Hades Report # 44 (2005-05-28)

This report was submitted by MAJ Sandor Clegane

HADES REPORT # 44 May 28, 2005 Hades Squadron Weekly Report

Major Clegane Reporting in for Hades Squadron

I am working on a few competition ideas in the coming weeks.

o The Sovereign has won Calamari.
 Starting on May 10th we have two Hades Competitions running:
o Hades Banner Competition
o Hades Assassination Mission Fiction Competition.
o These are almost over, lets get some entries.
 The Sovereign SP Ladder Comp for May has begun. Mission details below.
 Look for a series of comps to celebrate my 1 year anniversary as Hades Commander as well (which will be in July). These Competitions’s will follow the above competitions.

I hope you all like it. I got tired of the other boring format, and hopefully this one lasts awhile. [Note: If you are unable to view this Report as it should appear, go to the TIE Corps page that has Hades Reports @ Hades Squad Reports].

To view Past Hades Reports, go HERE
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From General Turr’s Wing Report:

Sorry for the lack of report last week. I've been feeling really bad physically. I had a real bad cough and shortness of breath...so much so that I have stopped smoking. Anyway, I'm quite a bit better now so let's get on with it. Pay special attention to anything about a comp. :P

~ SA Sarin is the new XO…congrats to you and good luck!
~ Oh, IMPSTORM HAS STARTED! We have a fleet around Telos and Mon Calamari! Unfortunately, we also have company at Mon Calamari…the dreaded TCBG’s! :P See below for some battle info!
~ The MP XWA Battle will be taking place on Thursday 26th May at 10PM GMT / 5PM EST in #isd_predator. The link (http://www.btinternet.com/~spellfire/is_battles1.html) also has the single-player XvT and TIE Mission files along with instructions on how to submit them. Remember that every pilot can influence the survival or destruction of his or her Fleet! If you can, fly for the glory of the Sov! Send all subs directly to VA Stele and CC me and your CMDR.
~ Good job to the current TAC staff for fixing all the bugs in the Mission Compendium! Good job!
~ Applications being accepted for FO:CA
With the promotion of Sarin to XO, I am looking for a new CA for the Flight Office. Since I've decided not to appoint any FOA's at this time, the duties of my CA, though a bit easy in my eyes, are very important to the TC.
-Good e-mail response time, with in 24 hours
-Absolutely NO HCI/SO Convicitons
-Have taken SM/3
-Have a good working knowledge of the TC systems, protocols, and guidlines
-Able to fill in duties for FO when FO is unavailable (Which is rare)
-Able to play nice with others

-Organize and maintain a report schedule for all TC reports
-Able to run the TC meeting weekly in my absence. (Often)
-Able to perform database entries such as recruits, CTs and placements (Will be taught)
-Anything else I decide

I am looking for a highly motivated individual who would in essence be groomed for the FO should I leave, retire or die in office. My preferences would be that the individual have held at least a WC spot or great, however, I will honor any application that comes to me.
When applying Have CA Application in the subject header.

~ COO Open for Applications

The Combat Operations Officer is responsible for creating, organizing, supervising, awarding, and promoting all multiplayer gaming in the Emperor's Hammer. The minimum duty of the office is to provide a multiplayer gaming experience for every member of the Emperor's Hammer that desires this form of entertainment.

Selection Criteria - Essential

  1. An outstanding understanding of all Star Wars Multiplayer Gaming Platforms. In particular XVT/XWA/JO/JA/FW/BF/RC.
  2. An outstanding understanding of the Battlestats website and Week of War competitions.
  3. Experience at some command level
  4. Good written communications skills.
  5. Fast email response time
  6. The ability to work with a wide range of EH personnel, including the Executive Officer and the Fleet Commander
    Selection Criteria - Desirable
  7. Proven experience in running multiple competitions simultaneously
  8. Familiarity with the EH Ladder System and 24/7 LoC submission form

Initial Work Plan

  1. Draft an initial plan of action for when you take over the position of COO. What competitions (internal and extenral) do you plan on creating, what competitions will you revise, and what will be your main focus upon assumption of the position of COO.
    Addressing the Selection Criteria
    When addressing the selection criteria, you must supply supporting evidence to back up your claim of meeting the criteria. A generally accepted model is the STAR model, where you outline a Situation, Task, Action and Resolution relating to the criteria. You should meet at least the essential criteria to be considered for the position.

