Demon Report # 10 (2003-12-12)

This report was submitted by MAJ Mosh

Demon Squadron
Wing XI/ISD Immortal

MAJ Mosh reporting for Demon Squadron 12/12/03

Squad News: Sleepy

ECR Round 3 is almost finished, this one's a lot of fun to fly if sometimes a bit frustrating. Get files in asap. So far we're in the lead over all. Remember to use the same pilot file for all the ECR missions but send it in after each one.

The Logistics office is taking an EH census , go along and register your opinions on the EH and TC

The new EH library is open for your reference and entertainment.

Squad Activity: Dopey

MAJ Mosh
. . . . Flew ECR XWA parts 2 and 3
. . . . Was on IRC & AIM occasionally

CPT Crsepe
. . . . Reported in
. . . . Awarded ISM for MSE November
. . . . Flew ECR XWA parts 2 and 3

LT Nick Beauchamp
. . . . No contact (week one)

. . . . Still kicking around on the message boards

Nothing much going on lately except a bit of ECR activity. Don't forget the Writing and Graphics sections which are running simultaneously

Demon of the Week: Doc

Izanagi & Izanami were the two young gods chosen to bring order to the world of chaos in Japanese mythology. Izanagi was a tall & as strong as a willow sapling, while Izanami, his consort, was delicate in manner & speech, and as beautiful as the air that filled the High Plain of Heaven. The Lord of Heaven then gave Izanagi his legendary spear, Amanonuboko.
Roster: Bashful

1-1 CMDR MAJ Mosh (6372) CNTR
1-2 TBA
1-3 TBA
1-4 TBA

2-1 TBA
2-2 TBA
2-3 TBA
2-4 TBA

3-1 FL CPT Crsepe (5359) PLDN
3-2 FM LT Nick Beauchamp (10869)
3-3 TBA
3-4 TBA

Squad Orders: Grumpy

¤ Fly the ECR-V missions
¤ Mail me a picture of Ozzy Osbourne
¤ Name the missing element in this weeks report headings
¤ Post on the Gundark Runon
¤ Post on the Immortal Runon

Thought for the day: Sneezy

There are effectively only three diminished scales.

CMDR/MAJ Mosh/Demon/Wing XI/ISD Immortal

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