Mantis Report # 25 (2002-11-28)

This report was submitted by MAJ Drake Jensen


MAJ Drake Jensen reporting in for Mantis Squadron on 11.28.02

Commander's Corner:

-Welcome to another addition of the Mantis weekly report. We lost two pilots and we gained two pilots so our numbers are still the same. Everyone welcome Erryc and Dufar back to Mantis. As you all know by now, Erryc was my first commander here in Mantis and Dufar was flight leader of II Flight before going to the reserves. It is good to have two such excellent pilots added to our already impressive talent. So let's show the Van why Mantis is to be feared and envied! AY! DO MANI!!!

XO's Thoughts:
No report this week.

TAC Report:
No report this week.

Recruitment Officer Report:
No report this week.

Squadron News:

-LCM Dufar Jabar and CPT Erryc Lassiter have returned to us! Let's all give them a traditional Mantis welcome.
-Brosky was promoted to Captain and I was promoted to Major. Congrats on a much deserved promotion Brosky. Now that you are a captain you have to start buying drinks for the lower ranking among us. But like always, your bar tab is on me.
-LCM Krayt is our TAC officer. He will be emailing you all with battle request as soon as the TC site is up and running again.. This is not an order but a request. Even I will be subject to this so I would like you all to try to comply. Remember that this is for the good of the squadron.
-CM Serge Broskopf is my XO. Please cc him on all squadron related things except pilot files.
-We have 35 citations do to the return on Dufar and Erryc. I would like to see us reach 50 citations as soon as possible. So go fly!!!
-Pilot of the week is LCM Dufar Jabar. Congrats man!!! Your bar tab is on me this week.

Wing/Ship News:

-See the wing site for news.

Battlegroup News:

-See the ASF website for news

Squadron Activity:
MAJ Drake Jensen: IRC, AIM, flew Tie TC 109, promoted to major
LCM Dufar Jabar: IRC, AIM, flew XwA TC 29, rejoined Mnatis
COL Garik Hizad: IRC, AIM
CPT Erryc Lasiter: IRC, AIM, rejoined Mantis
CPT Serge Broskopf: IRC, submitted squadron patch, promoted to captain
LCM A. G. Snijglau: IRC

Squadron Roster:

COMMANDER: MAJ Drake Jensen (
NICKNAME: Mad Meg's Servants
BANNER: mantis.jpg
MOTTO: Death's shadow is our home.
Nickname: Intimidators
Motto: From now on, fear will be your only friend!
1) MAJ Drake Jensen (
2) LCM Dufar Jabar (
3) TBA
4) TBA
Nickname: Inquisitors
Motto: Behold your judgement!
1) LCM Krayt (
2) COL Garik Hizad (
3) CPT Erryc Lasitter (
4) TBA
Nickname: Executioners
Motto: We don't care what you did, die you will!
1) CPT Serge Broskopf (
2) LCM A. G. Snijglau (
3) TBA
4) TBA

FCHG Listing:

1 point for every mission flown
1 point for every Legion of Combat earned
1 point for every Iron Star with Bronze Wings earned
2 points for every mission high score
2 points x # of missions in the battle for every battle high score
3 points for every Iron Star with Silver Wings earned
5 points for every Iron Star with Gold Wings earned
10 points for every Iron Star with Platinum Wings earned
Executor [EXCR] (750 points)
[809] MAJ Drake Jensen
Paladin [PLDN] (300 points)
[366] COL Garik Hizad
[310] CPT Erryc Lasitter
Gallant [GALL] (200 points)
[238] CPT Serge Broskopf
Cavalier [CAVL] (150 points)
[170] LCM Dufar Jabar
Dragoon [DRAG] (100 points)
[125] LCM A. G. Snijglau
Fusilier [FUSL] (75 points)
[96] LCM Krayt

Combat Rankings:

Officer 4th (30 points)
[32] CPT Serge Broskopf
Marksman 3rd (15 points)
[19] MAJ Drake Jensen
[18] LCM A. G. Snijglau
Marksman 4th (10 points)
[14] CPT Erryc Lasitter
Certified (5 points)
[7] COL Garik Hizad
[6] LCM Dufar Jabar
[5] LCM Krayt


CMDR/MAJ Drake Jensen/Mantis/Wing XV/ISD Vanguard
PIN #8076

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