Scorpion Report # 27 (2003-12-20)

This report was submitted by MAJ Alec Qarni

<Anaba> viva scorp!


Woooooo…. Ok.

So not only are we as a squad the WC’s Own for last month, Anaba and Dengar shared the title of COM’s Protector for November! Awesome work to both of them and to all of us!

There was a minor (read: major) crisis with the MBs, in that they are all gone forever. However, our Internet Office is quite on top of things and has set up the new MB center at the old spot of We are at, so have fun! Yay. It’s possible that some of you may have our run-on in cache still, so if you know how, please look. I have a feeling you don’t though, cause of its ASP-ness…. But look anyway.

I got cable!!! That’s right, no more dial-up for me. Unfortunately, I haven’t yet been able to play MP on it… which may be bad. However, a 1.5 MB/s download rate is quite undeniably good.

If I can get that to work, you know where I’ll be? On the Zone, cause the December XvT WoW is on NOW! All y’all fly.

Alec Qarni's Game of the Week: Harvest Moon (Natsume [N64])
CD of the Week: The Pietasters - Willis



Report #5! [Edited by AQ]

Welcome back Scorpions! Christmas is closer and closer, and because it's my last report before then, I would like to wish you all to spend this time with your friends and families, luck and health in this and next year, and a cool New Year’s party ;). Our Christmas present could be Sarin that has come back straight from Iraq. Welcome home to our new COO!!! Also welcome back to the ex-VAN members of Mantis, Drax, Jer, Thom Zack, Lassiter,and Jensen! And that's all for now :] And again I wish you Merry Christmas (or whatever holiday) and Happy New Year!

Your XO

LT Anaba



1-1: MAJ Alec Qarni: Got us a new MB, IRC, MBs, E-mails, PROFly stuff, CMDRly stuff…
1-2: CPT Vladimir Corax: Nothin… where are ya, Corax?
1-3: N/A
1-4: N/A

2-1: LT Anaba: E-mail, IRC, MBs, XO duties.
2-2: LCM Victor Kage: GFX IWATS, email.
2-3: N/A
2-4: N/A

3-1: LC Dengar March: Received IS-BR, email
3-2: LC Strahd: MBs
3-3: N/A
3-4: N/A



1: Deal with Real. (Yay corniness!) Real life is where it's at, and nothing in the TC can supersede it, so remember that this is all fun… not an obligation.

2: Fly! Please find some time, whatever you’re doing, to just fly a battle here and there, or hang around in #ehcoc and try to get a game or something. I know Christmas is coming/here, so you should be off of school/work, although I know you may rather spend time with friends and family than with 5-year old games. You fool!

3: Do other stuff! Anything and everything to better Scorpion or the EH as a whole is happy.


Beat the WC at MP: The person that beats Nighty the most at MP will win an IS-SW and the person that loses to him the most will win an IS-BW. This competition is open to all members of the Wing as well as all ASF Flag officers, which means that even Sicky can participate…

FCHG RACE: He who gains the most FCHG points in the month wins IS-SW, 2nd most gets an IS-BW

CR RACE: participation = 1 pts, loss = 3 pts, win = 5 pts, DFC = 10 pts. He who gets the most points gets an IS-SW runner up gets BW

IWATS Comp: he who does the most IWATS courses wins an IS-SR... 2nd most IS-BR

Recruitment Comp: recruit the most people from the reserves or Daedalus and win! IS-SR or IS-BR...
Competition Name/Title: Character Creation Comp
Submitted by: WC-MAG/COL Nightmare/Wing XV/ISD Vanguard
Start Date (mm/dd/yy): 12/1/2003
End Date (mm/dd/yy): 12/31/2003
Parties Involved: ASF
Missions/Battles Used: None
Medals to be Awarded: IS-SR To the best submissions, IS-BR to the 2nd best
submission, IS-BR to the most Quality submissions
Miscellaneous Information: Creat EH South Park style Characters for use in
the ASF Chronicles and submit them to COL Nightmare. 2 Best submissions and
most submissions get awards. NOTE: If you can make your character in Flash
and submit it in .fla format. Also, remember to zip all submissions!