You must include at least three (3) references in your application. At least one must be a current or former superior (preferably current). Ensure you have their permission first. If it is found out that you have used someone's name without their permission, your application will be disqualified.

Performance Management
Performance will be evaluated in a number of key areas. These include submission of reports, number of complaints from members, online conduct, achieving tasks and duties outlined in the Training Manual, as well as tasks outlined in the EH Tasks List for this position. Above average performance will be rewarded, while below average performance, if continual, will result in removal from the position.

Submitting Your Application
Applications should be directed to the Fleet Commander (fc@emperorshammer.org) and Executive Officer (xo@emperorshammer.org) with the subject "Application for COO". The application should include your response to the selection criteria and other relevant details, such as your ID line and contact details.
~ Week 4 for the Sov SP Ladder is out! Nice job for Sandor in flying it! Come on guys/gals! We can do this! Due date is May 29! Only a few more days left!
TIE-FREE Battle #254 - The Inspection
XvT-FREE Battle #173 - Fury Simulator Challenge
(XvT EHSP version 2.0 is required. Download it from SCO site)
XWA-FREE Battle #75 - Tarentum on Patrol
~ Hades Squadron has a pair of comps going…All members of Hades are asked to participate…after all; this is YOUR squadron we are talking about.
~ The anticipated Wing Readiness Alert Competition (I’ve got a name for it at least. :P) should be starting fairly soon. I’ve been a bit under the weather recently so it’s been tough to figure things out, let alone breathe (yes it was THAT bad). It will be about 6 total missions in total and could be including some fiction. There are currently 2 JA missions in the battle center, for this comp, we’ll be using them…I dunno how they are supposed to be BSF’d…but I guess we’ll find out soon. :P
~ Your assistance is needed for the next Dark Sentinel newsletter! See http://mb.emperorshammer.net/viewtopic.php?t=1026 for details. You can submit fiction, graphics, articles, reviews, etc. They are especially interested in EPIII reviews and your opinions! Submit and CC me and your CMDR with the file(s). All subs should be sent to khadgar1@shaw.ca (AD Khadgar)
~ Also, the CD created a new position called the CEO of the CDNG (it’s a CD corporation). Email khadgar1@shaw.ca and AnimeJWC@earthlink.net if interested.

~ Fly! There are some ongoing comps and one that is upcoming!
~ Recruit! The more people in the club, the better we can be!
~ Have fun!
~ Read up about this week's Rent a Babe! She comes from one of our pilot's favorite TV Shows (or at least one of them). Say hello to Teryl Rothery of Stargate SG1!

To view the Wing Report, go HERE.
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Week #3 Assignment

TIE-FREE Battle #254 - The Inspection

XvT-FREE Battle #173 - Fury Simulator Challenge
XvT EHSP version 2.0 is required. Download it from SCO site

XWA-FREE Battle #75 - Tarentum on Patrol
Due: Sunday May 29th, to your Wing Commanders.


-Pilots need XWA, of course, but they also need it running on the internet where they can connect without any issues. I can form a team and have us meet on a date for practice where we can then resolve any connectivity issues.

-We will use the communication client Teamspeak, which means you'll need a microphone. You can download the client at the Teamspeak server here http://www.goteamspeak.com/news.php

-Email me if you are interested and I will try to get a practice session in this Saturday, May 7th.

To view the Sov Report, go HERE.
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COMMA Open to Applications
20:27 - AD Joey C
Due to RL constraints, I have fallen behind in my duties to the point where even I am appalled :P
To this end, I am opening up the position of COMMA to applications from applicants willing to apply.

