Odin Report # 2 (2003-12-26)

This report was submitted by CPT Joey C

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Odin Weekly Squadron Report #2, 26.12.2003
BY CMDR Joey C "The Inquisitors Pomp (sic)"


"The traditional greeting a Santa gives is 'Ho Ho Ho.' When a pretty girl walks by and you just say 'Ho' she has every right to deck you."
Doctor John Becker.

Merry X-mas/Festivus y'all! Yes Santa has once again pulled a Michael Jackson on us and came down chimneys at night time to give presents to children and let them sit in his lap. But, the threat is gone and I DID wake up with my pants intact so I shall assume I'm 100% insane AND inane as usual and continue with leading this machine of "war". Now, to the report.



  • Medals medals medals:
    Bronze Star of the Empire "for being uber" and an Iron-Star Bronze Ribbon "for the easter egg" went to Yoda All quotes made by Yoda himself
    Iron Star Bronze Ribbon went to Ghorg for correctly predicting Gilad's downfall...to COM...yes I know it sounds odd but then again GWSOoM is still alive.
  • Oh yes, and we got a new recruit as I've mentioned about 4 times this week. Hello SL Saphius, good of you to join us.


  • As I hinted at earlier, LC/WC Gilad made the jump to COM/RA Gilad. Well done to the latest Arse Admiral to make it to the ranks of the EH Social Elite...yes, now you can wear that pretty little rank/position badge to the cocktail parties with pride, while we all snicker.
  • Wing Commander is thus as empty as my cranium so applications WERE being taken this week, but are closed as of this WSR. Sorry guys but you know, the "Scissors-Paper-Rock" competition between the applicants can only go on for so long before someone gets RSI or the munchies.


  • The TAC Officer has decided to issue the decree that anyone who submits a XWA Battle before the New Year shall recieve a bonus. Yeah that's right, ignore the Monk mission sitting there right in your lap. :P
  • And yes, it was Christmas this week. Nice of the Fleet to acknowledge that. :D

Various words designed to encourage but instead end up as evidence...

Well, this week saw several of us challenge Yoda to a competiton to see how many FREEs he could fly in an hour. He got to 17 in an hour, which I was very proud of. Then he did a very naughty/good thing and did it three more times. Trust me, I saw "BSF Approved - Pickled Yoda" e-mails in my dreams...but 55 FREEs later, Yoda is happy and my fingers are crying, but I am impressed with the activity. Anyone who beats 17 FREEs in an hour with me timing you will recieve a very shiny medal...and of course Yoda's wrath but we can all ignore that ;)

Activity Statistics

Joey C - Made two XWA missions for GWSOoM 2, some admin, too much BSF'ing
Kyp Durron - MSN Contact, is apparently on vacation.
Yirrek Tol - No contact...I guess I better e-mail you.

<Something else taken from Ulath's Flight Report.>

II Flight Activity
FL/CPT Ulath: Nothing this week, just waiting for the week to end and trying my best to bypass that goddamned registration form for the new MBs. They don't like me, you know.
FM/MAJ Pickled Yoda : Rumors of illegal genetic experiments involving SLs and creatures of bovine descent, but nothing has been substantiated yet.
Oh, and he's been hanging around IRC with unhealthy regularity.
Also, flew 55 TIE-FREEs...*applauds*
FM/MAJ Z'Harm Kelh Gasu`lk : After last weeks report, all I've heard from the good Major are replies to Squadron emails. Certainly, you are the standoffish type, aren't you Z'Harm?
Flight Comment: This must be what its like to be a FM. It certainly is relaxing.

CMDR's Comment: Yes...standoffish...you just give him an aluminium pole and some kinky music and he'll be swinging like the door out back which has a date with the sledgehammer.

Flight III

Lenvik - XWA-DB #5 (1 High Score), XWA-FREE #32
GHORG - MB Contact, was awarded medal.
Shai - Nothing yet.


Very good activity from Yods this week. Like I said, the first person to break 17 FREEs in an hour with me timing will recieve a shiny :D

But...please...if you are going to do that...put all FREEs into ONE .ZIP! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD! *spasms his way into silence*

Who didn't see that coming :P

COMMANDER: CPT Joey C (strikes_back@hotmail.com)
NICKNAME: Rolling Thunder
BANNER: odin.jpg
MOTTO: We are the Blade Thats Cuts down our Enemies
HOMEPAGE: http://www.angelfire.com/theforce/odin_3/odin/News.html
MESSAGE BOARD: http://theholo.net/mb/viewforum.php?f=77

Nickname: Hidden Fury

Motto: No Warning, No Resistance
1) CPT Joey C (strikes_back@hotmail.com)
2) LT Kyp Durron (KYPdave@aol.com)
3) LT Yirrek Tol (remco_genemans@hotmail.com)
4) SL Saphius (catious_cow@yahoo.com)

Nickname: Black Aces
Motto: His modis ad victoriam
1) CPT Ulath (lord_matthias_lives@hotmail.com)
2) MAJ Pickled Yoda (tomman109@hotmail.com)
3) MAJ Z'Harm Kelh Gasu'lk (zkelh@hotmail.com)
4) TBA

Nickname: Warlords of Odin
Motto: Honor is always at stake
1) LCM Lenvik (darthtimbo@aleaau.com)
2) CM Faliaj Shai (lobster9493@bikerider.com)
3) LCM Ghorg (gerfonk@hotmail.com)
4) TBA


And they said I was just an old pervert...I'm young damnit! YOUNG!

For more Opinions see the Crusader WSRs.

----CMDR/CPT Joey C----

<Yodsta> Why is it that when I say "Men in Tights" no-one thinks "Kinky"?



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