Wasp Report # 15 (2002-12-20)

This report was submitted by MAJ Nightmare

CMDR/MAJ Nightmare reporting in for Wasp Squadron, week 11/22/02
15th week of command

-Talon Karrde has been promoted to Lieutenant, congrats!

No more news to report this week, it has been an ok week, regarding individual activity (flying) but we have gained 0 pilots.

-I know its the holidays for pretty muche everyone right now, but if you get the chance, try to spend a couple hours behind the stick and get some flying done. If you can't do that (not at your own PC for instance) just do some fiction, participate in a comp or anything else to be active.

-A bit quiet, remember to stay in contact

-The battle of the week is XWA TC 4 it can be downloaded at http://www.emperorshammer.net/battles/battle.asp?record=347 and I have also attached it to this e-mail for those of you that are way too lazy.

Public Relations

-2 FM positions left in Wasp hurry up and get them...

Flight Leaders corner
Flight 2:

-no news from flight 2 (report in please)

Flight 3:

-Xuraan says : [Activity] way to low for the upcomming comp, so get in your Cockpit and start flying. Can't think of anything special this week.

Recruitment Office

- RECRUIT!!!!! 5 days left until our deadline!!!! so move!


-ASF Graphics comp going on, winners get Iron Stars (yay)...

Pilot of the week
-LT Talon Karrde for flying loads of battles, recieving the CoB and for getting promoted

Activity Report
CMDR/MAJ Nightmare : Flew a battle, was on IRC

FM/CPT Xander Drax : In contact

FM/LT Talon Karrde : Flew 7 XWA battles, was promoted to Lieutenant, was awarded the CoB. [pilot of the week]

FL/LCM Coranel Both : In Contact

FM/SL Kael Dalor : In contact, will be doing IWATS course after school exames.

FM/LT Pistol : No Contact

FM/CPT Face Loran : In contact

FL/LCM Xeraan Rhazzazor : Flew a few battles

FM/SL Nept Dorrack : NO CONTACT!!! 3rd week, one week left befor AWOL

FM/LT Destoval Gin : Has been in contact with FL and was on IRC

Squadron Roster
COMMANDER: MAJ Nightmare (n1ghtm4r3@hotmail.com)
NICKNAME: The Emperor's Sting
BANNER: wasp.jpg
MOTTO: Never say die!
MESSAGE BOARD: http://www.ehnet.org/mb/viewforum.php?f=89

Nickname: The Executors
Motto: We stop for no one
1) MAJ Nightmare (n1ghtm4r3@hotmail.com)
2) TBA
3) CPT Xander Drax (xanderdrax_tc@yahoo.com)
4) LT Talon Karrde (DeathsFist@hotmail.com)

Nickname: The Drones of Death
Motto: Pray you never get stung, for our venom is deadly
1) LCM Coranel Both (coranel_both@hotmail.com)
2) SL Kael Dalor (emperorswill@hotmail.com)
3) LT Pistol (pistol_66@yahoo.co.uk)
4) CPT Face Loran (Thorin5@aol.com)

Nickname: The Killer Angels
Motto: Don't cross us, you won't survive
1) LCM Xeraan Rhazzazor (Xeraan@grasekabeln.de)
2) SL Nept Dorrack (hbharris26@aol.com)
3) LT Destavol Gin (Destavol@yahoo.com)
4) TBA

All Sub-Lieutenants should Read this section Carefully:

Getting promoted to full Lieutenant is one of the easyest things to do in your Tie Corps career and it can be done fast. Here is what you can do to get promoted:

-go to http://www.emperorshammer.net/battles/battletypes.asp and download a battle, follow the instructions included with that battle, fly it and send me the pilot file, I will BSF(Battle Submission Form) the file and you will get credit for it. But since we presently do not have the permission to log into the datebase, I canot BSF your pilot files (tfr files for Tie, plt files for XvT and XWA) so you wont get promoted fast this way.

-An other way is to do an IWATS (Imperial Weapons And Tactics School) Course, just go to http://www.emperorshammer.net/iwats.asp and select the cours you want to do. This is probably the best way to get your promotion.

-Another good way is to go online and participat in a Multiplayer Competition, the schedule is located on the lower right hand side of http://www.emperorshammer.net/news.asp This might be the hardest one of them all, because MP is HARD. But it is the one I like the best.

Just remember, do which ever you want, but do it as soon as you can, so that you can become an LT.

Also if you have any problems or difficulties with anything please e-mail me or your Flight Leader (FL)

FCHG/CR Rankings
Executor [EXCR] (750 points)

[956] MAJ Nightmare
Paladin [PLDN] (300 points)

[357] CPT Xander Drax
Cavalier [CAVL] (150 points)

[151] LCM Xeraan Rhazzazor
Fusilier [FUSL] (75 points)

[83] CPT Face Loran
Lancer [LANC] (25 points)

[34] LT Talon Karrde
Grenadier [GREN] (10 points)

[13] LT Destavol Gin

Veteran 1st (100 points)

· [117] CPT Nightmare

Trainee (1 point)

· [4] LCM Xeraan Rhazzazor

· [1] CPT Xander Drax


Squadron Citations (3):
XWA-TC Battle 1 - Avenger Encounter
XWA-TC Battle 2 - First Contact
XWA-TC Battle 3 - The Darkon Mystery

As you have all surely noticed this has been a small report due to the holidays, sorry about all that, until next time!

CMDR/MAJ Nightmare/Wasp/Wing XV/ISD Vanguard

"Avenger Squadron - ASF Escort Squadron - SCIV Squadron Champions"

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