Viper Report # 4 (2002-11-29)

This report was submitted by CM Gistenjunge

Viper Squadron's Report #4, 11/29/02

CMDR's Thoughts
Ever thought that your uniform looks a bit boring and could need a new medal? Well, in december you will have some opportunities to get new medals.
In december the Viper Top Ace Comp will start(details below), Linoge and I set up a Comp for Asp and Viper and LCM Chris Cox is preparing a trivia.
The Asp Viper comp is SP only, that means you have a lot to fly, but I'm sure you all can handle that. All in all there will be 6 battles to fly for all these comps. I know that 6 battles in 4 weeks is tough, but you won't have to fly all of them(except you wanna win :P ). Anyway, it looks good in MSE when I can write pilot X has participated in this comp, that comp and several other competitions.

Last Week I spoke about the best's the VI =)
- ASF Website Creation Comp: Vice Admiral Darksaber, BGCOM of the Aggressor Strike Force, is currently hosting a competition open to all the TIE Corps to design a new site for the Battlegroup. The exact details on this competition can be found at

- Star Wars® Project: Andromeda
20:16 - AD Ender mBind []
ISD IMMORTAL, TIE Corps. -- Inspired by the phenomenal success of the multi-award winning Space Invaders action game series, Spearhawk announces the long awaited arcade, Project: Andromeda for Windows PC: The return to one of interactive entertainment's most successful game concepts. By the incorporation of the acclaimed Open GL 3D API in the development of Project:Andromeda, Spearhawk Software has recreated a critically celebrated action title in the Star Wars Universe with excellent graphic quality.
Project: Andromeda is available for download from the Science Office at

- TIE95 Fix For WinXP
12:09 - FA Priyum Patel []
For those of you having problems getting TIE95 to run under Windows XP, help is at hand. LC Sephiroth has created a fix page located at Enjoy.

Wing/Ship News

- Intrepid XvT MP Competition has started.

- LC Duncan Idaho will resign as WC soon due to RL circumstances. I hope you'll stay around wing XIV Duncan!

Squadron News
- Viper Top Ace Comp will start at 1st december. There will be a SP and a MP part.
SP: I will announce 2 battles, one at the beginning of the month, on in the middle. For each all Vipers have 2 weeks time for completing. The pilot with the highest score in a battle will get #missions points. All others who completed the battle in time will get #missions divided by 2 points. If its a new HighScore it will give a 50% bonus. If two or more pilots have same points, I'll add the battlescore of both battles to chosethe winner.
MP: Each match counts a point. Each win counts 2 points, a win vs the
Commander(me) counts 3 points. A DFC is worth 5 points. most points win. If 2 or more pilots have same points, the one with most DFC's is the winner, if same in this too, the one with most wins is the winner, if that equals too, both will fly each other.
Rewards: winner of SP will get IS-BW, winner of MP will get IS-BW. Total winner will earn the title of Viper Top Ace

- Asp Viper Competition: All pilots from Asp and Viper will fly 4 battles. The comp lasts from 1st to 31st december. Winner is that Pilot, which get highest total score, and medal for fist place will be IS-BW.
WC will be judging, and CMDRs of both Sq's will fly too.

- LCM Chris Cox is preparing a squadron trivia. YAY!!

- LCM Tatsu is working on making characters for anyone how wants one. For further details mail Tatsu at

- CPT Paul accepted to take over the Citation part and he will handle our Squadron Homepage, thanks alot!

- If any is interested in other positions, like CommOfficer, Doctor... drop me a line.

Squadron Status
all but one reported in!! Thats great!

LT Chris Cox has been promoted to LCM. Grats!!
CM Gistenjunge has won some LoC's

New Pilots/Transfers

Pilots on leave


CMDR's Orders

- I want everyone to make an account at and tell me your nick afterwards. You have to make an account there to use all EH related MessageBoards. Communication is important and should rise!!
- Participate in the MP comp wich our COM has set up
- participate in both comps which will start in december.
- fly any battles to gain us more citations
- use our MB at, communication is an important part of squadron life.
- join the wing 14 cantina on IRC, #wingxiv
- have fun

Squadron Activty
CMDR/CM Gistenjunge: email/MB/IRC active; participated in some MP comps; Set up a comp with Asp

FM/LCM Tatsu: email active; doing grafics, btw I need a new flightsuite for my profile(*hint*)

FM/LCM Dion Ellis: email active.

