Sword Report # 33 (2003-11-21)

This report was submitted by MAJ Sarn Erec

MAJ Sarn Erec reporting in for Sword Squadron on 11/21/2003

And another lovely report from your Squadron CMDR reaches your mailbox :P

----Fleet News----

-The FO is back from his leave

-Together with the COO, the Flight Office will be offering a 2 vs 2 MP competition over the course of the next 6 months. This will be a trial comp to see how much activity is generated. The plans for the comp are:

Weekly 2 Vs 2 comp to be held in a TBA Mirc Channel
All platforms that accomodate MP flying will be used (XvT, BoP, XWA)
Weekly winners will receive LoC's and DFC's where warranted.
At the end of the 6 months An Overall Winner - most wins - will receive a IS-PW
2nd IS-GW, 3rd IS-SW (Or what ever medal I can get approved for it :)
The overall winner must participate in at least 70-80% of the weekly comps to be eligible.

Comp name will be the FO's TAG TEAM COMP and will be handled by the COO and my FOA LC Styles.

The FO will post official details on the comp when it is accepted and finalized.

-TAC will soon open applications for mission testers for all platforms except XWA

-A CA:TAC has been selected and will be announced soon

-As ususal check this site for more details: http://www.emperorshammer.net/news.asp

----Wing News----

-CM Sayo Hirosho resigned as Hammer CMDR, let's all thank him for his work :-)

-Hammer Squadron is open to applications, here are the requirements:

Wing IX is looking for a Squadron Commander for Hammer Squadron. If you have the time that it takes and feel like you would be a good addition to Wing IX then please email myself kyterrak@aol.com and RA BubbaX at animejwc@earthlink.net with your Application. Good luck to all that apply

Have working knowledge of the Tie Corps
Completed SM/3
Have a fast email response time
High activitly levels and the ability to motivate your squad
Familiarity of the SSOs
Ablove all you MUST be able to help your squad to have FUN in our Wing

-The ECR (Exercise Cantina Run) V will start on Sunday, expect the assignments soon

-The Wing IX WC's Challenge is still running, challenge the WC on a mission for TIE or XWA (Free Mission), if you win you'll get an IS-BW

----Squadron News----

-Yay, we gained a citation!!! :P Now let'S get some more :P

-Also check our site for news, I post frequently there: http://swordsquadron.minos.net/ (is down atm, Minos seems to have some problems again, I think I need to have a word there with some guys)

-Here's our MB, check it, too: http://theholo.net/mb/viewforum.php?f=127

----FCHG Listing----

Gladiator [GLDR] (1000 points) - [1426] CPT Saadam
Legionnaire [LGNR] (500 points) - [521] MAJ Sarn Erec
Centurion [CNTR] (400 points) - [468] CM Dukimar, [464] MAJ Koriel
Knight [KNGT] (250 points) - [272] LCM Duken
Cavalier [CAVL] (150 points) - [198] COL Ricaud
Fusilier [FUSL] (75 points) - [89] LCM Lanidet Tobri
Grenadier [GREN] (10 points) - [24] LCM Seth Rommel, [14] COL Andronicus


- CM Dukimar was awarded an IS-SW for 1st place in XWA in the Wing vs. Wing Comp

- CM Dukimar was awarded an IS-SW for 1st place in XvT in the Wing vs. Wing Comp

- MAJ Sarn Erec was awarded an IS-SW for 1st place in TIE in the Wing vs. Wing Comp

- LCM Duken was awarded an IS-BW for 2nd place in XvT in the Wing vs. Wing Comp

That looks kinda nice :-)


- The Wing IX WCs Challenge is still running (http://www.emperorshammer.net/competitions/details.asp?ID=1044)

- The Wing IX Recruiting Bananza #1 is still running (http://www.emperorshammer.net/competitions/details.asp?ID=1055)

- The Wing IX Monthly Trivia is still running (http://www.emperorshammer.net/competitions/details.asp?ID=1062)

- The Comp Lanidet worked out is on hold until ECR V is over, we'll start it right after ECR though.

