Demon Report # 12 (2003-12-26)

This report was submitted by MAJ Mosh

Demon Squadron
Wing XI/ISD Immortal

MAJ Mosh reporting for Demon Squadron 26/12/03

Squad News: Holly

ECR is over, we await the judging of the fiction and graphics sections and final results with baited toes. (or something)

Squad Activity: Ivy

MAJ Mosh
. . . . Flew XWA TC27, TC26
. . . . Mailed a bunch of cadets
. . . . Was on IRC & AIM occasionally

MAJ Bobxavi
. . . . Reported in

CPT Crsepe
. . . . Reported in

LT Nick Beauchamp
. . . . No contact (week three - get in touch asap)

Well it was the holidays this week and everyone's been busy with family and stuff, lets see some action next week.

Demon of the Week: Misseltoe

Santa Claus
Approximately 600 years old, Santa Claus appears once per year as a large red suited human, he commands a team of reindeer and has the ability to grant wishes and bestow material possessions. He can be summoned by a ritual involving milk, cookies and well behaved children.

Roster: Poinsettia

1-1 CMDR MAJ Mosh (6372) CNTR
1-2 TBA
1-3 TBA
1-4 TBA

2-1 FL MAJ Bobxavi (7993) LGNR
2-2 TBA
2-3 TBA
2-4 TBA

3-1 FL CPT Crsepe (5359) PLDN
3-2 FM LT Nick Beauchamp (10869)
3-3 TBA
3-4 TBA

Squad Orders: Figs

ยค Relax, enjoy some face mail with real people you're related to

Thought for the day: Mandarins

To move a sleigh weighing over 300,000 tons, Santa would need over 214,000 reindeer who would spontaniously combust when they tried to accelarate to the speed of 650 miles per second necessary to complete Santa's rounds within 24 hours.

CMDR/MAJ Mosh/Demon/Wing XI/ISD Immortal

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