Python Report # 25 (2005-05-20)

This report was submitted by CPT Frankie

Python Squadron Report for 05-20-2005

Thought for the Week

"The inevitable never happens. It is the unexpected, always."
- Lord Keynes

Squadron News

Greetings all!

Get ready for the Imperial Storm - Empire Ablaze ( ); it will begin tomorrow! So, everyone who is able to fly, clean your fighter and replace its fuel cells... Further orders will follow.

The winner of round six of the Caption Competition is..... CPT Marc Kendoran! Congratulations!!!
The picture for the next round will be posted on the message board tomorrow ( )...

Oh, and CM De Grooz and LCM Ginji; please wake up! We'll need each and every pilot on active duty!



Squadron Orders

* Real Life first (within reason)!
* Fly! (You're pilots, are you not???) Either fly a battle, a free mission, or a duel against another pilot... Or surprise me, and do all three of those things!
* Try to participate in a competition of your choice
* Try to recruit an active (!!!) pilot
* Pass the IWATS course of your choice
* Visit the new Python Squadron forum, and post something! ( )
* Visit the #wing_xv channel on IRC
* Send me an activity-report each friday-morning or -afternoon, informing me of your activities, or lack thereof!!!


Saturday · May 14 · 2005

Iron Mission Creation Update
19:27 - AD Frodo

Sunday May 15th at 1300hrs EST is the Iron Mission Creation FINAL in #TAC! Come and attend in big numbers and see CPT Daar Skeloria Vs. CM Fahrer!

Also, I will need 3 Impartial Judges for Next week's Match between the Iron Mission Creator and the Tactical Officer. Basically those three judges will have to do 3 things:

-Attend the IMC Match between the Champion of the IMC final and the TAC, Next Saturday.
-Work together with the other judges to think of a free mission plotline that will be used for the match.
-Fly the 2 missions that will be made, and judge which is best in collaboration with the other judges.

These judges must be absolutely impartial, absolutely anybody can apply, as long as you own XvT, XWA and TIE. Send applications to !

AND Finally...

I am going to award the Palpatine Crescent to the pilot who submits the most battles and free missions to the Tactical Office in the month of May! Mission Creators! Get to your Editors!

Good luck to all!

New Battle Releases!
18:31 - AD Frodo

XvT TC 113, XvT TC 114, and XvT TC 115 have been released at a mission compendium near you!


I'd also like to adress a small issue regarding the Emperor's Hammer Battle Launcher. I'd just like to remind everybody that it is STRICTLY ILLEGAL to attempt to access the missions of the EH Mission compendium without prior consent of the Tactical Officer.

In english that means that you're not allowed to look at missions with Mission Editors, or fix them with the mission editor unless the TAC tells you to.

If theres a problem with the mission, post a bug report...I'm here for a reason guys. (To fix those bugs).

Sunday · May 15 · 2005

Iron Mission Creation Results!
16:14 - AD Frodo

The Medals have been recommended for the competition and the flying challenge, the missions have been released as TIE Free 256 and XvT Free 188. This round was by far the tightest I've ever had to judge, and it was quite magnificent to fly those two frees...I suggest you all have a look.

I graded on if it was bugless, if it was well designed, and it had to go down to Plotline. I chose the Iron Mission Creator because he accentuated the plotline better then his opponent. Without further useless waiting, I proclaim CPT Daar Skeloria the IRON MISSION CREATOR. He will face the Tactical Officer next week end.

The Winners of last week's flying challenge were COL TK-7764 and LT Blackrage, an IS-BW is heading their way.

I am still looking for Judges for next week's last IMC match between AD Frodo March and CPT Daar Skeloria. Criteria are listed on my previous news post.

Congratulations to all participants! And Congrats to CPT Skeloria!

GOE for COL Wemmel
13:59 - GA Astatine

For his work at Celebration 3, COL Jan Wemmel has been awarded the Grand Order of the Emperor. Congratulations!For his work at Celebration 3, COL Jan Wemmel has been awarded the Grand Order of the Emperor. Congratulations!

Monday · May 16 · 2005

[TO] GET MEDALS! and new PROFs
01:07 - AD Stuart

Congratz to IO Lenvik and CMDR Jarek La'an on their appointments to mIRC scripting and TIE Tactics respectively.

Now... Time for your chance to make some medals.