- ECR V starts on Sunday, I expect a very high participation in that Comp as it is the most important Comp in the TCBGs and comes up once in ages :P

----Squadron Orders----

Communicate, talk to each other
Fly, take IWATS, be active,
Go to the bar :P
And...post on our Message Board!! http://theholo.net/mb/viewforum.php?f=127

----Activity Report----

MAJ Sarn
-Did CMDR stuff
-Was awarded an IS-SW for 1st place in TIE in the Wing vs. Wing Comp
Comment: I love those medals :P

LCM Seth Rommel
-No contact
Comment: Seth, please drop me a mail, it's important that you get in contact with me!

COL Ricaud
-No contact
Comment: Ric, I need you to report in to me, too.

COL Andronicus
-Reported in
Comment: Had a busy time in RL

LCM Lanidet Tobri:
-Reported in.
-Flew TIE-TC#108
-Flew TIE-TC#152
Comment: Nice work Lanidet :-)

LCM Duken:
-Reported in
-Flew XvT-Free#152 (Possible Highscore)
-Flew XvT-Free#11, BoP-TC#15, BoP-TC#16
-Participated in the Wing IX Run-on (Comp)
-Was awarded an IS-BW for 2nd place in XvT in the Wing vs. Wing Comp
Comment: Nice week Duken :-)

CPT Saadam
-No contact
Comment: Please report in to me, too Saadam.

MAJ Koriel
-Reported in
Comment: Returned to full active service.

CM Dukimar
-Reported in
-Flew TIE-TC#4
-Flew TIE-TC#5
-Flew TIE-TC#9, TIE-BHG#1
-Was awarded an IS-SW for 1st place in XWA in the Wing vs. Wing Comp
-Was awarded an IS-SW for 1st place in XvT in the Wing vs. Wing Comp
Comment: Nice work Duke :-), especially the two IS-SWs look very nice :-)

LCM Ironfist
-Reported in
Comment: Went on a two week emergency leave

SL Sean
-Reported in
Comment: Somehow I think we always miss each others for the MP matches :P


This week was much better than the last one but that still can be improved. Everybody who didn't report in needs to do so, let me at least know what's going on. ECR V starts on Sunday, this is a very important Comp, the winning Ship will be the new Flagship of the TCBGs and I really want to win that Comp. I for myself will do my really best for it, fly, write fiction and do graphics. I want you guys to do the same, we will get activity points for everybody participating, so get ready for that Comp. It lasts 4 weeks and I want Sword to show in it what we can do!


COMMANDER: MAJ Sarn Erec (sarn_erec@web.de)
NICKNAME: Swords of the Empire
BANNER: sword.jpg
MOTTO: Imperial blades forged in the heat of battle.
HOMEPAGE: http://swordsquadron.minos.net/
MESSAGE BOARD: http://theholo.net/mb/viewforum.php?f=127

Nickname: Razor's Edge
Motto: "With unity comes victory"
1) MAJ Sarn Erec (sarn_erec@web.de)
2) LCM Seth Rommel (seth_rommel@yahoo.com)
3) COL Ricaud (kettchricaud@aol.com)
4) COL Andronicus (mad_dog_mcd@btinternet.com)

Nickname: Ardent Steel
Motto: Nunc Morere
1) LCM Lanidet Tobri (lanidet@yahoo.com)
2) LCM Duken (duken008@hotmail.com)
3) CPT Saadam (saadam@poczta.wp.pl)
4) MAJ Koriel (_koriel@poczta.wp.pl)

Nickname: Tip of the Swords
Motto: "Nil Satis Nici Optimum"
1) CM Dukimar (brybry23@hotmail.com)
2) LCM Ironfist (fistnet@yahoo.com)
3) SL Sean (guy892@hotmail.com)
4) TBA

Total: 11

That's it for today,
With best regards,

CMDR/MAJ Sarn Erec/Sword/Wing IX/ISD Relentless

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