Kappa Report # 0 (2003-12-15)

This report was submitted by LC Tempest

* KAPPA SQUADRON REPORT * LC Tempest * December 15th, 2003 *

Welcome to another late Kappa Squadron Report. Sorry guys, but I've
been really busy... had a homework to hand in today. I'm already in
trouble cos I forgot to call my dad on his birthday which was
yesterday, so don't you also start yelling at me for not doing the
report in time. *Sigh*. Really need some holidays here. Good that it's
only another week until Christmas break.
Ah well, the situation *should* improve a lot from now on, so I
promise next report will be out on Friday, or Saturday for the latest.

Oh, and Jon: I'll send that PBEM-file later today or tomorrow, sry for
the two-weeks delay. Jan: The stuff you asked me for should be with
you within a week... I hope. Anyone else who wanted me to get
something done: Please send a reminder. Thanks. :)

Squadron News

- The Space Empires III match proposed by Stele has started. I know it
isn't really SW-connected, but as there's no other great piece of
news this week, I thought I'd go with this one. :P
Both Jan and myself are in this game, plus Ninj, Proton, Dweezil,
Mateusz and, of course, Stele.
I only played it once before, against computer opponents, and they
kinda wiped me out in no time. So I guess I won't be much of an
opposition to you guys, but I think it'll be fun. May the best Space
Emperor conquer the galaxy. :)


Squadron Orders

- The matches (envolving Kappans) for the first round in the knockout
phase of the Sovereign Cup are:

LC Tempest vs. LCM Arid Foxtrot
COL Astarosta vs. LT Brin Chaser

The mission is TIE-Free 179 (attached), deadline is Dec 19th.
Todbringer wants us to use the EHM mission files where possible, but
if the EHBL doesn't work for you, using the zip version is also
allowed. Find it here:
Submissions go to Tod (todbringer@poczta.onet.pl), and please CC me.


Squadron Activity

LC Tempest/Kappa 1-1

- Mail and IRC activity
- CMDR stuff


LT Zyrax/Kappa 1-2

- IRC and mail activity


SL Thud Asphalt/Kappa 1-3

No activity reported


COL Astarosta/Kappa 2-1

- Mail activity


LCM Shimir Sheerelk/Kappa 2-2

No activity reported


COL Jan Wemmel/Kappa 2-3

- Mail and IRC activity


Miscellaneous / TC News

- ISD Challenge COM resigns (FA Cyric)
RA Sephiroth has stepped down from the COM's chair of the ISD
Challenge due to RL Issues. I wish him luck, and hope to see him
return soon.

AD Krax will not be accepting applications at present time for the
replacement of the ISD Challenge.

- New Wing IV CMDR and new Omega Squadron CMDR (FA Cyric)
Two veteran pilots have new roles aboard the SSSD Sovereign.

Colonel Brian is the new commander of the elite Omega Squadron

Colonel Mini-Minkus has been named commander of Wing IV.

Congratulations to both!

- EH Library (HA Ari)
Last week, the EH Library was completed! The EH Library serves as a
place to post your fictions, biographies, and EH histories. All
submissions are reviewed individually by a "librarian" working for
the Internet Office as well as the Logistics Officer. It is our hope
that everyone will at one point make use of this service. Thanks to
CPT Drako for his hard work on it! You can find it at


Squadron Roster

COMMANDER: LC Tempest (EH_Tempest@gmx.net)
NICKNAME: The Dragons of Wing II
BANNER: kappa.jpg
MOTTO: Honor sit mihi lux, et draco sit mihi dux
HOMEPAGE: http://kappa.squadron.org/

Nickname: Wyvern Flight
Motto: Potius mori quam foedari
1) LC Tempest (EH_Tempest@gmx.net)
2) LT Zyrax (zyrax@freenet.de)
3) SL Thud Asphalt (sam_milton@hotmail.com)
4) TBA

Nickname: Gryphon Flight
Motto: Virtute et armis
1) COL Astarosta (astarosta@copetel.com.ar)
2) LCM Shimir Sheerelk (pantherjumper@yahoo.com)
3) COL Jan Wemmel (Jan1506@gmx.de)
4) TBA

Nickname: Midgard Flight
Motto: Mors ipsa nos refugit
1) TBA
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) TBA

Total: 6

CMDR-OPSA/LC Tempest/Kappa/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign
RSV/WO Tempest/CD [CoL/SoA/BoMx2/CSS/CDMx2]

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