Ravager Report # 6 (2002-12-11)

This report was submitted by CM Zack Amberam

Hey all and welcome to the 6th Ravager Report.

Transfers: The great and powerful Smitrock has joined RAVAGER. =P A lot of mixed feelings going around... We have lost a great leader but gained a great pilot. =)

Squad News: Ravagers FL spot in flight 3 is open. Ravager has gone from 0 Citations to 11!!! Thanks Smit. =)

Squadron Orders: As always, keep in touch, fly a few battles and recruit!!!!

Squadron Roster:

COL Smitrock (smitrock@viaticam.com)
CM Zack Amberam (snowtrooper85@aol.com)
CM Bryan (SHSBryan@yahoo.com)
LCM Kevin Pryde (kevin_pryde@yahoo.com)
LT Trent Hammerdragon (ahauschildt@shaw.ca)
LT Ullic d'Arcy (mikeeasty@hotmail.com)

Well, that's all folks. Until next time, Bye all!!!! =D

CMDR/CM Zack Amberam/Ravager/Wing XX/ISD Subjugator

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