Rage Report # 1 (2005-04-24)

This report was submitted by CM Loyol Xeon

Rage Weekly Squadron Report

[Word for good start]
Umm, yes it is my first report and it is late. Not the best way to start off with a CMDR career, don't you think? I have to apoligize - I was away from my place and I didn't excuse myself of it. It won't happen again.

Anyway, I'd like to thank LT Claus Shteiner for responding to my email. Thanks, you make my squadron commanding a lot easier. And guys - stop being lazy. xeon@eh-atf.net is always open for your opinions, questions, reports and such.

[TIE Corps News]

- Tactical Competition Update
14:35 - AD Frodo
TIE Free 252 and TIE Free 253 have been released. These are the round #3 IMC missions.

Round #4 of IMC will be taking place this sunday at 14h30 EST in #tac between LC Mouse Droid (!) and CM Fahrer. Be there, or be Square!

Also a public annoucement for Operation Anteater: XvT bugs are no longer...in fact...what is an XvT bug? :P

09:41 - HA Cyric
It is my pleasure to announce that PRAETORIAN is the recipient of the first ever TCCOM's OWN ESCORT SQUADRON!
Through their hard work and dedication as a squadron, they have worked together becoming one of the most active squadrons in the Tie Corps!

Congrats to you Praetorian!

- EH Ladders Return
19:53 - FA Khameir Sarin
The Combat Operations Office is proud to present the 2nd Installment of the EH Ladder System. You can find the new website at http://coo.emperorshammer.net/ladder/. Also, be sure to log into our new login system called EHLS at http://coo.emperorshammer.net/ehls/. All subgroups are welcomed to use the ladders for any competitions they desire! Everyone be sure to thank Reblet for his hard working getting the new sites up and running!

- Flight Office Site moved
New location for Flight Office is http://flightoffice.ehnet.org

- NL 106 released!
Newsletter 106 is out. You can download it or view it online

- Combat Operations Office Updates
The following are updates that have recently been suggested and are now completed on the COO Website. Be sure to check them out!

1. 24/7 Submission Form Updated and working.
2. IWATS MP updated to include all changes since the conception of the course.
3. Contacted the Rebel Squadrons to discuss Outerrim Night Revival.
4. Updated the Heroes page to include OHC Scoser.
5. Updated rules to include FreeWorlds on the Rules Page.
6. Updated URL of IWATS MP to show the non minos account.
7. Updated Week of War userguide to include the Errant Venture Chat Program that has replaced the Zone.
8. Updated #ehcoc userguide to explain 24/7 and to remove all Bot references.
9. Updated Frequently asked questions section.
10. Updated Rules to include a limit on how many times two people can fly one another in a day and information on LAN matches.

- Celebration 3 donations
Donations for Celebration III have reached 700$ :)

[ATF News]
- Loyol Xeon (me!) has been promoted to CM and appointed Rage CMDR.
- RA Reese is on LoA now, so the AvD competition is paused until today.
- Look out for song lyrics in our BGCom's reports!
- CPT Jan Pietier went to reserves. Rage salute you!
- Recruitment IS a priority!

[Rage Activity]
CM Loyol Xeon - participated in AvD, started getting acknowledged with his duties, some IRC activity
LT Claus Shteiner - compleded battles XWA-TC:2,5,7,8,13,33
LT Kolos Murdock - Please, do contact me
CPT Alsdyr - Please, contact me

COMMANDER: CM Loyol Xeon (xeon@eh-atf.net)
NICKNAME: Imperial Partisans
BANNER: rage.jpg
MOTTO: Your butt is ours, so kiss it goodbye!
HOMEPAGE: http://rage.eh-atf.net
MESSAGE BOARD: http://mb.emperorshammer.net/viewforum.php?f=40

Nickname: Knife of the Avenger
Motto: If it flies, it dies.
1) CM Loyol Xeon (xeon@eh-atf.net)
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: The Ghosts of the Night
Motto: We own your talent!
1) TBA
2) TBA
3) LT Claus Shteiner (myrnokkr@yandex.ru)
4) TBA

Nickname: Lightning of Death
Motto: Speed, Honor, Victory.
1) LT Kolos Murdock (doug_27_mobley@freakmail.de)
2) TBA
3) CPT Alsdyr (lordvadyr@yahoo.com)
4) TBA

[Promotions and medals]
Loyol Xeon promoted to CM and appointed CMDR

Partiipate in AvD and do at least 1 event in BJ
Contact me at least once weekly and respond to my addresses

Respectfully submitted,

Commander Loyol Xeon of Rage Squadron

CMDR/CM Loyol Xeon/Rage/Wing XVIII/SSD Avenger

Acolyte Inigo Xeon Calavera of House Gladius

Apprentice of DJK Nyykl Orzon
BTM/ACO Inigo Xeon Calavera/Mystics of the Black Sword/Gladius/Tarentum

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