Competition Name/Title: Vanguard X-mas Trivia
Submitted by: WC-MAG/COL Nightmare/Wing XV/ISD Vanguard
Start Date (mm/dd/yy): 12/1/2003
End Date (mm/dd/yy): 12/25/2003
Parties Involved: ISD Vanguard (COM too)
Missions/Battles Used: None
Medals to be Awarded: IS-SR, IS-BR & IS-BR. IS-SR to the person with the
most correct answers in the shortest amount of time, IS-BR to the person
with the 2nd most correct answers in the shortest amount of time, IS-BR to
the person with the most original/funny answers.
Miscellaneous Information: Each week before the 25th of December I will put
5 TC/EH/SW related Trivia questions in my Wing Reports. Participants are to
submit the most correct answers in the shortest amount of time or the
funniest/most original answers.

Competition Name/Title: X-mas Image Caption Comp
Submitted by: WC-MAG/COL Nightmare/Wing XV/ISD Vanguard
Start Date (mm/dd/yy): 12/1/2003
End Date (mm/dd/yy): 12/25/2003
Parties Involved: ISD Vanguard (COM too)
Missions/Battles Used: None
Medals to be Awarded: IS-BR Each week
Miscellaneous Information: Each week I will put 1 image in my report, the
goal will be to make the most original/amusing/funny caption. Answers are to
be in on Saturday morning 10AM EST. I will display the top 3 in my report
and announce the winner then as well. Weekly winner gets an IS-BR

Images are located at:
but they will only be uploaded tomorrow... sorry for the delay...
Competition Name/Title Anti High Scores Comp #3
Submitted by: WC-MAG/COL Nightmare/Wing XV/ISD Vanguard
Start Date (mm/dd/yy) 12/10/2003
End Date (mm/dd/yy) 12/25/2003
Parties Involved ISD Vanguard (COM Too)
Missions/Battles Used TIE-TC 1
Medals to be Awarded IS-SW for first place IS-BW for the runner up
Miscellaneous Information Pilots are to fly the battle, winner will be the pilot who has a score closest to 0. Runner up will be the second closest. If 3 or more pilots tie for 1st place then the 1st place medals will be downgraded to BW.

Competition Name/Title Anti High Scores Comp #4
Submitted by: WC-MAG/COL Nightmare/Wing XV/ISD Vanguard
Start Date (mm/dd/yy) 12/10/2003
End Date (mm/dd/yy) 12/25/2003
Parties Involved ISD Vanguard (COM too)
Missions/Battles Used XWA-TC 1
Medals to be Awarded IS-SW to 1st place. IS-BW to runner up
Miscellaneous Information Pilots are to fly the battle, winner will be the pilot who has a score closest to 0. Runner up will be the second closest. If 3 or more pilots tie for 1st place then the 1st place medals will be downgraded to BW.


Gladiator [GLDR] (1000 points)
· [1256] LC Dengar March (+0)
· [1226] MAJ Alec Qarni (+0)
· [1219] LC Strahd (+0)
Knight [KNGT] (250 points)
· [252] LCM Victor Kage (+0)
Gallant [GALL] (200 points)
· [234] CPT Vladimir Corax (+0)
Lancer [LNCR] (25 points)
· [35] LT Anaba (+0)

Top Ace 1st (400 points)
· [419] LC Strahd (+0)
Top Ace 3rd (300 points)
· [302] MAJ Alec Qarni (+0)
Marksman 4th (10 points)
· [13] LC Dengar March (+0)
Trainee (1 point)
· [3] LCM Victor Kage (+0)

Okay…. We’re winding down. The only real activity was Vic’s IWATS. There are still plenty of battles out there… and XvT WoW. FLY!

^Scorpion-style salute

MAJ Alec Qarni
The Scorpion King
AIM PROF (Take it, foo'!)
PIN 7191

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