All applicants that apply must be willing to perform the following duties.
• Updating the moderators on the Message Boards
• Keeping the COMM website up to date
• Working with the COMM... that's right... it's not as easy as it sounds!
• Any other duties I feel like foisting off onto you
You of course will be rewarded for your efforts... opens his spare barrel of COMM cookies
All applicants should send their applications to ehcomm@gmail.com with the subject "The cookie told me to!"
That's all for now, unless I think of something else
Imperial Storm - Battle Results
07:20 - HA Priyum Patel
The results are finally in for the Battles that took place at the end of Turn 1 -
The ASF was beaten by the Sith Fleet, who now claim the planet of Ryloth. The Sith SP scores were also higher than the ASF, so they get to save 600 points worth of ships lost in the XWA MP battle. The highest TIE scoring Sith pilot was Zethy and the highest XvT scoring Sith pilot was Gidda. On the ASF side, the highest TIE scorer was Blackrage, who also scored the highest for XvT.
In the other battle, the Sovereign claimed victory over the TCBG, but only after suffering heavy losses themselves. For their pains, they have now captured the planet of Mon Calamari. The TCBG scored higher in the SP averages and so may now save 520 points from their otherwised destroyed Fleet. The highest TIE scoring Sov pilot was Tempest. For the TCBG, it was Landeux on both platforms.
Turn 2 was relatively quiet with planets being captured and pacified, and Fleets tending to their wounds. The game continues...
Freeworlds - Training Days
06:28 - HA Priyum Patel
The Empire will be holding regular training sessions each week on Sundays at 10PM GMT / 5PM EST. The place will be Bastion Planet. Each week will have a different theme to it - capship killing, escort, transport docking etc.

If you do attend, please email (spellfire@btinernet.com) me your name so I can put you up for Legions of Combat.
[TO] FLEET COMP and New Course
00:33 - AD Stuart
Fleetwide Competition:
I would like to remind everyone of the FLEET WIDE Education competition running for the next 7 weeks. MANY medals are available to be won ranging from IS-BR to IS-PR and you are not competing against other people to get them! (Work together... hint hint) Details and HINTS for this competition can be found here:


New Course:
I would like to announce that the NEW TAC course to replace XTM/2, TT/2, TACS, will be released shortly!! Stay tuned to the TO report, ehtiecorps.org and ImperialAcademy.org for news!
TAC Staff Openings
21:38 - AD Frodo
Oh yay! Its that time again, I'm taking applications for TAC staff. The following positions are open, their requirements are listed underneath.
XvT, XWA, and TIE TCS (Beta Tester)
-Good knowledge of the three platforms mentioned above.
-Willing to pass IWATS MCBS when it is released (Grr...Stu! :P)
-Able to complete 3 assignements ranging from 1 to 8+ missions within two weeks.
I will be looking for about 3 or 4 more Testers, I'd like them to be VERY active this time. Remember that it isn't just a reason to bloat your ID line, I make sure that you only get the ID line addition if you deserve it. Also, its the number one way to become a tactician, which corrects battles.
Applications go to AD Frodo March (tac@emperorshammer.org) and VA Master (slavelet@iinet.net.au) with the subject "I want to be a TAC lackey!"
Thank you!
Some New Frees
21:13 - AD Frodo
XvT Free 189, XvT Free 190, XvT Free 191 and BoP Free 34 have been released! Check them out at a mission compendium near you!
Any betatest files can be sent to me for processing!
Dark Sentinel
19:30 - AD Khadgar
Your assistance is needed for the next Dark Sentinel newsletter! See http://mb.emperorshammer.net/viewtopic.php?t=1026 for details.
CD Site Update
19:27 - AD Khadgar
The CD site can be accessed from
COO Open for Applications
15:27 - SA Khameir Sarin
The Combat Operations Officer is responsible for creating, organizing, supervising, awarding, and promoting all multiplayer gaming in the Emperor's Hammer. The minimum duty of the office is to provide a multiplayer gaming experience for every member of the Emperor's Hammer that desires this form of entertainment.
Selection Criteria - Essential

