Crusader Report # 12 (2002-11-14)

This report was submitted by CPT Thorn

Crusader WSR
25th Oct 2002
reported by: FL/LCM Repulsor/Crusader 3-1/Wing XIII/ISD Grey Wolf

Respected Command Staff, Fellow Wing Members,

This is still only my third or so WSR, so I apologise should it happen to be
a little caotic.


It's always hard to overcome difficulties which come from inside. The
breakdown scandal (I can say that) had shocked the Fleet by heart. Through
many days of dedication and hard work, the Fleet Commander finally managed
to bring the Fleet into motion again. Though the TUGs are still orbiting
around our Star Destroyers, the Battlegroups are ready to strike and bring
the justice whoever dares opposing the TIE Corps. The Aggressor Strike Force
is feared throughout the galaxies for its merciless attacks, the
deathbringing fighters, and its pilots who are still known as the best in
the Fleet. In the heart of the ASF is sitting the infamous Grey Wolf, former
Flagship. She was hit hard by the Fleet Breakdown. The Flag Officers went,
new Flag Officers have arrived. Their goal is simple to write but needs
dedication and thouroughness to achieve: to reclaim the ASF Flagship Title,
and become the Elite Star Destroyer within the Fleet.

Crusader Members, you are part of the ship. The goal of the ship is your
goal, your success is the success of the ship. If you fail, the Grey Wolf
fails. Do not let this happen. Give the Fleet Commander and the Flags the
award of your activity and dedication, which is more invaluable than any
medal the Operations Office may award - the bloom of their work is your
happily spent time in the TIE Corps.


I totally feel with Chrissy. No signs of life around here, but hopefully
this will change. Everyone report in ASAP. I know that Thorn our dear CMDR
is away, and I was silent for nearly a month (just after being awarded with
Wing XIII Pilot Of The Week, uh :P ), but things will change to normal, and
activity shall return to normal, and ABOVE normal!


New Wing Commodore has been selected. Everyone welcome and obey Rear Admiral
Sarin. He already announced some competitions, shiny medals are eager to
jump into your case. So participate!

Latest! Wing Commander Exar Khaland has been removed from his position. I
don't know the exact reasons, and the time was too little to get to know
Exar. I am sorry to see him go. This means also that my competition idea,
the Grey Wolf Trophy is at least postponed if not trashed completely, but I
will go after that.


The CrystalTech Corporation has now more real enemies than any ISPs in the
known galaxy. I am awaiting fictions and created battles on this topic. Best
ones will surely result in medals to their respective owners. For those who
only want to write a few paragraphs for the fiction part, here's a start...

The Bridge of the Sovereign Class Super Star Destroyer was in a normal
activity state. The diplomatic mission with the Trade Association from the
neighbouring galaxy was fully successful. Freighters were being prepped to
depart for cargo delivery.
The Fleet Commander stood above the bridge, and was smiling to himself. So
many years of ravaging political intrigue - and finally: the strongest Fleet
of the history was in his hands, and could crush anyone daring to oppose.
At this moment many red lights lit up down the officers' desks. "Sir, we
have lost contact with the Aggressor Strike Force!" - "Sir, no contact to
the Avenger Strike Force!" - "Sir, no sign of Daedalus Training Platform!"
The Fleet Commander silently dropped a few words. "Check communication
systems. Report on errors immediately. Get me our communication partner
corporation at a glimpse. NOW!"

Respectfully submitted,
FL/LCM Repulsor/Crusader 3-1/Wing XIII/ISD Grey Wolf

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