Vampire Report # 8 (2003-01-03)

This report was submitted by CM VinDoros

CMDR/CM VinDoros Reporting in for Vampire Squadron, January 3rd 2003
Squadron News:
The big news this week is that Vampire Squadron got WC's own for January!(at at least that's what's on the WingXI website).  And in the FCHG Race, Vampire kicked butt! LCM Kane Reese won first place, and yours truly got second place. Excellent performance by Vampire Squadron :)  Also, the Pilots of the Immortal ALMOST reached 1000 Missions flown for the month of December...considering how busy the holidays are, that's pretty good. I've updated the Vampire Homepage this week, to include all EH Regulations Links, and Mosh's pic and profile is now up :)
Other News:
Well, we made it through another Holiday Season...woohoo! Other than that, things are pretty quiet :)
Squadron Status/Orders:
Get to your Fighters! Big Comp against Wing III, where the winner gets to change the losers motto and nickname! I don't know about the rest of you, but I don't want those guys messing with our motto OR nickname. The mission is: XWAF-65, and I believe they're due by the 7th of to be safe, have all submissions in by Monday the 6th. I've already flown this, and Mosh has also sent in a submission. Also, Tempest Squadron is looking for a small competition..i'm waiting to hear back from their Commander, so we'll wait and see what happens there.
CM VinDoros
Awarded IS-BW for 2nd place in the FCHG Race
LCM Kane Reese 
Awarded IS-SW for 1st place in the FCHG Race, excellent work!
Activity Reports:
CM VinDoros
CMDR Stuff, Flew XWAF-65 for Comp against Wing III(gonna try to improve score a little), Flew XvT-TC 42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53 and 54, Flew TIE-TC 125, updated the Vampire Homepage, Flew a couple of MP matches (no awards as of yet), and awarded IS-BW
LT Jon Ardan
No Contact-4th week...if you don't email me by Sunday night at the latest, i'll have no choice but to declare you AWOL
LCM Kane Reese
Awarded IS-SW, Flew TIE-TC 144,145,146,147,148,149,150,151,152,153,154,155,156,157,158,159,160,161,162(/me cracks sore knuckles from typing all those numbers)
MAJ Mosh
Flew TIE-TC200, flew XWA-TC 16,and submitted XWAF-65 for Wing III Comp, and also sent out some help mails to Cadets
Bloodsucker of the Week:
For the 6th time, LCM Kane Reese gets Bloodsucker of the Week...He did some massive flying, and with his help, we got WC's own. (slow down dude, or you're gonna get burned out)   :)
Squadron Roster:
NICKNAME: Predators of the Night
BANNER: vampire.jpg
MOTTO: Darkness is our ally

Nickname: Daywalkers
Motto: There are worse things out tonight than the Empire
1) CM VinDoros (
2) TBA
3) LT Jon Ardan (
4) TBA

Nickname: The Nightstalkers
Motto: Like the Vampire of Legend, we cast a shadow of fear into the hearts of our opponents
1) LCM Kane Reese (
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: Silent Assasins
Motto: Quick as Wind, Deadly as Fire
1) MAJ Mosh (
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) TBA

Important Links:
Vampire Squadron Homepage: (still under construction)
Immortal Message Boards:
Vampire Message Boards: 
Wing XI Webpage:
Final Thought:
I'm still working on getting us a few more pilots...hopefully we'll get a couple soon. Also, keep an eye out for pranksters! Someone recently did something to Captain Gutt's Skipray Blastboat(check the Vampire and Falcon Message boards). We don't want anyone doing that stuff to our fighters. And last but not least, a VIP that came aboard the Immortal lost his weener dog. Now, I don't know what happened to the dog...but I DID find a leash and collar near Mosh's Gundark cage..I've...disposed of any evidence implicating the Gundark ;-)  That is all....
That's it for this week....
Take care of yourselves, and each other...Goodnight! (Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!)
***CMDR/CM VinDoros/Vampire/Wing XI/ISD Immortal
***DJK VinDoros (Sith)/CMDR/Tridens of Tarentum

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