  1. An outstanding understanding of all Star Wars Multiplayer Gaming Platforms. In particular XVT/XWA/JO/JA/FW/BF/RC.
  2. An outstanding understanding of the Battlestats website and Week of War competitions.
  3. Experience at some command level
  4. Good written communications skills.
  5. Fast email response time
  6. The ability to work with a wide range of EH personnel, including the Executive Officer and the Fleet Commander
    Selection Criteria - Desirable
  7. Proven experience in running multiple competitions simultaneously
  8. Familiarity with the EH Ladder System and 24/7 LoC submission form
    Initial Work Plan
  9. Draft a initial plan of action for when you take over the position of COO. What competitions (internal and extenral) do you plan on creating, what competitions will you revise, and what will be your main focus upon assumption of the position of COO.
    Addressing the Selection Criteria
    When addressing the selection criteria, you must supply supporting evidence to back up your claim of meeting the criteria. A generally accepted model is the STAR model, where you outline a Situation, Task, Action and Resolution relating to the criteria. You should meet at least the essential criteria to be considered for the position.
    You must include at least three (3) references in your application. At least one must be a current or former superior (preferably current). Ensure you have their permission first. If it is found out that you have used someone's name without their permission, your application will be disqualified.
    Performance Management
    Performance will be evaluated in a number of key areas. These include submission of reports, number of complaints from members, online conduct, achieving tasks and duties outlined in the Training Manual, as well as tasks outlined in the EH Tasks List for this position. Above average performance will be rewarded, while below average performance, if continual, will result in removal from the position.
    Submitting Your Application
    Applications should be directed to the Fleet Commander (fc@emperorshammer.org) and Executive Officer (xo@emperorshammer.org) with the subject "Application for COO". The application should include your response to the selection criteria and other relevant details, such as your ID line and contact details.
    Imperial Storm - Turn One Battles
    09:59 - HA Priyum Patel
    It's only the end of Turn One and we already have two battles to play out in Imperial Storm! Fleets have arrived in orbit around several planets in a bid to capture them for vital victory points. For full details please go here

The MP XWA Battle will be taking place on Wednesday 25th May at 10PM GMT / 5PM EST in #isd_predator. The above link also has the single-player XvT and TIE Mission files along with instructions on how to submit them. Remember that every pilot can influence the survival or destruction of his or her Fleet!

Do NOT use sco.emperorshammer.net
20:09 - FA Ender mBind
Since we have lost access to the SCO site at emperorshammer.net over a month ago and because it does not seem as if we will regain it any time soon, the site is basically discontinued. This means files there are outdated, which in turn means you may encounter bugs that have already been resolved or download files that have been replaced all together - causing compatibility problems.
So for as long as minos.net remains operational, please use sco.minos.net.
Operation Anteater Status: Complete
15:48 - AD Frodo
It is with great pride and joy that I hereby announce that Operation Anteater is complete! There is only one remaining bug report on the mission compendium for XW-CD 1, but that perticular bug will be fixed momentarily, and I count it more as a flaw with the betatesting staff than anything else.
I would like to thank the Anteater staff that worked tirelessly on this project, they are the following:
AD Frodo March - XvT/BoP/TIE/XWA tactician, worked countless bugs
VA Master - XWA tactician, fixed nearly 90% of the XWA bugs
VA Locke Setzer - TIE/XW tactician, worked out about 75% of the TIE bugs.
VA Gidda - Some help with fixing up the XWA bugs
MAJ Deimos - Validated many, many bugs in the XWA section.
CM Brukhar - Some on demand work for the XvT and TIE departments
LC Apophis Kuma - A bit of help in the TIE department
Medals were recommended for all of these fine gentlemen. I'd also like to thank all of the membership of the Emperor's Hammer for posting bugs, because if you guys didn't find the bugs, then we wouldn't know what to fix!
Also... I've noticed that usually these projects are fruitless, as in, we fix all the bugs, and then sit on our bums and watch for another few years and make another project like this one. That is the old way, as of this day, May 22nd 2005, I proclaim that my TAC staff and I will NEVER let bugs plague our mission compendium again. AS OF NOW, EVERY BUG THAT IS REPORTED WILL BE INVESTIGATED, AND CORRECTED IF NEEDED WITHIN TWO WEEKS. Within two weeks, if you do not receive e-mail notification that the bug was fixed, or that the report was ignored within two weeks then...I don't know, because its not going to happen.
Once again, thanks to the staff, you've done some excellent work!