Once per week, I will be choosing an IWATS course, ANYONE who completes that IWATS Course during that specific week will get an IS-BR.
Also, if you complete at least 2 of 4 IWATS courses selected every 4 weeks at any point during those 4 weeks, you will get an IS-SR in addition to any IS-BRs you may have obtained from completing a course in the appropriate week. Anyone who completes all 4 IWATS courses at any point during that 4 week period will receive an IS-GR in addition to any IS-BRs obtained from completing a course in the appropriate week. Course will not be repeated during each 4 week period, however, they may be reused in subsequent 4 week periods. The course selections will not be made public until the end of each 4 week period HOWEVER the amount of IS-BRs and IS-SRs that have currently been obtained will be released during the 4 week period. Get your academic caps and magnifying glasses out people and get ready to earn some medals! A final note, if anyone is able to get an IS-GR 2 4-week periods in a row AND/OR a total of 4 or more IS-BRs, they will ALSO receive an IS-PR!

IWATS courses can be taken at

Tuesday · May 17 · 2005

New ISD Intrepid Chosen!
13:34 - HA Cyric

After a lengthy search, VA Gidda reports that he has chosen AD Adren Silvori as the new ISD Intrepid COM. AD Adren Silvori brings great experience and knowledge to the Intrepid after having first served in various TC and IW positions along with being a former IWCOM.

Congrats Silvori!

Imperial Storm - Empire Ablaze
08:23 - HA Priyum Patel

Tomorrow marks the start of the TIE Corps' latest Imperial Storm wargame - "Empire Ablaze". The war-game is set to be the most exciting and all-encompassing in EH history. We have teams formed from the 4 Battlegroups, as well as a team combined from the DB's Sith and Infiltrator Wing pilots. As soon as the game starts, you should receive periodic updates from your commanding officers. In addition, I'll be posting major events and news on this new page. I expect battles to be frequent - anyone with TIE, XvT or XWA will be able to participate and ensure their team's domination. As always, awards will be given to all participants at every level.

Those of you intending to fly XWA should make sure you have the "All Flyable Ships" thing installed. You can download it from here. Just put it in your XWA root folder.

New survey up!
06:42 - GA Astatine

I've added a new survey relating to Revenge of the Sith. Login and cast your vote for it!


Caption Competition
Run by CPT Frankie (
Ends: June 1, 2005
Details: Each week a picture is posted in the squadron report and in the forum. Think of a fun caption for the picture, and send it to the squadron commander. The one with the best caption will win an iron star with a bronze ribbon.

ASF High Score Challenge - May 2005
Run by VA Gidda
Ends: May 24, 2005
Details: Fly XWA-Free #112 and/or XvT-Free #137; the pilot with the highest score wins an IS-GW, the runners-up an IS-SW or an IS-BW.

Week of War Incentive
Run by VA Gidda
Ends: December 31, 2005
Details: IS-GW, IS-SW and IS-BW each month for first, second and third in WoW respectively. Also, if anyone from the ASF is first, second or third out of ALL WoW players, they get another IS-GW, IS-SW or IS-BW. Separate medals are given for XvT WoW and XWA WoW.

Let's Sing it!
Run by COL Marcin Szydlowski (
Ends: December 31st, 2005
Details: Each week Marcin will release a few lines from a song. First person to email the correct response gets 4 points, Second gets 3, Third gets 2 and everyone one else gets 1. At the end of the month the pilot with the most points gets an IS-GR, IS-SR to second and IS-BR to third. The Score reset at the end of each month. (I'm not sure if these are going to be in the TAC reports or where, but I'll find out.)

Battlestats XvT Competition

Battlestats XWA Competition


CPT Frankie
Flew XWA-FREE 112 for the ASF Highscore Challenge
Posted on message boards
Email contact
Commander duties

CM Wharfin De Grooz
No contact - please Email me!

CPT Marc Kendoran
Submitted a caption for the Caption Competition
Email contact

LCM Ginji
No contact - please Email me!

Pilot of the Week


Pictute of the Week

This time, for those of you who haven't seen Star Wars III yet: A nice long preview:

(Click on the link)

Squadron Roster

COMMANDER: CPT Frankie ( - #10462
NICKNAME: Hissing Heroes
MOTTO: May the stars part before us

Nickname: Coils of Death
Motto: Once you are in our grip, there is no escape
1) CPT Frankie ( - #10462
2) CM Wharfin De Grooz ( - #10256
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: Python's Fangs
Motto: Our bite will kill anything
1) CPT Marc Kendoran ( - #3914
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: Wrath of Phat Force
Motto: This is one force that you should fear
1) LCM Ginji ( - #11325
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) TBA

Total: 4

Squadron Citations (0)

None; we need more pilots...

FCHG Listings

Legionnaire [LGNR] (500 points)
[531] CPT Frankie

Paladin [PLDN] (300 points)
[366] CPT Marc Kendoran

Dragoon [DRAG] (100 points)
[103] CM Wharfin De Grooz

Combat Ratings

Marksman 2nd (20 points)
[24] CPT Frankie

Trainee (1 point)
[1] CM Wharfin De Grooz

CMDR/CPT Frankie/Python/Wing XV/ISD Vanguard

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