Wasp Report # 16 (2002-12-26)

This report was submitted by MAJ Nightmare

CMDR/MAJ Nightmare reporting in for Wasp Squadron, week 12/26/02

16th week of command, last report of the Year

-Kael Dalor has been promoted to LT, congrats!

-I was awarded the BS for reaching 1000 FCHG and got an IS-BR for being runner up in the improvement comp

-ASF SC V starts on the 1st of january so get ready to rock!

-Get ready for ASF SC V, the biggest ASF comp of the year!

-Wasp Trivia comp starts next week : I will put 3 questions in each report, just e-mail me the answers. 1 point for the right answer -1 for the wrong answer and 0 points for no answer.

-The battle of the week is XWA TC 4 it can be downloaded at http://www.emperorshammer.net/battles/battle.asp?record=347 and it is not attached to this e-mail

Public Relations

-Nothing, have a happy Boxing Day!

Flight Leaders corner
Flight 2:

-Coranel is on semi-leave

Flight 3:

-Xuraan is on leave

Recruitment Office

-Recruit As much as possible!!!


-here are the results of the VanComps (winners and runners -up in Bold)

1) Recruitment & Improvment Comp.

Vanguard members are invited to advertise their beloved ship and improve it, bring in new faces, suggest improvements to the running of the ship.
The winner of this comp will be the person who has done most for his/her ship during the time period, this maybe bringing in loads of recuits or simply rocking in Muliplayer comps amounting a mass FCHG points, show the fleet what the members of this ship can do.

WINNER = CMDR/MAJ Drax Remlinger

2) Fly this battle: XWA-IW Battle #32 - The Valiant and the Immortal

WINNER = FM/LCM Narnil/Python gets a IS-SW
RUNNER-UP = FM/LCM A. G. Snijglau/Mantis gets a IS-BW

3) Your new COM need a new type of ship and a new name for her that best suits his lifestyle, so think up a new ship and name, best one chosen will win a IS-SR

Ship- TieDefender
Name- Drunken Tiger

WINNER = CMDR/MAJ Drax Remlinger

4) Design a new Banner/Graphic to be placed at http://www.emperorshammer.net/rosters/view.asp?ship=9 This has to be really cool to better the one that is there now, IS-SR to the best chosen IS-BR to the 2nd best submission.

WINNER = FL/CM Optimus/Hornet
RUNNER-UP = FL/CPT Serge Broskopf/Mantis

Pilot of the week
-LT Kael Dalor for doing 3 IWATS courses and for getting promoted to LT.

Activity Report
CMDR/MAJ Nightmare : Flew lots of battles, Was awarded a BS and an IS-BR

FM/CPT Xander Drax : In contact, updated the web page

FM/LT Talon Karrde : In contact

FL/LCM Coranel Both : In Contact

FM/SL Kael Dalor : Did 3 IWATS courses, was promoted to LT [Pilot of the Week]

FM/LT Pistol : No Contact 2nd week

FM/CPT Face Loran : In contact

FL/LCM Xeraan Rhazzazor : Flew a battle

FM/SL Nept Dorrack : NO CONTACT!!! 4th week, you will be AWOLed

FM/LT Destoval Gin : Retiering from the EH

Squadron Roster
COMMANDER: MAJ Nightmare (n1ghtm4r3@hotmail.com)
NICKNAME: The Emperor's Sting
BANNER: wasp.jpg
MOTTO: Never say die!
MESSAGE BOARD: http://www.ehnet.org/mb/viewforum.php?f=89

Nickname: The Executors
Motto: We stop for no one
1) MAJ Nightmare (n1ghtm4r3@hotmail.com)
2) TBA
3) CPT Xander Drax (xanderdrax_tc@yahoo.com)
4) LT Talon Karrde (DeathsFist@hotmail.com)

Nickname: The Drones of Death
Motto: Pray you never get stung, for our venom is deadly
1) LCM Coranel Both (coranel_both@hotmail.com)
2) LT Kael Dalor (emperorswill@hotmail.com)
3) LT Pistol (pistol_66@yahoo.co.uk)
4) CPT Face Loran (Thorin5@aol.com)

Nickname: The Killer Angels
Motto: Don't cross us, you won't survive
1) LCM Xeraan Rhazzazor (Xeraan@grasekabeln.de)
2) SL Nept Dorrack (hbharris26@aol.com)
3) LT Destavol Gin (Destavol@yahoo.com)
4) TBA

All Sub-Lieutenants should Read this section Carefully:

Getting promoted to full Lieutenant is one of the easyest things to do in your Tie Corps career and it can be done fast. Here is what you can do to get promoted:

-go to http://www.emperorshammer.net/battles/battletypes.asp and download a battle, follow the instructions included with that battle, fly it and send me the pilot file, I will BSF(Battle Submission Form) the file and you will get credit for it. But since we presently do not have the permission to log into the datebase, I canot BSF your pilot files (tfr files for Tie, plt files for XvT and XWA) so you wont get promoted fast this way.

-An other way is to do an IWATS (Imperial Weapons And Tactics School) Course, just go to http://www.emperorshammer.net/iwats.asp and select the cours you want to do. This is probably the best way to get your promotion.

-Another good way is to go online and participat in a Multiplayer Competition, the schedule is located on the lower right hand side of http://www.emperorshammer.net/news.asp This might be the hardest one of them all, because MP is HARD. But it is the one I like the best.

Just remember, do which ever you want, but do it as soon as you can, so that you can become an LT.

Also if you have any problems or difficulties with anything please e-mail me or your Flight Leader (FL)

FCHG/CR Rankings
Gladiator [GLDR] (1000 points)

[1003] MAJ Nightmare
Paladin [PLDN] (300 points)

[357] CPT Xander Drax
Cavalier [CAVL] (150 points)

[157] LCM Xeraan Rhazzazor
Fusilier [FUSL] (75 points)

[83] CPT Face Loran
Lancer [LANC] (25 points)

[34] LT Talon Karrde
Grenadier [GREN] (10 points)

[13] LT Destavol Gin

Veteran 1st (100 points)

· [117] CPT Nightmare

Trainee (1 point)

· [4] LCM Xeraan Rhazzazor

· [1] CPT Xander Drax


Squadron Citations (3):
XWA-TC Battle 1 - Avenger Encounter
XWA-TC Battle 2 - First Contact
XWA-TC Battle 3 - The Darkon Mystery

CMDR/MAJ Nightmare/Wasp/Wing XV/ISD Vanguard
"Avenger Squadron - ASF Escort Squadron - SCIV Squadron Champions"

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