Psi Report # 14 (2003-12-28)

This report was submitted by CM Ras Kronar

CMDR/CM Ras Kronar reporting in for Psi Squadron on Dec. 28th, 2003

Random Fact/Thought/Quote of the Week: "There's people throwing snowballs instead of throwing heads, they're busy building toys and absolutely no one's dead" - Jack Skellington, The Nightmare Before Christmas


Shock! Gasp! Horror! Activity was low this week! I dunno what happened.. Suddenly everybody disappeared... All the stores closed.. Very weird.. :-P

Christmas was overall a pleasent experience this year for me. The food was splendid as always... And as always my gut was way too small. The presents were nice... although most of them was of the clothing variant. People now claim that dressed in those items I should look hip and snazzy.. although those weren't their exact words. I've chosen to trust them on this and I'm planning to see whether females other than my immediate family agree with that statement. I'm not holding my breath... except for that split second between breaths... eh.. yeah

Shayn and Zeth both got their well deserved medals for November activity this week. Congrats to both of you and keep up the good work!

Also two new comps this week, check them out in the competitions section.

Anyways... I'm not counting on a lot of activity this week.. However that doesn't mean that you shouldn't do anything.. By all means please do. ;)

Until next week, this is CM Ras Kronar saying: I wish you all a very happy new year! Try not to blow any limbs critical to flying off.


- COL Jon Doyle was awarded a LoC for a multiplayer victory

- LCM Zeth Durron was awarded a PC for November Activity

- LT Shayn D'Lorien was awarded an ISM for November Activity

- [ OTHER NEWS ] -

- MAJ Pickled Yoda is the new WC of Wing XIII, ISD Greywolf

- The TAC wants us to make more XWA Battles

- The old Zip compendium can still be found at


1) SSSD Sovereign Killboard

2) MO's Joke Competition

Alright Kiddies its about that time again. Time for another one of your awesome Fleet wide compeitions from the Box of the MO himself! This one is for all of you to send in your Best Star Wars/Emperor's Hammer Jokes. Please keep it in good taste though, don't say anything you wouldn't want your mothers to hear 8-P, and make sure its funny and not hateful, don't want anybody crying do we? The funnier the Joke the better your chances. So go pull out you ol' Redneck Jedi jokes, and Emperor's Hammer Cracks on personnel. All submissions are to be sent to the Medical Officer no later than January 2nd, 2004 at
You can send as many Jokes as you want!

Awards are as follows
1st = IS-GR
2nd = IS-SR
3rd = IS-BR

3) Give Mell a job!

EH Personnel are asked to write a (serious) Job Description of something that they think that the Imperial Sovereign Protector can do to help the fleet as a whole.

The winning description earns the creator an Iron Star - Gold Ribbon!!! (or SG Equivilent)

The Competition closes on New Years Eve so that the new job may begin from 2004. Please send all entries to AD Mell Kerrigan (

4) SOTW Bonanza!

The IO has decided that every Site Of The Week (SOTW) webmaster until January 2nd will be awarded an IS-SR! So if you have a site or know of a good one, then go recommend it for SOTW:

5) The OPS's Cheap Way To Get A Laugh Competition

Your job is to find the OPS an EH page that is funny, but not on purpose. Here's an example: You may notice that it says "This member has no history." Kind of funny if you think about it, our GA has no history :-P
Send the OPS an URL, in two weeks he'll judge who sent him the best one. It can be any EH page.
Submit entries to the OPS ( with the competition name in the Subject line.
Deadline: January 8th, midnight.

6) Name the OPS's Shuttle

The OPS was awarded a Shuttle by the good boys in INTEL the other month, and now he needs a proper name for it for his ID line. All you have to do is send him name suggestions.
Submit entries to the OPS ( with the competition name in the Subject line.
Deadline: January 8th, midnight.


Squadron Citations (11):

TIE-TC Battle 1 - Capture of Zaarin
TIE-TC Battle 3 - New Dimensions
TIE-TC Battle 10 - Battle for the DeathStar
TIE-TC Battle 14 - Vader Takes Command
TIE-TC Battle 77 - Verpine Encounter, Part One
TIE-TC Battle 120 - Thunderer the Victory Star Destroyer
TIE-TC Battle 125 - Operation 'Silent Scream'
TIE-TC Battle 128 - Operation Yridia Alpha
TIE-TC Battle 131 - TIE Fighter Covert Missions
TIE-TC Battle 133 - Punishment Tour
TIE-TC Battle 211 - Silent Hunters

Another citation this week when my BSF returned! Jon flew TIE-TC #32 which should also give us a citation when another one of my plts is BSFd. I'll get to work on flying some of the "two needed" battles.

Oh and if any of you'd rather fly an XWA battle then mail me and I'll send you some suggestions.

Fly just one of these battles for Psi to get a citation:


2 pilots need to fly these battles:

TIE-TC 108

CMDR/CM Ras Kronar
- CMDR Stuff

FM/CPT Psyko Prefect
- Mail activity

FM/COL Jon Doyle
- Awarded a LoC
- Completed TIE-TC #32 (Psitation)
- Mail and IRC activity

FL/LT Shayn D'Lorien
- Awarded an ISM for November activity
- Mail Activity

FM/LT Willis
- No Activity

FM/LCM Luca Fett
- No Activity

FL/LCM Zeth Durron
- Awarded a PC for November activity
- On leave

FM/COL Calzeo Inkwolf
- Mail activity

Nickname: Sandstorm
Motto: Always watch your six with us around
1) CM Ras Kronar (
2) CPT Psyko Prefect (
3) COL Jon Doyle (
4) TBA

Nickname: The Chick Magnets
Motto: Two Flight. More than enough said.
1) LT Shayn D'Lorien (
2) LT Willis (
3) LCM Luca Fett (
4) TBA

Nickname: The Emperor's Touch
Motto: If it's a sin to do what we love, then we welcome the punishment
1) LCM Zeth Durron (
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) COL Calzeo Inkwolf (

- [ ID LINE ] -

Respectfully Submitted,

CMDR/CM Ras Kronar/Psi/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign
GS/PCx3/ISMx4/MoT-1gh/IS-1BW-1BR-2SR-1GW-1GR-1PW/LoC-Rx4/CoL/CoB/OV-2E [PLDN]

Pin: #5053

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