECR V?

MAJ Koriel
-Reported in
-Flew ECR V TIE Round 3 Mission
Comment: Thanks for the Mission Submission Koriel :-)

CM Dukimar
-Reported in
-Was awarded a PC
-Flew XvT-TC#14
Comment: Duke, will you still be able to fill for ECR Round 3? Would be cool :-)

LCM Ironfist
-No Contact
Comment: Still on leave

SL Sean
-Reported in
Comment: Wants to fly some MP in the end of this week


Please, everyone who didn't fly yet, fly for ECR V Round 3, and if you only fly on easy, we need the

participation points. We can win this and I want to win this. Sword Squadron is currently ranked 3rd of all the

TCBGs Squads. We are still able to win the BGCOMs Own award! And the Rel can still win ECR V! So fly, write

fiction, do graphics. We need the points.


COMMANDER: MAJ Sarn Erec (sarn_erec@web.de)
NICKNAME: Swords of the Empire
BANNER: sword.jpg
MOTTO: Imperial blades forged in the heat of battle.
HOMEPAGE: http://swordsquadron.minos.net/
MESSAGE BOARD: http://theholo.net/mb/viewforum.php?f=127

Nickname: Razor's Edge
Motto: "With unity comes victory"
1) MAJ Sarn Erec (sarn_erec@web.de)
2) LCM Seth Rommel (seth_rommel@yahoo.com)
3) COL Ricaud (kettchricaud@aol.com)
4) COL Andronicus (mad_dog_mcd@btinternet.com)

Nickname: Ardent Steel
Motto: Nunc Morere
1) LCM Lanidet Tobri (lanidet@yahoo.com)
2) LCM Duken (duken008@hotmail.com)
3) TBA
4) MAJ Koriel (_koriel@poczta.wp.pl)

Nickname: Tip of the Swords
Motto: "Nil Satis Nici Optimum"
1) CM Dukimar (brybry23@hotmail.com)
2) LCM Ironfist (fistnet@yahoo.com)
3) SL Sean (guy892@hotmail.com)
4) TBA

Total: 10

That's it for today,
With best regards,

CMDR/MAJ Sarn Erec/Sword/Wing IX/ISD Relentless
BS/PCx6/ISMx5/MoI/MoT-4gh/IS-4BW-2BR-2SW-3SR/LoC-CS-Rx3/CoL/CoB/OV-3E [LGNR]

Sword Squadron - ISD Relentless Squadron of the Month for November 2003

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