Praetorian Report # 32 (2003-12-10)

This report was submitted by COL Andrzej Mezynski

Another week, another report

1) Squad news
- the runon is dying...well, I'll post today or tomorrow, and time for the same for rest of you :), but LCM Sormrider, pls a least give us a hint of plotline :P

- medals for competitions were finally given, so congratz to CM Gelton for his two IS_BW and to COL Morgan fr his IS-BR

- as far as flyin requiremens are concerned: those who participated in any round pf Flight Challenge have passed those December requirements, and rest has to fly thier 4 mission :)

- I've finally overcomed KOTORso I'll be more active :PP

- we were given nice medals from SDIR Mordann for ID vs BHG comp

- Sadly we lost two pilots more: LC Turr Phennir has requested transfer to RSV corps due to RL and other stuff, and well, he was one of the best CMDRs Prae had , 2nd loss is LT Menu who got AWOLed

2) Orders
- fly 4 missions
- participate in runon
- do anything more ;)

3) News:

4) ATR:
COL Mezynski - awarded PoC-sl-rlX3, CSMx2
LC Shae Kitane - PoC-gl-l-rlx2, CSMx2
LC Turr Phennir - requested transfer to RSV
MAJ DOlsar Saris - email contact
CM Gelton Torr IS-BWx2, PoC-rlx3, CSMx2
LCM Mason Stormrider - PoC-rl
COL B.J Morgan - IS-BR, POC-rlx3, CSMx2
CPT Abel Malik - flew Tc-XvT 79-81, PoC-rlx2, CSM

5) Rster:

PRaetorian Squadron
Flight 1:

1) COL Andrzej Mezynski
2) LC Shae Kitane
3) LC Turr Phennir
4) CPT ABel Malik

Flight 2:
1) MAJ Dolsar Saris
2) CM Gelton Torr

FLight 3)
1) COL B.J Morgan
2) LCM Mason Stormrider

Submitted by

CMDR/COL Andrzej MEzynski

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