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Hades Banner Compeitition
Start: May 10, 2005 at 01:00
End: June 11, 2005 at 00:00
Designer of best looking Banner will be awarded a Iron Star w/ Bronze Ribbon.

Best design chosen by vote of Squadron, WC, and COM.

Status: Running

Hades Assassination Mission Fiction Comp
Start: May 10, 2005 at 01:00
End: June 11, 2005 at 00:00
Write a short fiction story about Hades Mission to assassinate a New Republic Admiral in a nearby system.
No min./max. length, but be reasonable.
Best story writer gets IS-BR, as chosen by CMDR, WC, and COM.
Status: Running

Sovereign SP Ladder
Start: May 01, 2005 at 01:00
End: May 29, 2005 at 01:00
Sovereign SP Ladder

May 2005

Week #3 Assignment

TIE-FREE Battle #254 - The Inspection

XvT-FREE Battle #173 - Fury Simulator Challenge
XvT EHSP version 2.0 is required. Download it from SCO site

XWA-FREE Battle #75 - Tarentum on Patrol

TIE-FREE Battle #255 - The Defector

XvT-FREE Battle #187 - Saving VA Master's Father

XWA-FREE Battle #113 - Battlegroup VII Relocation

Week 1 Assignment

TIE-FREE Battle #252 - The Promotion Party of AD BubbaX

XvT-FREE Battle #182 - Save the ISD Vanguard

XWA-FREE Battle #115 - Moshes Diversion

Medals to be awarded:

Iron Star Gold Wing to highest scoring pilot of the ship.

Iron Star Silver Wing to highest scoring pilot of the highest scoring wing (if this is the Highest Scoring Pilot then it is awarded to the next highest scoring pilot).

Iron Star Bronze Wing awarded to the highest scoring pilot of the highest scoring squadron on the ship.

Sovereign May 2005 SP Ladder will last 4 weeks, one mission per platform per week. Scores are accumulated to determine winners.
Status: Running

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CMDR/MAJ Clegane
--on IRC
-Flew XWA Free 75 for Sov May Ladder
-Flew XWA-DB 4 and XWA-DB 3
-Updated/tweaked Hades Site.

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• Fly!!
• Report In.
• Recruit, Recruit, Recruit.
• Participate in Sov SP Ladder
• Participate in upcoming Hades Comps
• BATTLE ALLERT !!! Participate in Imperial Storm For SOV!!
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This is where I can rant and rave. 
Lets get our arses in gear!!

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Squadron Aces
I really want to get this Squadron Ace section going. Lets do something ‘bout that pilots.
Ace of the Week

Ace of the Month

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COMMANDER: MAJ Sandor Clegane
NICKNAME: Raven Guard
HOMEPAGE: http://hades-squad.minos.net
MESSAGE BOARD: http://mb.emperorshammer.net/viewforum.php?f=60


  1. MAJ Sandor Clegane
  2. TBA
  3. SL Hirikka
  4. TBA


  1. CM Armagon
  2. MAJ Phoenix Berkana
  3. COL Bilbo
  4. CPT Matt Patrick


  1. LCM Raistlin
  2. TBA
  3. TBA
  4. TBA

Total: 7

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Major Sandor Clegane

"The Hound"

CMDR/MAJ Sandor Clegane/Hades/Wing VII/SSSD Sovereign

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