Cobra Report # 1 (2003-12-14)

This report was submitted by CM Apophis Kuma

Cobra Squadron Weekly Report #1

WSR Date: 12.14.2003


Some fleet news:

ISD Challenge COM resigns, but to my knowledge COL Phantom has taken up residence
New Wing IV CMDR and new Omega Squadron CMDR(if you want to know visit the TC news page.
EH Library is up and running, go take a look!

The rest can be seen here: TC News


Welcome to the very first of my reports. I want to say hi again to everyone. I hope my stay will here will be a long and enjoyable one. I want to thank all whom I have talked to thus far in welcoming me to the squadron. I know its rather weird for someone to just jump into a squadron and assume a CMDR position, but trust me when I say that its not the first time for me to be stuck into a position like this.

However, I will promise you that things will get done and accomplished while I'm here so long as things get approved up the chain. One thing to note is that I'm a big person for using the chain of command so that stuff gets completed in a timely manner. You have already read (hopefully) my letter to the squadron from a members perspective and I will recap on that today.

I will announce in advance that I am an aggressive person and love it when things happen, this mostly pertains to levels of activity. I try my best to generate activity if I see that there is a stalemate or a lack of general activity. So all I can ask and expect from you all is that you will be willing to help in such a way that we can all benefit from our fun from activity. I like to create competitions, I like to always stay busy doing something. If for some reason you can not do anything please tell me that is all I ask.

Basically for this reporting period I really have no news but will bring to light something's under the CMDRs section. I just hope that we can all work together in fun and in turn you will benefit from it I will mark my words on it.


Stay tuned as we have nothing yet. But there are competitions on the way. One thing for you all to know is that I am carrying on the squadron banner competition as was originally started by the former CMDR who has now assumed the Command of the ISD Challenge. Good luck to her!


  • CMDR/CM Apophis Kuma
    • Wrote 1st Squadron Report
    • Flew XvT-FREE 23, 24 (25, 26, 27 still pending)
    • Submitted 2 comps, one for the squadron and one for the Wing
  • FM/CM Kakihara
    • Reported in
    • MSN activity
  • FL/LT Calista FairBright
    • Reported in
  • FM/LCM Hunterwolf
    • Reported in
    • MSN Activity
  • FL/CM Shikie
    • Reported in
    • MSN Activity
  • FM/LT KramCola
    • Reported in


Well just a short brief from me here today. I'm glad to see that everyone has atleast reported in. This in turn makes a CMDRs job much more enjoyable as well as easier to do. I will note a few things which I like to see for squadron operations. A few of these may actually help you if you later become CMDRs of your own squadron. I will state them below in a few.

I would like to add that I am glad I picked this squadron to be a member of as well as the ship. The COM/WC and I go alittle ways back to the time when I was in the TAC Office staff. Unfortunately I ran out of time to do what I wanted and had to relinquish my position. However, I am certified if you will in the art of mission design and creation by the TAC office so if you need any help I can help with the following platforms: TIE, XvT and BOP so just ask away. I'm not much of a lover of XWA so we'll skip that one :P

1. If you fly battles/missions I have something here which will benefit all of us. I like to see pilot files named in the following fashion; 9554xvtf23 would be the way I would have created my pilot file for an XvT free mission. As its simple [9554] my PIN xvt (platform) f (is the type as in f =free, TC for battle) etc. [23] of course would be the mission number. This makes it real easy to process on the TC database. Why you ask? Well because lets say you get in a rush and email me add your zip file attachment and want to get those files into me and before you forget and then don't tell me in your email what missions you have flown. Well then I can look at the zip and easy disseminate what is was that you actually flew with out having to waste my time and yours replying to you and asking you what you flew. See what I mean? If you have any questions concerning this, just ask I'll fill you in.

2. I would like all FL to report in on their respective flight. This helps me with reports as well as gets you extra credit so to speak. It is the responsibility of the FL as well as CMDR to stay in touch with their personnel. Plus it helps to make it more personal through out the squadron and everyone gets to talk with each other on a regular basis, you know kind of like a family oriented thing. But I would like all FL's to report in on their flight every Friday so I can have my reports out no later than Saturday. Atleast this way until I hear otherwise from the WC or COM. FL reports can also be an aid for when you write your own reports as a CMDR as well as a learning experience.

3. Activity: Well this is a touchy subject all over the TC. This is something as we all know that gets you promoted, earns you medals and of course last but not least points with the CMDR :) Anyone can do any form of activity they want, just be sure you tell me so I know what you've done. One thing I hate to see is a medal coming in from somewhere in the fleet that says so and so did this and got this medal. It makes me feel bad cuz I couldn't report on it for you plus I wouldn't have known until the last minute. I'm not gonna hold it against you so don't worry, but its just nice to know if you do something, that way when I report or submit my MSE then I will be able to say that you actually contributed to the welfare of the squadron by way of activity.

Lastly, I like to report the number of missions flown each month as to help encourage activity Wing wide. The below section will show your FCHG/COMBAT rating, medals earned if any and finally the amount of missions you have flown thus far for the month. I guess the obvious thing here is to see who will be the squadron Ace or overall active pilot for flying. Other thing will be mentioned in the above activity section.

That's about it for now. I'm sure I will have something else later in my next report so just hang loose. Just know that the more we work together, the happier I am and you will be happy when you reap the rewards for your overall activity. Plus we can get to having down right squadron fun :) Have a good day all!


[742] CM Apophis Kuma
[314] CM Shikie
[166] LCM Hunterwolf
[101] CM Kakihara
[96] LT Calista FairBright
[57] LT KramCola

[5] CM Kakihara
None as of today [2] CM Apophis Kuma
[0] CM Shikie
[0] LCM Hunterwolf
[0] CM Kakihara
[0] LT Calista FairBright
[0] LT KramCola

[2] Squad Total for December thus far

Respectfully Submitted,

CMDR/CM Apophis Kuma/Cobra/Wing XIV/ISD Intrepid
[PIN: 9554]
"You don't have to believe. But be prepared to be proved wrong."
- Grand Admiral Thrawn

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