FL/LT Chris Cox: email/MB/IRC active; creating trivia

FM/CPT John Clark: email/IRC active, flew lots of battles!! XvT TC#50, 51, 52, 53 (some maybe HS in some battles) Great Work John!! Go on like this!!

FM/LT Kyle Farenheights: no contact yet, please notify me of your current status.

FL/CPT Paul: email active, is doing Squadron Homepage and will handle the Citation part for Viper.

FM/LT TK-7195: email active
Squadron Roster
COMMANDER: CM Gistenjunge (
NICKNAME: The Venom of the Emperor
MOTTO: The silent bite in the night

Nickname: Sting of Death
Motto: Your destiny is chosen when we arrive.
1) CM Gistenjunge ( #8622
2) LCM Tatsu ( #7141
3) TBA
4) LCM Dion Ellis ( #7763

Nickname: Poison Providers
Motto: Time to run rebel scum.
1) LT Chris Cox ( #9348
2) CPT John Clark (
3) LT Kyle Farenheights ( #9805
4) TBA

Nickname: Venom Flight
Motto: First to bite, last to die
1) CPT Paul ( #6540
2) TBA
3) LT TK-7195 ( #7195
4) TBA

FCHG Ranking
Legionnaire [LGNR] (500 points)
* [651] CPT John Clark
* [629] CPT Paul

Paladin [PLDN] (300 points)
* [379] CM Gistenjunge

Gallant [GALL] (200 points)
* [254] LT Chris Cox

Cavalier [CAVL] (150 points)
* [156] LCM Tatsu
* [154] LCM Dion Ellis

Fusilier [FUSL] (75 points)
* [79] LT TK-7195

Hussar [HUSS] (50 points)
* [51] LT Kyle Farenheights

CR Ranking
Top Ace 4th (250 points)
* [266] CM Gistenjunge

Officer 4th (30 points)
* [34] CPT Paul
Certified (5 points)
* [34] CPT Paul

Trainee (1 point)
* [2] CPT John Clark
* [1] LCM Dion Ellis

* XvT-TC Battle #1 (The Verpine Encounter)
* XvT-TC Battle #2 (Capture of a Murderer)
* XvT-TC Battle #3 (Preparing for Battle)
* XvT-TC Battle #4 (Encounter with the Black Sun)
* XvT-TC Battle #5 (Phoenix Saga)
* XvT-TC Battle #6 (Wolf Pack Aggression)
* XvT-TC Battle #7 (The Resupply)
* XvT-TC Battle #8 (The Loshen Resistance)
* XvT-TC Battle #9 (The Black Sun Incident)
* XvT-TC Battle #10 (Abduction of VA Priyum)
* XvT-TC Battle #11 (Krayt Squadron Training)
* XvT-TC Battle #12 (Odin's Redemption)
* XvT-TC Battle #13 (Graduates, Graduate!)
* XvT-TC Battle #14 (Orion Base Crisis)
* XvT-TC Battle #15 (The Cattle Groups: The Search for Dodgy Dairy)
* XvT-TC Battle #16 (Deep strike at K'atalla)
* XvT-TC Battle #19 (Project B: "the Tie Bomber project")
* XvT-TC Battle #20 (Mysterious People)
* XvT-TC Battle #21 (Project X: "the T-65C A2 project")
* XvT-TC Battle #22 (Rebel Cargo)
* XvT-TC Battle #23 (The ASF Fishing Trip)
* XvT-TC Battle #24 (Princess Tatoka's Meeting)
* XvT-TC Battle #25 (Wing XV: Echo Squadron)
* XvT-TC Battle #26 (INT Shire)
* XvT-TC Battle #29 (Super Elite Encounter)
* XvT-TC Battle #30 (Wing XV: Hornet Squadron)
* XvT-TC Battle #31 (Pirate Scouts)
* XvT-DB Battle #1 (Jedi Academy)
* XvT-DB Battle #2 (Rascar Political Disruption)
* XvT-DB Battle #3 (House Ludo Kressh: Battle for Frondra)
* XWA-TC Battle 1 - Avenger Encounter

that makes a total of 31


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