Daleth Report # 0 (2003-01-05)

This report was submitted by CPT Ace Hobbes

I. Introduction.
Welcome in my next report. First one in new year:) This year began with many medals and promotions. I want to especially congratulate Aeishline and Josh on their well deserved promotions to Lieutenant Colonels. Also for Daleth Squadron this year seems to be good. Soon, we will have new member - LCM Sam Booker from Gimel Squadron. Also, I finally got a mail from Zekk, yay!:)

II. Squadron & Wing News.
CPT Ace Hobbes was awarded a Palpatine Crescent.
CPT Ace Hobbes was awarded a Medal of Instruction.
LCM Razor was awarded a Palpatine Crescent.
LCM Sam Booker is transfering to Daleth. Position 2-2. I'm only waiting fot FA Patel to place him:)
Congratulations to Aeishline Strathaven promoted to Lieutenant Colonel!:)
Congratulations to Josh Popelka also promoted to Lieutenant Colonel!:)
Many congratulations to Keller, promoted to CPT for bringing Aleth back to its glory:)
LCM Pokemaster took FL position in Aleth Squadron! Keep it up, next step is CMDR:)
Congrats to CPT Keller, CPT Silvori, LCM Razor and myself on PCs!
Also congrats to LCM Pokemaster, LT Jasio and LT Dara on their ISMs!
III. Squadron Activity.
CPT Ace Hobbes
Awarded PC and MoI.
IRC and Mail Activity.
Doing CMDR styuff.
Flew many Battles/Missions and participaded in many Competitions.
LCM Zekk Thyne
Reported in. Promissed to fly XWA-FREE 65 for competition with Wing XI.
LCM Sam Booker
Waiting for transfer.
CM Dierdre Varn
Should be back from leave. No contact yet.
LCM Razor
Back from technical leave.
Flew XWA-FREE 65 for competition with Wing XI.
IV. Squadron Roster.

1) CPT Ace Hobbes (hobbes@poczta.onet.pl)
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) TBA

1) LCM Zekk Thyne (ryan@JetsGymnastics.com)
2) LCM Sam Booker (sambooker@surfeu.de)
3) TBA
4) TBA

1) CM Dierdre Varn (dievarn@wp.pl)
2) LCM Razor (eh_razor@op.pl)
3) TBA
4) TBA

Well, at least it should look like that soon:P

V. Closing Remarks.
Well, I must say I'm glad that with new year activity incerased a bit. I'm not going to let you be lazy, we must work hard:)

Captain Ace Hobbes.

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