Wasp Report # 0 (2003-12-19)

This report was submitted by CM Gustan

-==Wasp Squadron Weekly Report==-

Report #5

December 19, 2003

::::: SQUADRON NEWS:::::

Nothing to report in regards to squadron news. Silvia and Allen should be AWOLed (I’m still waiting for the final word from Nighty), I still need a FL3, and none of us fly battles. I’m not sure if I fly some, it will motivate you to be more active, but we need some fresh new faces in Wasp. As the commander, it is my responsibility to set an example, but it is tough for me to do that when I have a feeling that my actions and words will fall of deaf ears. Now it is the holiday season, and I just as busy as anyone with RL, but when the near years comes around, I expect Wasp to turn things around. In the meantime, my TC activity as consisted of some MB posting and IRC chat. I don’t think it is too much to ask for you guys to do the same.

In other Van news, a warm welcome back to COL Drax as Mantis commander and a happy “seeya later” to former CM Lenvik of Python Squadron. Drax was my first WC when I joined the Vanguard. He is a great leader and already has Mantis squadron filling with eager pilots. I wish he would share some ;-). Be sure to shout him an hello if you see him.

:::::TC NEWS:::::

The big news in the TC this week is the re-opening of the EH message boards. SPAM freaks EH wide (not me) rejoice as one of the favorite activities, SPAMing, comes back in their lives. It’s pretty pointless if you ask me. But enough of my SPAMing rant. You can find the Wasp MB at http://www.ehnet.org/mb/viewforum.php?f=59

You'll need to register to post. You can do this at http://els.minos.net/

Also, go fly in the XvT WoW on the Zone.


- IS-BR to CM Gustan for a winning entry in Night’s caption competition


We still got Sicky's comps going on. I haven’t gotten around to them yet, but will defiantly make an attempt at them. No squadron comps until we increase our numbers. Unless its like a trivia thing but I’m even skeptical to that.

SickMans Silly Xmas Comps

Yes from now until December 25th, i'm going to go doo-lally with comps, they maybe silly, they may be strange, they may even be normal, but i'm going to be giving out comps here & there upto that present and pie day (XMAS!!!!!!!!)

COMP#1 Sicky needs new Ship, yep the old booze-hound has been VANCOM over a year now and wants a new ship and a new name for her, so get thinking and sent your idea's to the drunk, IS-BR to the winner!

COMP#2 Ye Christmas Tale, write a sicky a yule tide Christmas tale, about anything, life on the VAN, that Star Wars story you've been itching to write.......anything, IS-SR to the best, IS-BR to the runner-up

COMP#3 Sicky needs a office for the VAN Website, you graphics dudes get to work, think of what Sickys office would look like and make a drawing/graphic that will be displayed on the website, IS-SR to the winner

COMP#4 More Graphics!!!!! Banners, buttons, little flashy thingys, pictures,anything and everything is needed for the website, i want this website to have a bit of something from everyone, you got a cool drawings graphic? send it to Sicky, it WILL be displayed on the website:)

IS-BR to every pilot who enters a submission:)

IS-SR to the best overall:)

Deadline 25th December

Wing XV Comps:

Beat the WC at MP: The person that beat me the most at MP will win an IS-SW and the person that looses to me the most will win an IS-BW. This competition is open to all members of the Wing as well as all ASF Flag officers, which means that even Sicky can perticipate…

Night is still dodging me J

All BG wide comps are listed here http://theholo.net/mb/viewtopic.php?t=8759 and on the ASF MB

FCHG RACE: most FCHG gain Wins
CR RACE: Biggest CR gain Wins
Recruitment Comp: most new members recruited into the Wing Wins
IWATS RACE: most IWATS Done Wins

Check the Wing XV Weekly Report for further information regarding competitions.


CM Gustan


- lots of MB posting

- replied to some of Night's weekly comps

CM Xeraan Rhazzazor

- e-mail

LT Teemer
-Chit chat on IM

LT Silva
-No contact (AWOL coming)

LT Allen Sievers
-No contact (AWOL coming)


No one


COMMANDER: CM Gustan (arzona4499rangers@yahoo.com)
NICKNAME: The Emperor's Sting
BANNER: wasp.jpg
MOTTO: Never say die!
HOMEPAGE: http://wasp.tiecorps.net/
MESSAGE BOARD: http://www.ehnet.org/mb/viewforum.php?f=89

Nickname: The Executors
Motto: We stop for no one
1) CM Gustan (arzona4499rangers@yahoo.com)
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: The Drones of Death
Motto: Pray you never get stung, for our venom is deadly
1) CM Xeraan Rhazzazor (Xeraan@grasekabeln.de)
2) LT Teemer (teemer2003@hotmail.com)
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: The Killer Angels
Motto: Don't cross us, you won't survive
1) TBA
2) LT Silva (aeslvsz06@hotmail.com)
3) TBA
4) LT Allen Sievers (todd_sievers@hotmail.com)


Total: 5

Squadron Citations (0):


We got Wing Suppremacy coming up in a month, so be prepared. Like I said, I e-mailed a lot of RSVs in hopes of getting us a FL3. Be sure to stop by on IRC and post on our new MB. I wont be around this weekend due to RL duties, so everyone have a Merry Christmas.

CM Gustan

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