Crusader Report # 17 (2002-12-15)

This report was submitted by CPT Thorn


Commander: CPT Thorn
Squadron XO: CM Repulsor
Net Engineer: CM Devin Taralis
Citations Officer: CM Repulsor
Communication Specialist: CPT Thorn


greets ppl! looks like all CMDRs are late with their WSRs, so why can't i be one of them? :P
nah! to say the truth - i've been on foot for two days now (well - i managed to take some sleep - about 2 hours). i've been writing letters for Amnesty International III Letter Writing Marathon. in my city we managed to write 314 letters. it made me very tired, but i think it was worth my effort :)
this week (once again) i had lots of work - most of them for Amnesty, so i didnt fly much. in fact my battles havent been submited yet. but i'll wait :).
lets go to the news!


-mailer system is back!
-soon CoLs will be coming to town! 7th january might be someone's luck day ;)
-MAJ DarkC has retired from Tartarus' CMDR position. she decided to get back to fighter duty. new Tartarus' CMDR is legendary member (what flatter, eh? :P) of Grey Wolf - Cardinal Khadgar.
welcome back aboard. mates - read his WSR, it's quite interesting.
-Hev is on leave.
-we have SQUADRON PATCH!!! thanks to CPT Girth Snail. quickly download newest version of TTT along with squadron patches.


CPT Thorn - low :( some mb/irc/mail activity. shouting at his squadmates. i flew 2 battles, but havent been submitted yet.

CM Devin Taralis - in contact, working on our homepage; flew XvT TC 42, 43, 44, 45, 48, 49;

CPT Panaka - in contact. Panaka contact me asap. we have matters to discuss.

LCM Durakon Staely - in contact. going to create some XWA missions! good luck!

LT Rowland - in contact. i'm helping him with his duties. lets hope we'll see some flying from him soon.

CM Repulsor - in contact. GOT A PROMOTION!!!!!!!!

LCM Arthur Knight - in contact.

to be honest it comes up that i know little about our recent activities. but i just cant recall any. i guess its truth - we didnt do much this week.

not much progress in FCHG/CR or Citations :(

-this week i'll fly and i'd love to see you following my example.
-try to recruit someone from Daedalus or RSV. we need pilots.
-help Devin create our homepage and Rowland to learn about his duties and procedures.
-fly. we need citations.

and i need some sleep to gain stenght to fly :)

if anyone has anything to add - feel free to reply this mail.


we'll be in touch!

CMDR/CPT Thorn/Crusader/Wing XIII/ISD Grey Wolf

GRD Thorn (Sith)/FM/Tridens of Tarentum

CIV Thorn(RPG)Rogue

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