Demon Report # 9 (2003-12-05)

This report was submitted by MAJ Mosh

Demon Squadron
Wing XI/ISD Immortal

MAJ Mosh reporting for Demon Squadron 5/12/03

Squad News: Wrath

ECR is properly under way with the first and second missions running simultaniously. So far Crsepe and I have flown the first part and it's pretty bloomin difficult. We use the same pilot file for all the ECR missions but send it in after each one.

Squad Activity: Sloth

MAJ Mosh
. . . . Flew ECR XWA part 1
. . . . Was on IRC & AIM occasionally

LCM Crix Talra
. . . . AWOL

CPT Crsepe
. . . . Flew ECR XWA part 1

LT Nick Beauchamp
. . . . Reported in - Flying ECR

. . . . Suspected of tampering with .lst files.

We're starting to look a bit empty guys but at least we're still active here. Lets kick some ass on these ECR things and see about finding some fresh blood. Remember with ECR, participation is vital, even if scores are low at least get something in.

Demon of the Week: Envy

More a god than a demon, The female incarnation of Shiva, Kali is the bloodthirsty goddess of destruction, she wears a necklace of human skulls and carries a weapon in each of her four arms.

Roster: Pride

1-1 CMDR MAJ Mosh (6372) CNTR
1-2 TBA
1-3 TBA
1-4 TBA

2-1 TBA
2-2 TBA
2-3 TBA
2-4 TBA

3-1 FL CPT Crsepe (5359) PLDN
3-2 FM LT Nick Beauchamp (10869)
3-3 TBA
3-4 TBA

Squad Orders: Greed

¤ Fly the ECR-V missions
¤ Mail me a picture of Michael Jackson
¤ Name the missing element in this weeks report headings
¤ Post on the Gundark Runon
¤ Post on the Immortal Runon

Thought for the day: Gluttony

'You could reply to the Dharm question: hamaara koi dharm nahii - I have no religion.
However this is likely to make [ Indian villagers] think you're completely mad (or possibly evil).' - Hugo's Hindi in three months

CMDR/MAJ Mosh/Demon/Wing XI/ISD Immortal

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