Psi Report # 11 (2003-12-09)

This report was submitted by CM Ras Kronar

- [ CMDR/CM Ras Kronar reporting in for Psi Squadron on Dec. 9th, 2003 ] -

- Random Fact/Thought/Quote of the Week: There are two kinds of people in the world, those who believe there are two kinds of people in the world and those who don't.

Well.. the greatest news from the last week as that we won the Psi Vs. Omicron comp! In fact we didn't as much win as annihilate the opposition :) Three people (as you know) from Psi managed to get the maximum score for the free mission: Shayn, Zeth, and myself. Zeth gets an IS-BW for being the highest scorer the fastest. Proton has granted Psi it's cantina privilidges for our victory so we can celebrate in style.

Well.. Zeth did get an IS-BW.. and an IS-SR for coming 2nd in the TCCOM's Own comp. But now it seems they've removed all his medals! This is obviously a mistake since he earned the medals on his profile AFTER his HCI sentence and after his medals were removed the 1st time. It seems that because they (finally) decided to remove his FCHG points that they chose to remove his medals. This is not right and we'll try to correct it. Zeth deserves those medals despite any previous sentencing.

In happier news LT Shayn D'Lorien will be Psi's new FL of Flight 2. I'll get the paperwork in order ASAP Shayn so that you can celebrate your promotion. Of course drinks will be on Shayn!

All in all it's been a slow week. We've all been resting from the comps and such. Christmas is coming up so I'm not going to start any new comps until afterwards. There are no comps in the horizon that I'm aware off but we'll wait and see. Until then you've gotta keep yourself active ;)

Until next week, this is CM Ras Kronar saying: I'm the Batman.


- LCM Zeth Durron was awarded an IS-SR for coming 2nd in the TCCOM's Own banner competition.

- LCM Zeth Durron was awarded an IS-BW for being the (first) high scorer in the Psi Vs. Omicron competition.

- [ OTHER NEWS ] -

- The EH Library is up and running. A collection of fiction and whatnot. Visit it and check if you've got anything you want to submit.

- Former CA:SO Ziggy is the new SO

- The EH Census - Take it.

- Proton is looking for a new WC for Wing IV. Check the Sov MB for the reqs.

- The old Zip compendium can still be found at



1) Wing II Mission Voting Competition

Awaiting round 2... If it hasn't been put to rest :-P

2) SSSD Sovereign Killboard



Squadron Citations (4):
TIE-TC Battle 10 - Battle for the DeathStar
TIE-TC Battle 77 - Verpine Encounter, Part One
TIE-TC Battle 125 - Operation 'Silent Scream'
TIE-TC Battle 131 - TIE Fighter Covert Missions

Well it seems they finally took away Zeth's FCHG points.. (from earlier HCI sentence) and as a result he has now completed 0 battles.. and we've lost some citations.

Fly just one of these battles for Psi to get a citation (back):

TIE-TC 128
TIE-TC 133



CMDR/CM Ras Kronar
- CMDR Stuff

FM/CPT Psyko Prefect
- Mail activity

FM/COL Jon Doyle
- Mail, IRC, and MB activity

FL/LCM Luca Fett
- Mail Activity

FM/LT Willis
- Mail Activity

FL/LCM Zeth Durron
- Awarded an IS-SR for coming 2nd in the TCCOM's Own Banner Comp
- Awarded an IS-BW for being the top scorer in the Psi Vs. Omicron Comp
- Mail, IRC, and MB activity

FM/LT Shayn D'Lorien
- Completed TIE-TC #211 for the Beer Cup Competition
- Mail and IRC activity

FM/COL Calzeo Inkwolf
- Completed TIE-TC #211 for the Beer Cup Competition
- Mail activity



Nickname: Sandstorm
Motto: Always watch your six with us around
1) CM Ras Kronar (
2) CPT Psyko Prefect (
3) COL Jon Doyle (
4) TBA

Nickname: The Chick Magnets
Motto: Two Flight. More than enough said.
1) LCM Luca Fett (
2) LT Willis (
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: The Emperor's Touch
Motto: If it's a sin to do what we love, then we welcome the punishment
1) LCM Zeth Durron (
2) LT Shayn D'Lorien (
3) TBA
4) COL Calzeo Inkwolf (

Respectfully Submitted,

CMDR/CM Ras Kronar/Psi/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign

Pin #5053

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